Protegir (to protect) conjugation

64 examples
This verb can also mean the following: defend

Conjugation of protegir

Present tense
I protect
you protect
he/she protects
we protect
you all protect
they protect
Present perfect tense
he protegit
I have protected
has protegit
you have protected
ha protegit
he/she has protected
hem protegit
we have protected
heu protegit
you all have protected
han protegit
they have protected
Future tense
I will protect
you will protect
he/she will protect
we will protect
you all will protect
they will protect
Conditional mood
I would protect
you would protect
he/she would protect
we would protect
you all would protect
they would protect
Past perfect tense
havia protegit
I had protected
havies protegit
you had protected
havia protegit
he/she had protected
havíem protegit
we had protected
havíeu protegit
you all had protected
havien protegit
they had protected
Past impf. tense
I was protecting
you were protecting
he/she was protecting
we were protecting
you all were protecting
they were protecting
Imperative mood
let him/her protect!
let's protect!
let them protect!
Imperative negative mood
no protegeixis
don't protect!
no protegeixi
don't let him/her protect!
no protegim
let's not protect!
no protegiu
don't protect!
no protegeixin
don't let them protect!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria protegit
I would have protected
hauries protegit
you would have protected
hauria protegit
he/she would have protected
hauríem protegit
we would have protected
hauríeu protegit
you all would have protected
haurien protegit
they would have protected
Future perfect tense
hauré protegit
I will have protected
hauràs protegit
you will have protected
haurà protegit
he/she will have protected
haurem protegit
we will have protected
haureu protegit
you all will have protected
hauren protegit
they will have protected
Preterite past tense
I protected
you protected
he/she protected
we protected
you all protected
they protected
Past anterior tense
haguí protegit
I had protected
hagueres protegit
you had protected
hagué protegit
he/she had protected
haguérem protegit
we had protected
haguéreu protegit
you all had protected
haguéren protegit
they had protected
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) protect
(so that you) protect
(so that he/she) protects
(so that we) protect
(so that you all) protect
(so that they) protect
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was protecting
(so that you) were protecting
(so that he/she) was protecting
(so that we) were protecting
(so that you all) were protecting
(so that they) were protecting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi protegit
(so that I) have protected
hagis protegit
(so that you) have protected
hagi protegit
(so that he/she) has protected
hàgim protegit
(so that we) have protected
hàgiu protegit
(so that you all) have protected
hagin protegit
(so that they) have protected
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués protegit
(so that I) had protected
haguessis protegit
(so that you) had protected
hagués protegit
(so that he/she) had protected
haguéssim protegit
(so that we) had protected
haguéssiu protegit
(so that you all) had protected
haguessin protegit
(so that they) had protected
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi protegir
(so that I) protected
vagis protegir
(so that you) protected
vagi protegir
(so that he/she) protected
vàgim protegir
(so that we) protected
vàgiu protegir
(so that you all) protected
vagin protegir
(so that they) protected
Periphastic past tense
vaig protegir
I protected
vas protegir
you protected
va protegir
he/she protected
vam protegir
we protected
vau protegir
you all protected
van protegir
they protected
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver protegit
I had protected
vas haver protegit
you had protected
va haver protegit
he/she had protected
vam haver protegit
we had protected
vau haver protegit
you all had protected
van haver protegit
they had protected

