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Recompensar (to reward) conjugation

85 examples

Conjugation of recompensar

Present tense
I reward
you reward
he/she rewards
we reward
you all reward
they reward
Present perfect tense
tenho recompensado
I have rewarded
tens recompensado
you have rewarded
tem recompensado
he/she has rewarded
temos recompensado
we have rewarded
tendes recompensado
you all have rewarded
têm recompensado
they have rewarded
Past preterite tense
I rewarded
you rewarded
he/she rewarded
we rewarded
you all rewarded
they rewarded
Future tense
I will reward
you will reward
he/she will reward
we will reward
you all will reward
they will reward
Conditional mood
I would reward
you would reward
he/she would reward
we would reward
you all would reward
they would reward
Past imperfect tense
I used to reward
you used to reward
he/she used to reward
we used to reward
you all used to reward
they used to reward
Past perfect tense
tinha recompensado
I had rewarded
tinhas recompensado
you had rewarded
tinha recompensado
he/she had rewarded
tínhamos recompensado
we had rewarded
tínheis recompensado
you all had rewarded
tinham recompensado
they had rewarded
Future perfect tense
terei recompensado
I will have rewarded
terás recompensado
you will have rewarded
terá recompensado
he/she will have rewarded
teremos recompensado
we will have rewarded
tereis recompensado
you all will have rewarded
terão recompensado
they will have rewarded
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha recompensado
I have rewarded
tenhas recompensado
you have rewarded
tenha recompensado
he/she has rewarded
tenhamos recompensado
we have rewarded
tenhais recompensado
you all have rewarded
tenham recompensado
they have rewarded
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have rewarded
(if/so that) you will have rewarded
(if/so that) he/she will have rewarded
(if/so that) we will have rewarded
(if/so that) you all will have rewarded
(if/so that) they will have rewarded
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver recompensado
I will have rewarded
tiveres recompensado
you will have rewarded
tiver recompensado
he/she will have rewarded
tivermos recompensado
we will have rewarded
tiverdes recompensado
you all will have rewarded
tiverem recompensado
they will have rewarded
Imperative mood
let's reward!
Imperative negative mood
não recompenses
do not reward!
não recompense
let him/her/it not reward!
não recompensemos
let us not reward!
não recompenseis
do not reward!
não recompensem
do not reward!

Examples of recompensar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"e franqueza em tudo aquilo que exigiremos de vós, que poderemos ter motivos para vos recompensar ainda mais.""and frankness in all things we shall demand of you, that we may have cause to reward you even further."
- Boa noite. Fomos enviados nesta noite de Natal para recompensar os virtuosos.We've come to reward the virtuous this Christmas Eve.
A Circe tem um espírito natalício fantástico e maravilhoso... e eu gostava de a recompensar com uns seios maiores.Circe here has a fantastic, wonderful Christmas spirit... and I'd like to reward her with some double Ds.
Acho que o Tibbs é um beco sem saída, mas gosto de recompensar a paixão, então... provem que estou errado.I think Tibbs is a dead end, but I like to reward passion, so...
Agora estou eu no comando ate que o nosso senhor volte para nos recompensar e reclamar o seu premio.l am in command now, till our lord returns to reward us and claim his prize.
Eu não recompenso a incompetência.I do not reward incompetence.
Eu recompenso quem me é fiel.I reward people who are loyal to me.
Eu recompenso-te.I will reward you.
Eu recompenso-vos, se guardarem o meu segredo.Look, I will give you a reward for keeping my secret.
Gosto que me dê ideias e recompenso o trabalho bem feito.I welcome your ideas and I like to see hard work rewarded.
"Mas se guardasse os meus pensamentos para mim "e fosse insinuante, "o meu comportamento permitiria recompensas.But if l kept my thoughts to myself and was ingratiating, my behaviour yielded rewards.
"Mas suponho... "que a prosperidade tem as suas recompensas.'But I suppose... '...there are other rewards for wealth.
- Ameaças, recompensas, nada ajuda.- Threats, rewards, nothing helps.
- E recompensas.- And rewards.
- Há sempre as recompensas materiais.Well, there's the material rewards.
