It is a time for you to take a stand, Da'an. Cast off your misspend loyalties to Zo'or, and join me. | |
Nagin says the city did not misspend any federal funds and that Noah home remediation program was legitimate. | |
It is a time for you to take a stand, Da'an. Cast off your misspend loyalties to Zo'or, and join me. | |
Nagin says the city did not misspend any federal funds and that Noah home remediation program was legitimate. | |
# Redeem my misspent time that's past # | |
'I never knew an idle day, a misspent hour, 'a single moment without some sense of purpose. | |
- 'It's a long story, Matty boy. 'But right now it's payback time on that misspent youth I funded.' | |
- A misspent life, sir. | |
- A misspent youth and three years in vice. | |
# Redeem my misspent time that's past # | |
'I never knew an idle day, a misspent hour, 'a single moment without some sense of purpose. | |
- 'It's a long story, Matty boy. 'But right now it's payback time on that misspent youth I funded.' | |
- A misspent life, sir. | |
- A misspent youth and three years in vice. | |