$300 for a man you were gonna punch in the jaw the next time you saw him! | |
'I'm in the ring, I'll start boxing and hope to get a good punch in.' | |
*A punch in the nose! | |
- A punch in the head. | |
- Can you punch in? | |
$300 for a man you were gonna punch in the jaw the next time you saw him! | |
'I'm in the ring, I'll start boxing and hope to get a good punch in.' | |
*A punch in the nose! | |
- A punch in the head. | |
- Can you punch in? | |
Balboa landed 9 to 13 punches in that round. | |
Bruising suggests the victim actually got a few punches in. | |
Dials up, punches in the code, deactivates... | |
Get the punches in. That's it. | |
Got a few punches in. | |
Balboa landed 9 to 13 punches in that round. | |
Bruising suggests the victim actually got a few punches in. | |
Dials up, punches in the code, deactivates... | |
Get the punches in. That's it. | |
Got a few punches in. | |
"Everybody's got one till they get punched in the mouth." ♪ ♪ Well, well, well. | |
"Hey I get punched in the face with one of those things in it's going to staple my nose to the back of my skull. | |
"I got a headache," as you would when you get punched in the face, | |
"l got punched in the nose... | |
"why did I just get punched in the face?" | |
- (buttons bleep) - I'm punching in the wrong codes. | |
- Aah! - Someone's punching in the code from the outside. | |
And she came ripping of the clothes punching in the eye | |
Are you punching in or something? | |
Assuming the motherboard's still intact, we can see what addresses she was punching in. | |
"Everybody's got one till they get punched in the mouth." ♪ ♪ Well, well, well. | |
"Hey I get punched in the face with one of those things in it's going to staple my nose to the back of my skull. | |
"I got a headache," as you would when you get punched in the face, | |
"l got punched in the nose... | |
"why did I just get punched in the face?" | |
- (buttons bleep) - I'm punching in the wrong codes. | |
- Aah! - Someone's punching in the code from the outside. | |
And she came ripping of the clothes punching in the eye | |
Are you punching in or something? | |
Assuming the motherboard's still intact, we can see what addresses she was punching in. | |