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Cross over (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: pass, abstract, pass from one side

Conjugation of cross over

you all
Present Simple
cross over
cross over
crosses over
cross over
cross over
cross over
Future Simple
will cross over
will cross over
will cross over
will cross over
will cross over
will cross over
Past Simple
crossed over
crossed over
crossed over
crossed over
crossed over
crossed over
Conditional Simple
would cross over
would cross over
would cross over
would cross over
would cross over
would cross over
you all
Present Progressive
am crossing over
are crossing over
is crossing over
are crossing over
are crossing over
are crossing over
Future Progressive
will be crossing over
will be crossing over
will be crossing over
will be crossing over
will be crossing over
will be crossing over
Past Progressive
was crossing over
were crossing over
was crossing over
were crossing over
were crossing over
were crossing over
Conditional Progressive
would be crossing over
would be crossing over
would be crossing over
would be crossing over
would be crossing over
would be crossing over
you all
Present Perfect
have crossed over
have crossed over
has crossed over
have crossed over
have crossed over
have crossed over
Future Perfect
will have crossed over
will have crossed over
will have crossed over
will have crossed over
will have crossed over
will have crossed over
Past Perfect
had crossed over
had crossed over
had crossed over
had crossed over
had crossed over
had crossed over
Conditional Perfect
would have crossed over
would have crossed over
would have crossed over
would have crossed over
would have crossed over
would have crossed over
Present Perfect Progressive
have been crossing over
have been crossing over
has been crossing over
have been crossing over
have been crossing over
have been crossing over
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been crossing over
will have been crossing over
will have been crossing over
will have been crossing over
will have been crossing over
will have been crossing over
Past Perfect Progressive
had been crossing over
had been crossing over
had been crossing over
had been crossing over
had been crossing over
had been crossing over
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been crossing over
would have been crossing over
would have been crossing over
would have been crossing over
would have been crossing over
would have been crossing over

Examples of cross over

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Cross deck," sir, means to cross over and join the troops that have come to replace you.
"Hold my hand and we'll cross over together."
"I keep thinking if I cross the street I'll run into her," "so I cross over;" "then I decide if I cross back over I'll see her,"
"Let's cross over."
"Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, promises freedom to... negroes who cross over to the British side."
"Cross deck," sir, means to cross over and join the troops that have come to replace you.
"Hold my hand and we'll cross over together."
"I keep thinking if I cross the street I'll run into her," "so I cross over;" "then I decide if I cross back over I'll see her,"
"Let's cross over."
"Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, promises freedom to... negroes who cross over to the British side."
And I may just be the first girl who crosses over from our side of the room to the...
And now with what we've discovered about how that girl crosses over, we're about to turn the tide. Only one world can survive.
And then a latently aggressive male finally crosses over to overt violence because she validates and encourages his basest fantasies.
Announcer: Outside to lin, crosses over ridnour, And hits.
At the ferry crossing, he sees this old Mexican ferryman, all dressed in rags... pays him a nickel, crosses over, doesn't think much of it.
And I may just be the first girl who crosses over from our side of the room to the...
And now with what we've discovered about how that girl crosses over, we're about to turn the tide. Only one world can survive.
And then a latently aggressive male finally crosses over to overt violence because she validates and encourages his basest fantasies.
Announcer: Outside to lin, crosses over ridnour, And hits.
At the ferry crossing, he sees this old Mexican ferryman, all dressed in rags... pays him a nickel, crosses over, doesn't think much of it.
"At 10:30 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. 'W' crossed over by post box to avoid Miss 'G.'
"Earthbound spirits," my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over yet because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help.
"The wolf pack had at last crossed over from the land of streams and timber... "and invaded Buck's valley.
"for Virgil to return tomorrow at the place where he crossed over, at the time of the crossing.
#This rover crossed over.#
"Question of crossing over physically versus mentally.
"only a crossing over to the Father."
'Cause you're crossing over a new boundary.
(TV) We're crossing over live now to Union Square, where the prime minister will address the nation.
- Emily knows you blame yourself for her crossing over, and she says it's very silly. - And she wants to put your mind at rest.
"At 10:30 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. 'W' crossed over by post box to avoid Miss 'G.'
"Earthbound spirits," my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over yet because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help.
"The wolf pack had at last crossed over from the land of streams and timber... "and invaded Buck's valley.
"for Virgil to return tomorrow at the place where he crossed over, at the time of the crossing.
#This rover crossed over.#
"Question of crossing over physically versus mentally.
"only a crossing over to the Father."
'Cause you're crossing over a new boundary.
(TV) We're crossing over live now to Union Square, where the prime minister will address the nation.
- Emily knows you blame yourself for her crossing over, and she says it's very silly. - And she wants to put your mind at rest.

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