Disposat a ser crucificat, abans que crucificar. | Ready to be crucified, rather than crucify. |
El penses crucificar un altre cop als mitjans de comunicació? | You're just gonna crucify him in the media again? |
El meu pare es va posicionar en contra de crucificar aquells nens. | My father spoke out against crucifying those children. |
El degotís ja hi era quan les Piramides foren noves, quan Troia caigué, quan foren posats els fonaments de Roma, quan Jesús fou crucificat, quan Guillem el Conqueridor crea l'Imperi angles, quan Colomb navegava, quan el carnatge de Lexington era «una nova». | That drop was falling when the Pyramids were new; when Troy fell; when the foundations of Rome were laid; when Christ was crucified; when the Conqueror created the British empire; when Columbus sailed; when the massacre at Lexington was "news." |
Disposat a ser crucificat, abans que crucificar. | Ready to be crucified, rather than crucify. |
En el pitjor, linxats o crucificat. | At worst, lynched or crucified. |
El vostre pare havia crucificat nens innocents. | Your father crucified innocent children. |
Seràs crucificat en nom del Nostre Salvador, | You are being crucified in the name of our Savior, |
Et crucificaré. | I will crucify you. |
Com més llarg es faci això, és més probable que la premsa em crucifiqui. | The longer this goes on, the more likely the media is gonna crucify me. |
Però si mai li ho dius a algú, els deixaré que et crucifiquin. | But if you ever tell anyone about them, I will let them crucify you. |