"O sistema de posse da Universidade recompensa a mediocridade, permitindo que a Faculdade mergulhe em objectivos egoístas, ignorando o seu objectivo básico:[All Laughing] "The university's tenure system only rewards mediocrity, "allowing our faculty--" "to wallow in selfish pursuits,
- A recompensa será a conquista de tudo isto.The rewards will be the achievement of it all.
- Mas a recompensa...But the rewards...
-Uma recompensa de vacas, ouro e garotas...The rewards: cows gold and phoenix
A História recompensa os mais ousados.History rewards the bold.
Ao executar truques ou comportamentos, nós o recompensamos com peixe.When working on tricks or behaviors, we reward him with fish.
No tribunal dos Médicis punimos a traição... e recompensamos a lealdade.In the Medici court, we punish treason and we reward service.
Nós recompensamos o que há de mais superficial, mais estúpido, pior e mais barulhento.We reward the shallowest, the dumbest, the meanest, and the loudest.
Porque recompensamos os nossos inimigos.Why we reward our enemies.
Se reduzirmos o imposto sobre as mais-valias, recompensamos as pequenas empresas que se arriscaram pela economia.If we lower cap-gain taxes we reward small businesses who took risks for the economy.
"Mas foi recompensado em Março"but was rewarded in March
"Para o conhecimento de todos: quem levar notícias do paradeiro... da dançarina Sherazade e seus companheiros... ao palácio de verão do califa será ricamente recompensado.""Be it known to all loyal subjects... that any person bringing news of the whereabouts... of the dancing girl Sherazade and her companions... to the summer palace of the Caliph will be richly rewarded."
"não vais ser recompensado.You're not going to get rewarded.
- Devias ter sido recompensado.You should have been rewarded.
- E serás recompensado por isso.And shall be rewarded in kind.
- Então porque é que eles te recompensam?- Then why would they reward you?
Aqueles de entre nós que o recompensam aqueles de entre nós que assistem seremos nós os condenados?Those of us who reward him... those of us who watch... are we the condemned?
Aqueles que o recompensam. Aqueles que assistiram. Somos nós os condenados?Those of us who reward him... those of us who watch... are we the condemned?
Disseste: meus meninos, nesta terra, recompensam-te se ajudares alguém.You said: my child on this earth You get rewarded for helping someone
Eles recompensam-te a fazer perguntas, nunca tinha pensado nisto no Texas.They reward you for asking questions I'd never even thought of in Texas.
Acreditei que fizeras mais do que qualquer um por mim e recompensei-te à altura.I believed you had done more for me than anyone, and I rewarded you accordingly.
Eu o recompensei, é claro, nunca mais voltando à sua loja.l rewarded him, of course, you know... by never going back to his store.
Eu recompensei-o?- I rewarded him? - You just gave it back. What a lesson was that?
Quando o recompensei pelo seu trabalho e dedicação à LuthorCorp ele rejubilava de orgulho.When I rewarded him for his hard work and his dedication to LuthorCorp he was just brimming with pride.
"Tu já me recompensaste", disse o rouxinol.'You have already rewarded me,' said the nightingale.
E ficaste tão contente contigo mesmo que te recompensaste com uma bebida.And you were so pleased with yourself that you rewarded yourself... with a drink.
Tu recompensaste-me ao tornares-te um dos meus mais leais Cavaleiros.You have rewarded me by becoming one of my most loyal of knights.
- O seu pai já me recompensou.- Your father has rewarded me already.
... e o universo recompensou-me.And the universe rewarded me.
Além disso, Deus já me recompensou as minhas boas acções. Sim?Besides,god has already rewarded me for my good deeds.
Bateu-lhe, recompensou-a, bate-lhe novamente.Beat her, rewarded her, beat her again.
Deus recompensou-nos.God rewarded us.
Eles recompensaram a sua coragem com uma dádiva:They rewarded his bravery with a gift.
Eles recompensaram-nos com o dom da vida eterna.They rewarded us with the gift of everlasting life.
Em retorno, me recompensaram com experiências que poucos homens tiveram.In return, they rewarded me with experiences few men have ever had.
