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Give birth (to ) conjugation

50 examples
This verb can also mean the following: become the female parent of, become the source of, release live offspring from the, become, release

Conjugation of give birth

you all
Present Simple
give birth
give birth
gives birth
give birth
give birth
give birth
Future Simple
will give birth
will give birth
will give birth
will give birth
will give birth
will give birth
Past Simple
gave birth
gave birth
gave birth
gave birth
gave birth
gave birth
Conditional Simple
would give birth
would give birth
would give birth
would give birth
would give birth
would give birth
you all
Present Progressive
am giving birth
are giving birth
is giving birth
are giving birth
are giving birth
are giving birth
Future Progressive
will be giving birth
will be giving birth
will be giving birth
will be giving birth
will be giving birth
will be giving birth
Past Progressive
was giving birth
were giving birth
was giving birth
were giving birth
were giving birth
were giving birth
Conditional Progressive
would be giving birth
would be giving birth
would be giving birth
would be giving birth
would be giving birth
would be giving birth
you all
Present Perfect
have given birth
have given birth
has given birth
have given birth
have given birth
have given birth
Future Perfect
will have given birth
will have given birth
will have given birth
will have given birth
will have given birth
will have given birth
Past Perfect
had given birth
had given birth
had given birth
had given birth
had given birth
had given birth
Conditional Perfect
would have given birth
would have given birth
would have given birth
would have given birth
would have given birth
would have given birth
Present Perfect Progressive
have been giving birth
have been giving birth
has been giving birth
have been giving birth
have been giving birth
have been giving birth
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been giving birth
will have been giving birth
will have been giving birth
will have been giving birth
will have been giving birth
will have been giving birth
Past Perfect Progressive
had been giving birth
had been giving birth
had been giving birth
had been giving birth
had been giving birth
had been giving birth
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been giving birth
would have been giving birth
would have been giving birth
would have been giving birth
would have been giving birth
would have been giving birth

Examples of give birth

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
" Killing that nigger gave me no more discomfort than our wives endure when they give birth to our children."
"A young woman will conceive and give birth to a son. "
"A young woman will conceive and give birth to a son."
"Careful, darling! Don't give birth here.
"Do I have the self-confidence To give birth and raise it All alone?"
" Killing that nigger gave me no more discomfort than our wives endure when they give birth to our children."
"A young woman will conceive and give birth to a son. "
"A young woman will conceive and give birth to a son."
"Careful, darling! Don't give birth here.
"Do I have the self-confidence To give birth and raise it All alone?"
"A barren cow gives birth to a bullock..."
"And sin, when it is fully grown, gives birth to death."
"Conversation gives birth to a celebration
"Eve" in Arabic and the Semitic languages means "one who gives birth."
"Lady in Borneo gives birth to a litter of 1 3."
"A barren cow gives birth to a bullock..."
"And sin, when it is fully grown, gives birth to death."
"Conversation gives birth to a celebration
"Eve" in Arabic and the Semitic languages means "one who gives birth."
"Lady in Borneo gives birth to a litter of 1 3."
" Shi-ro:" Fourth-Son. It is about my son, Shiro, whom Princess Yu gave birth to this spring...
"A cat last week gave birth to a litter of snakes."
"And she gave birth to her firstborn son.
"And when I gave birth, Karna and all her coven helped me."
"Friday the 13th" gave birth to one of the greatest cinematic villains of our time.
" Shi-ro:" Fourth-Son. It is about my son, Shiro, whom Princess Yu gave birth to this spring...
"A cat last week gave birth to a litter of snakes."
"And she gave birth to her firstborn son.
"And when I gave birth, Karna and all her coven helped me."
"Friday the 13th" gave birth to one of the greatest cinematic villains of our time.
"She was with Tom Dempsey, for crying out loud... "the most ruthless mob boss New York has ever given birth to."
"Thank you for having given birth to Sae, and for staying with me till the end."
"Thomson has unwittingly given birth "to a new form, which can only be described as... "...super-realism.
"but you've given birth to a healthy, seven-pound dictionary.
"the queen has given birth to an Italian child... lies, all lies, Maria is without guilt!
"After childbirth, Oshizu weakened... "...and she died after giving birth to this child
"Here I sit, uh, cheeks a-flexin'... "giving birth to a baby Texan."
"It's like giving birth-- you forget the pain, "and can't wait to do it again next year.
"On April the 12th I am giving birth and whatever comes out, I'm handing to you..."
(Wailing loudly) You know, when I close my eyes, it's almost like a horse giving birth. (Jules sighs) Ahh!
"She was with Tom Dempsey, for crying out loud... "the most ruthless mob boss New York has ever given birth to."
"Thank you for having given birth to Sae, and for staying with me till the end."
"Thomson has unwittingly given birth "to a new form, which can only be described as... "...super-realism.
"but you've given birth to a healthy, seven-pound dictionary.
"the queen has given birth to an Italian child... lies, all lies, Maria is without guilt!
"After childbirth, Oshizu weakened... "...and she died after giving birth to this child
"Here I sit, uh, cheeks a-flexin'... "giving birth to a baby Texan."
"It's like giving birth-- you forget the pain, "and can't wait to do it again next year.
"On April the 12th I am giving birth and whatever comes out, I'm handing to you..."
(Wailing loudly) You know, when I close my eyes, it's almost like a horse giving birth. (Jules sighs) Ahh!

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