Examples of protegir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La Constitució Europea reforça les possibilitats de protegir el mediambient.The European Constitution provides additional protection for theenvironment.
Al mateix temps, elrespecte dels drets fonamentals comla llibertat de reunió, associació iexpressió està explícitament garantiti s’han pres mesures per protegir lesvíctimes del terrorisme.At the same time, respectfor fundamental rights, such as freedom of assembly, association andexpression, is explicitly guaranteed andprovision is made to protect the victimsof terrorism.
D’altra banda, la UE ha de protegir els seus interessos militars i estratègics, treballant amb els seus aliats —especialment amb l’OTAN— i per mitjà del desenvolupament d’una autèntica política europea de seguretat i defensa.It must also protect its military and strategic interests by working with its allies, especially within NATO, and by developing a genuine common European security and defence policy.
• Perquè pot adoptar una posició clara en qüestions delicades que preocupen la ciutadania, com ara la protecció del medi ambient, les energies renovables, el “principi de prevenció” en la seguretat alimentària, els aspectes ètics de la biotecnologia i la necessitat de protegir les espècies en perill d’extinció.• Because it takes a clear position on sensitive issues affecting ordinary people, such as environmental protection, renewable energy resources, the ‘precautionary principle’ in food safety, the ethical aspects of biotechnology and the need to protect endangered species;
El nou paper del món agrícola és garantir una certa activitat econòmica en cada territori i protegir la diversitat dels paisatges rurals d’Europa.The new role of the farming community is to ensure a certain amount of economic activity in every rural area and to protect the diversity of Europe’s countryside.
Ara hi ha una activitat en marxa que demana els simpatitzants de tot el món que es facin una foto mostrant l'eslògan "Oposa't al monopoli dels mitjans, rebutja la mà negra de la Xina, defensa la llibertat de premsa. Jo protegeixo Taiwan des de ___", i la pengin a Internet.There is now an activity which urges global supporters to photograph themselves, holding the slogan of "Oppose Media Monopoly, Reject the black hand of China, uphold freedom of the press, I protect Taiwan in ___", and upload it online.
Normalment m'estimo més no conèixer la gent que protegeixo.I prefer not to get to know the people I'm protecting.
Encara no els coneixes? Normalment m'estimo més no conèixer la gent que protegeixo.I normally prefer not to get to know the people I'm protecting.
Pare i Mare, Senyor i Lilith, protegeix-me com jo et protegeixo des d'ara fins a l'hora de la mort vertadera.Father and Mother, Lord and Lilith, protect me as I protect you from now until the hour of the true death.
. Jo protegeixo el meu fill com tu protegeixes el teu.I protect my son as you protect yours.
Fotre's davant d'una arma esperant com un imbècil que la bala et toqui a tu en comptes de la persona que protegeixes, això ho trobes atractiu?The idea ofthrowing yourself in front ofa gun... hoping the bullet hits you instead ofthe guyyou're protecting-- You find that appealing?
No sé per què el protegeixes.I don't know why you're protecting him.
. Jo protegeixo el meu fill com tu protegeixes el teu.I protect my son as you protect yours.
- Aquests vestits em protegeix.- This suit protects me.
La soledat em protegeix.Alone protects me.
Ella protegeix les pintures, Protegeix el seu nen.She protects the painting, she protects the boy.
Fereix a qualsevol fae, i protegeix al portador de qualsevol corrupció.It'll hurt all fae, And it protects the bearer from corruption.
Només hi ha un déu, ser Davos, i només protegeix els que el serveixen.There's only one God, Ser Davos, and he only protects those who serve him.
Sense dubte, cal que protegim això, oi?Surely this should be protected?
Ara també és de la família. I nosaltres protegim la família.She's part of this family now, and we protect our family.
Com pot veure, protegim. Menja ...As you can see... ...we are protected.
I nosaltres protegim la família.She's part of this family now, and we protect our family.
Se'ns demana que protegim un món on una inhalació de l'aire erroni et pot incinerar des de dintre.We're supposed to protect a world where one breath of the wrong air can incinerate you from the inside out.
Els europeus aprecien els seus valors: la creença en els drets humans, la solidaritat social, la llibertat d’empresa, la distribució equitativa dels fruits del creixement, el dret a un medi ambient protegit, el respecte de la diversitat cultural, lingüística i religiosa, i una síntesi harmoniosa de tradició i progrés.Europeans cherish their rich heritage of values, which includes a belief in human rights, social solidarity, free enterprise, a fair distribution of the fruits of economic growth, the right to a protected environment, respect for cultural, linguistic and religious diversity and a harmonious blend of tradition and progress.
Han combatut al Txad, a la guerra no declarada amb Líbia, han protegit els règims de Djibouti i de la República Centreafricana dels rebels, han evitat un cop d’estat a les Comores, van intervenir a la Costa d’Ivori.They fought in Chad, in the war with Libya, protected regimes in Djibouti and the Central African Republic from rebels, prevented a coup in the Comoros and intervened in Côte d'Ivoire.
En defensa a la limitació dels drets a Bolívia, el consell adopta una visió de la vida humana com una part d'un cicle còsmic, sense principi ni final i protegit constitucionalment.In defense of Bolivia’s limited abortion rights, the ruling adopts an Andean-centric vision of human life as part of a cosmic cycle, without beginning or end, which is constitutionally protected.
