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Veure's (to look) conjugation

29 examples
This verb can also mean the following: appear

Conjugation of veure's

Present tense
em veig
I look
et veus
you look
es veu
he/she looks
ens veiem
we look
us veieu
you all look
es veuen
they look
Present perfect tense
he vist
I have looked
has vist
you have looked
ha vist
he/she has looked
hem vist
we have looked
heu vist
you all have looked
han vist
they have looked
Future tense
em veuré
I will look
et veuràs
you will look
es veurà
he/she will look
ens veurem
we will look
us veureu
you all will look
es veuran
they will look
Conditional mood
em veuria
I would look
et veuries
you would look
es veuria
he/she would look
ens veuríem
we would look
us veuríeu
you all would look
es veurien
they would look
Past perfect tense
havia vist
I had looked
havies vist
you had looked
havia vist
he/she had looked
havíem vist
we had looked
havíeu vist
you all had looked
havien vist
they had looked
Past impf. tense
em veia
I was looking
et veies
you were looking
es veia
he/she was looking
ens vèiem
we were looking
us vèieu
you all were looking
es veien
they were looking
Imperative mood
let him/her look!
let's look!
let them look!
Imperative negative mood
no et vegis
don't look!
no es vegi
don't let him/her look!
no ens vegem
let's not look!
no us vegeu
don't look!
no es vegin
don't let them look!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria vist
I would have looked
hauries vist
you would have looked
hauria vist
he/she would have looked
hauríem vist
we would have looked
hauríeu vist
you all would have looked
haurien vist
they would have looked
Future perfect tense
hauré vist
I will have looked
hauràs vist
you will have looked
haurà vist
he/she will have looked
haurem vist
we will have looked
haureu vist
you all will have looked
hauren vist
they will have looked
Preterite past tense
em viu
I looked
et veieres
you looked
es veié
he/she looked
ens veiérem
we looked
us veiéreu
you all looked
es veieren
they looked
Past anterior tense
haguí vist
I had looked
hagueres vist
you had looked
hagué vist
he/she had looked
haguérem vist
we had looked
haguéreu vist
you all had looked
haguéren vist
they had looked
Subjunctive of present tense
em vegi
(so that I) look
et vegis
(so that you) look
es vegi
(so that he/she) looks
ens vegem
(so that we) look
us vegeu
(so that you all) look
es vegin
(so that they) look
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
em veiés
(so that I) was looking
et veiessis
(so that you) were looking
es veiés
(so that he/she) was looking
ens veiéssim
(so that we) were looking
us veiéssiu
(so that you all) were looking
es veiessin
(so that they) were looking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi vist
(so that I) have looked
hagis vist
(so that you) have looked
hagi vist
(so that he/she) has looked
hàgim vist
(so that we) have looked
hàgiu vist
(so that you all) have looked
hagin vist
(so that they) have looked
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués vist
(so that I) had looked
haguessis vist
(so that you) had looked
hagués vist
(so that he/she) had looked
haguéssim vist
(so that we) had looked
haguéssiu vist
(so that you all) had looked
haguessin vist
(so that they) had looked
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi veure's
(so that I) looked
vagis veure's
(so that you) looked
vagi veure's
(so that he/she) looked
vàgim veure's
(so that we) looked
vàgiu veure's
(so that you all) looked
vagin veure's
(so that they) looked
Periphastic past tense
vaig veure's
I looked
vas veure's
you looked
va veure's
he/she looked
vam veure's
we looked
vau veure's
you all looked
van veure's
they looked
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver vist
I had looked
vas haver vist
you had looked
va haver vist
he/she had looked
vam haver vist
we had looked
vau haver vist
you all had looked
van haver vist
they had looked

Examples of veure's

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Com em veig?How do I look?
És que vull veure com em veig? Això és, com, súper cruel.Do I even want to see what I look like? Wow. That's, like, super mean.
Fa tant que no em veig que no sé com estic.I haven't seen myself in so long. I must look ridiculous.
- Com em veig?- How's it look?
És que vull veure com em veig?Do I even want to see what I look like? Wow.
Anem a veure com et veus sense ella.Let's see what you look like without it.
Sí, et veus bé.Yeah, you look good.
Déu, et veus horrible.Oh, God, you look terrible.
Sempre et veus bé ... com la publicitat ... l'home a Times Square.He always looks so cool. Like the advertisement of the man in Times Square.
Ella era una mica més alta que tu, però et veus bàsicament igual, home.She was a little bigger than you, but it's basically the same look, man.
Res d'això es veu bo.-None of it looks that good.
Ens dirigim allí, comprovar cap enfora, Si quelcom es veu apagat, vostè sap només cotxe.We drive out there, we check it out, if anything looks off, you know, we just drive away.
Això es veu bé.Oh, yum. That looks good.
D'aquí es veu preciós, Neil.That looks beautiful from here, Neil.
Aquella base es veu igual que les últimes tres vegades que ho has comprovat.That base looks the same as it did the last three times you checked it.
T'he vist molt trist a l'autobús.- You looked so sad on the bus.
M'agradaria venir amb tu, Matt, però ja has vist com em miraven els altres.I'd like to come with you, Matt, but you saw the way the others looked at me.
Jo només he vist una nena que necessita ajuda.I just saw a little girl who looked like she needed help.
Era de Constantinoble, a dotze milles de distancia; així és que havia viatjat i vist el món: els ulls que hom tenia al davant havien vist la Casa del Tribunal del Comtat, que hom deia que tenia una teulada de llauna.He was from Constantinople, twelve miles away--so he had travelled, and seen the world--these very eyes had looked upon the county court-house--which was said to have a tin roof.
Però quan he vist els teus resultats, hi ha una petita fluctuació a la teva resposta a aquesta pregunta.But then I looked at your results, and there is a slight flutter in your answer to that question.
Vinga, serà divertit... i tots us veieu fantàstics.I mean, look at you, Thor, and, oh,
Quan us imagineu allà dalt, com us veieu?When you imagine yourself up there, how do you look?
Mira, tots vosaltres es veuen iguals per a nosaltres.Oh,sorry. You all look alike to us.
Com les coses es veuen, i dir que està la resta dels casos.By the looks of things, you're between jobs.
Així no és com es veuen normalment.That is not the way they usually look.
Crec que les espatlles es veuen rares.Fine. I think the shoulders look odd.
És la meva idea de com es veuria l'ADN d'una forma de vida de silici.It's my idea of what DNA would look like in a silicon-based life-form.
I no em vegi tan sorprès.And don't look so serious.
Podries ajudar-me a fer que tot es vegi bé, fins i tot si no vols participar.You could help me make sure everything looks okay, even if you don't wan to participate.

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