Avoiding the counterpunch, Jimmy sticks a jab. | |
Block the opponent's punch and counterpunch to the jaw. | |
Hey, is there a counterpunch in the technique? | |
No, it's his tactics, his precision, his speed, most important, his counterpunch. | |
Okay, set him so he don't counterpunch. | |
Avoiding the counterpunch, Jimmy sticks a jab. | |
Block the opponent's punch and counterpunch to the jaw. | |
Hey, is there a counterpunch in the technique? | |
No, it's his tactics, his precision, his speed, most important, his counterpunch. | |
Okay, set him so he don't counterpunch. | |
His counterpunches are good. | |
His counterpunches are good. | |
I'm really not good at counterpunching, and I brought a gun to a knife fight. | |
I'm really not good at counterpunching, and I brought a gun to a knife fight. | |