"Cross deck," sir, means to cross over and join the troops that have come to replace you. | |
"Hold my hand and we'll cross over together." | |
"I keep thinking if I cross the street I'll run into her," "so I cross over;" "then I decide if I cross back over I'll see her," | |
"Let's cross over." | |
"Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, promises freedom to... negroes who cross over to the British side." | |
"Cross deck," sir, means to cross over and join the troops that have come to replace you. | |
"Hold my hand and we'll cross over together." | |
"I keep thinking if I cross the street I'll run into her," "so I cross over;" "then I decide if I cross back over I'll see her," | |
"Let's cross over." | |
"Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, promises freedom to... negroes who cross over to the British side." | |
And I may just be the first girl who crosses over from our side of the room to the... | |
And now with what we've discovered about how that girl crosses over, we're about to turn the tide. Only one world can survive. | |
And then a latently aggressive male finally crosses over to overt violence because she validates and encourages his basest fantasies. | |
Announcer: Outside to lin, crosses over ridnour, And hits. | |
At the ferry crossing, he sees this old Mexican ferryman, all dressed in rags... pays him a nickel, crosses over, doesn't think much of it. | |
And I may just be the first girl who crosses over from our side of the room to the... | |
And now with what we've discovered about how that girl crosses over, we're about to turn the tide. Only one world can survive. | |
And then a latently aggressive male finally crosses over to overt violence because she validates and encourages his basest fantasies. | |
Announcer: Outside to lin, crosses over ridnour, And hits. | |
At the ferry crossing, he sees this old Mexican ferryman, all dressed in rags... pays him a nickel, crosses over, doesn't think much of it. | |
"At 10:30 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. 'W' crossed over by post box to avoid Miss 'G.' | |
"Earthbound spirits," my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over yet because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help. | |
"The wolf pack had at last crossed over from the land of streams and timber... "and invaded Buck's valley. | |
"for Virgil to return tomorrow at the place where he crossed over, at the time of the crossing. | |
#This rover crossed over.# | |
"Question of crossing over physically versus mentally. | |
"only a crossing over to the Father." | |
'Cause you're crossing over a new boundary. | |
(TV) We're crossing over live now to Union Square, where the prime minister will address the nation. | |
- Emily knows you blame yourself for her crossing over, and she says it's very silly. - And she wants to put your mind at rest. | |
"At 10:30 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. 'W' crossed over by post box to avoid Miss 'G.' | |
"Earthbound spirits," my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over yet because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help. | |
"The wolf pack had at last crossed over from the land of streams and timber... "and invaded Buck's valley. | |
"for Virgil to return tomorrow at the place where he crossed over, at the time of the crossing. | |
#This rover crossed over.# | |
"Question of crossing over physically versus mentally. | |
"only a crossing over to the Father." | |
'Cause you're crossing over a new boundary. | |
(TV) We're crossing over live now to Union Square, where the prime minister will address the nation. | |
- Emily knows you blame yourself for her crossing over, and she says it's very silly. - And she wants to put your mind at rest. | |