Com em veig? | How do I look? |
És que vull veure com em veig? Això és, com, súper cruel. | Do I even want to see what I look like? Wow. That's, like, super mean. |
Fa tant que no em veig que no sé com estic. | I haven't seen myself in so long. I must look ridiculous. |
- Com em veig? | - How's it look? |
És que vull veure com em veig? | Do I even want to see what I look like? Wow. |
Anem a veure com et veus sense ella. | Let's see what you look like without it. |
Sí, et veus bé. | Yeah, you look good. |
Déu, et veus horrible. | Oh, God, you look terrible. |
Sempre et veus bé ... com la publicitat ... l'home a Times Square. | He always looks so cool. Like the advertisement of the man in Times Square. |
Ella era una mica més alta que tu, però et veus bàsicament igual, home. | She was a little bigger than you, but it's basically the same look, man. |
Res d'això es veu bo. | -None of it looks that good. |
Ens dirigim allí, comprovar cap enfora, Si quelcom es veu apagat, vostè sap només cotxe. | We drive out there, we check it out, if anything looks off, you know, we just drive away. |
Això es veu bé. | Oh, yum. That looks good. |
D'aquí es veu preciós, Neil. | That looks beautiful from here, Neil. |
Aquella base es veu igual que les últimes tres vegades que ho has comprovat. | That base looks the same as it did the last three times you checked it. |
T'he vist molt trist a l'autobús. | - You looked so sad on the bus. |
M'agradaria venir amb tu, Matt, però ja has vist com em miraven els altres. | I'd like to come with you, Matt, but you saw the way the others looked at me. |
Jo només he vist una nena que necessita ajuda. | I just saw a little girl who looked like she needed help. |
Era de Constantinoble, a dotze milles de distancia; així és que havia viatjat i vist el món: els ulls que hom tenia al davant havien vist la Casa del Tribunal del Comtat, que hom deia que tenia una teulada de llauna. | He was from Constantinople, twelve miles away--so he had travelled, and seen the world--these very eyes had looked upon the county court-house--which was said to have a tin roof. |
Però quan he vist els teus resultats, hi ha una petita fluctuació a la teva resposta a aquesta pregunta. | But then I looked at your results, and there is a slight flutter in your answer to that question. |
Vinga, serà divertit... i tots us veieu fantàstics. | I mean, look at you, Thor, and, oh, |
Quan us imagineu allà dalt, com us veieu? | When you imagine yourself up there, how do you look? |
Mira, tots vosaltres es veuen iguals per a nosaltres. | Oh,sorry. You all look alike to us. |
Com les coses es veuen, i dir que està la resta dels casos. | By the looks of things, you're between jobs. |
Així no és com es veuen normalment. | That is not the way they usually look. |
Crec que les espatlles es veuen rares. | Fine. I think the shoulders look odd. |
És la meva idea de com es veuria l'ADN d'una forma de vida de silici. | It's my idea of what DNA would look like in a silicon-based life-form. |
I no em vegi tan sorprès. | And don't look so serious. |
Podries ajudar-me a fer que tot es vegi bé, fins i tot si no vols participar. | You could help me make sure everything looks okay, even if you don't wan to participate. |