"When that April with his showers sweet... "the drought of March hath pierced to the root... "and bathed every vein in such liqueur... | |
(Becky) So I made a raspberry and orange liqueur gel with orange flower water. | |
(Monti) Raspberry gelatin with raspberries, with raspberry liqueur. | |
- A glass of liqueur to the marshal. | |
- A liqueur, from plants. | |
"When that April with his showers sweet... "the drought of March hath pierced to the root... "and bathed every vein in such liqueur... | |
(Becky) So I made a raspberry and orange liqueur gel with orange flower water. | |
(Monti) Raspberry gelatin with raspberries, with raspberry liqueur. | |
- A glass of liqueur to the marshal. | |
- A liqueur, from plants. | |
Andre, coffee and liqueurs when we're done. | |
As for liqueurs I have cognac in my room. OK? | |
Fish risotto, sea bream, chips, coffee and liqueurs... | |
Groceries and liqueurs. | |
How do you think all the timeless liqueurs got invented, eh? | |
Andre, coffee and liqueurs when we're done. | |
As for liqueurs I have cognac in my room. OK? | |
Fish risotto, sea bream, chips, coffee and liqueurs... | |
Groceries and liqueurs. | |
How do you think all the timeless liqueurs got invented, eh? | |