Però ara tu em vols matar, quan abans jo t'he protegit.Yet nowyou want to kill me, while, up on that roof, I protected you.
I el meu cèsar ha d'estar ben protegit.And my Cesar should be protected.
Spock, protegiu-me!Spock, protect me!
Senyor de la Llum, protegiu-nos.Lord of Light, protect us.
Demano que protegiu la nostra Fe arrestant aquests criminals i els llenceu a les cel·les negres.I ask that you protect our Faith by arresting these criminals and throw them in the black cells.
I bosses per a cotxes protegeixen aquests vehicles:And car bags protect these vehicles:
A l'institut de Forks no protegeixen gaire bé les dades dels seus alumnes.Forks High School doesn't protect its students' privacy very well.
Nosaltres ... som aquestes persones ... que et protegeixen perquè res dolent passi.We...being the people that protect you in case something bad happens.
No, els amics protegeixen la gent.No, friends protect people. # I've been kicked around since I was born # But now it's all right, it's OK
Jo et protegiré.I will protect you.
Mentre quedi alè en el meu cos, et protegiré i també al teu fill, Alfred.As long as there is breath in my body, I will protect you and your son, Alfred.
I aleshores protegiràs l'Alfred?Then you will protect Alfred?
I va afegir: “Però no us preocupeu, que el projecte de llei no serà perjudicial per a la gent i protegirà els nens d’Uganda.He said, “but don’t worry the bill will not be harmful to you people; and it will protect the children of Uganda.
Qui protegirà la privacitat dels estudiants?Who will protect the privacy of the students?
Ella em protegirà.She/it will protect me.
He rentat la sang de l'Anyell i ell em protegirà.And I have been washed with the blood of the lamb, and he will protect me--
Els llops el protegiran.The wolves will protect him.
Vaig jurar a la seva mare que protegiria aquestes noies.I swore to their mother I would protect those girls.
I quan la gent... la gent que em deies que protegiries, necessitava la teva ajuda... Tu no hi eres.And when people... people you told me you would protect, needed your help... you weren't there.
Em protegia.Uh, he was protecting me.
Pensava que protegia la meva família.I thought I was protecting my family.
Només protegia la meva família!I was protecting my family!
La gent espera de la Unió que lluiticontra les amenaces a la seva seguretat i que els protegeixi contra elterrorisme i la delinqüència greu,organitzada i transfronterera.People rightly expect the Union totackle threats to their security, and toprotect them from terrorism and serious, organised, crossborder crime.
Grups de mitjans de comunicació de Malàisia demanen al públic que protegeixi el dret a la llibertat d'expressió.Media groups in Malaysia are calling the public to protect the right to free speech.
- Vull que el protegeixi.I want you to protect him.
Qualsevol nano de la seva edat que necessiti que la seva germana el protegeixi, necessitarà molta protecció.Any boy his age who needs his sister to protect him is gonna find himself needing lots of protecting.
Voleu que al vostre nét el protegeixi algú que us repulsa?You would have your grandson protected by someone who disgusts you?
No necessito que em protegeixis.I don't need you to protect me.
Lord Bolton t'implora que protegeixis els teus homes i abandoneu aquest fort que ja no podeu defensar.Lord Bolton implores you to protect your men and abandon this fortress you can no longer hold.
És important no sols aprovar bones lleis per promoure la transparència i l'obertura, sinó també que protegeixin un país lliure de tornar-se menys transparent.It is important not only approve good laws to promote transparency and openness but also protect a free country from becoming less transparent.
Reitero la meva crida a totes les parts perquè respectin i protegeixin el patrimoni cultural del Iemen.I reiterate my call to all parties to respect and protect cultural heritage in Yemen.
Estàs dient que no pots confiar que aquests paios protegeixin a un actiu en perill?You're saying you can't trust those guys to protect an asset in danger?
Que els Déus ens protegeixin.Gods protect us.
Que els déus et protegeixin.May the gods protect him.
A Islàndia, la parlamentària Birgitta Jónsdóttir promou la Iniciativa Islandesa pels Mitjans Moderns, una proposta per crear un refugi mundial segur per al periodisme d'investigació a Islàndia, que pretén millorar la llibertat d'expressió i la transparència a tot el món protegint els organismes de control i els delators de la censura i la difamació.In Iceland, parliamentarian Birgitta Jónsdóttir is promoting the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, a proposal to create a global safe haven for investigative journalism in Iceland that would improve freedom of expression and transparency worldwide by protecting watchdog groups and whistleblowers from libel censorship.
Cristians coptes protegint els musulmans el 3 de febrer a la plaça de Tahrir- Domini públic.Egyptian Copts protecting Muslims on February 3 on Tahir Square - Public Domain
El diari ucraïnès Ukrainska Pravda va publicar al seu compte de Twitter una fotografia de la policia protegint el que havia estat fins aleshores l'epicentre de les protestes.Ukrainian daily Ukrainska Pravda, shared a photo of police protecting what was until recently the main protest site, on its Twitter account.
¿T'has parat a pensar que, entre la policia, l'FBI i nosaltres, demà serem 299 persones protegint el viatger?You know, between the Los Angeles Police Department... the FBI and the rest ofus... there are 229 people protecting Traveler tomorrow.

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