Eu mostrei para o ultimo grupo de aventureiros que vieram à procura do Sangraal. E eles recompensaram a minha confiança tentando levá-lo.I showed it to the last group of adventurers who came in search of the Sangraal and they rewarded my trust by trying to take it.
Depois que eu bater os príncipes das trevas, eu te recompensarei.Once I defeated the rulers of the darkness, I will reward you.
Eu o recompensarei.I will reward.
Eu te recompensarei.I will reward you.
Se convencerem os fazendeiros a partir... eu os recompensarei generosamente... e poderão se aposentar.And if you convince them the peasants to leave... I will reward you with a large amount o allows you to Withdraw.
Se vocês o fizerem, eu os recompensarei.I will reward you. With what... I'm not exactly sure,
Darmaraja o recompensará e entrará para a história como Sirdar, o generoso, o incansável.Darmaraja will reward you and you'll go down in history as Sirdar, the generous, the tireless.
Imagina como ele me recompensará... quando souber que de uma vez por todas silenciei o grande Harry Potter.Imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter.
Na corte, César te recompensará.In the court, Caesar will reward you.
Obrigado, donzela, Darmaraja te recompensará.Thank you, dear maiden, Darmaraja will reward you.
Ontem ouvi no rádio do Corão dizer que, a quem achar difícil aprender o Corão, Deus recompensará duplamente.I heard on the Koran channel yesterday, if learning the Koran is difficult for you, God will reward you doubly.
As minhas visões dizem que as vossas mortes irão agradar aos nossos Deuses... e nos recompensarão com o Livro das Folhas.My visions foretell your deaths will please our gods. And they will reward us with the Book of Leaves.
E esses clientes recompensarão as empresas quando as coisas começarem a ser implementadas e as mudanças se verificarem no terreno. Estou confiante nisso.And the will reward the companies when things begin to be implemented and the change happens on the ground.
Estou certo de que eles também o recompensarão.I'm sure they also will reward you.
"Porque o VC... recompensaria-os com uma refeição quente.Because the VC would reward them with a hot meal.
A Rússia fomenta uma guerra civil no meu País... Apoiada numa invasão com discrição... E por isso quer que eu recompense-os com uma votação?Russia foments a civil war in my country, backed by a stealth invasion, and for this you want me to reward them with a vote?
Aliás, que Deus vos recompense pela vossa misericórdia.In fact, I pray God rewards you for your mercy.
Desejo-lhe uma boa viagem e que Deus o recompense de acordo com os seus méritos.I wish to bless your voyage, and ask God to reward you according to your merits.
Espero que nos recompense bem por termos capturado os guerreiros.I pray that he will reward us kindly for having captured the warriors from Earth.
Este não é um país que recompense a poesia, minha querida.My dear, this is not a country that rewards poetry.
- Não o recompenses, por ir a correr para o carro.Come here. Come on! - Don't reward him for running at the car.
Preciso que sejas os meus olhos e ouvidos e que me recompenses com uma coisa.Have got to be My eyes and ears and it rewards me with something.
No futuro, eu farei leis que recompensem a fertilidade, e a santidade do casamento.In the future, I shall enact laws that reward fertility And sanctity in marriage.
Não o recompensem com a vossa condescendência.Do not reward him with your indulgence.
Näo o recompensem com cobertura dos media.Let's not reward the killer with coverage.
Talvez desta vez os deuses a recompensem não obstante a falta de devoção do Faraó.Perhaps this time, the gods will reward her Despite the pharaoh's lack of devotion.
Puni-nos pelos nossos pecados, mas recompensai a nossa fé.Punish us for our sins, but reward us for our faith.
Ser mau é recompensando.You were right. Being bad is rewarding.
Talvez ela fosse parte do Karma do Randy, recompensando-o por ser um bom rapaz.Maybe she was part of Randy's Karma, rewarding him for being a good guy.
É a indústria das capturas que mantém esta matança activa, recompensando os pescadores pelo seu mau comportamento.It's the captivity industry that keeps this slaughter going by rewarding the fishermen for their bad behavior.
E quando as Sombras se erguerem das cinzas de Centauri Prime... e recompensarem a minha lealdade com a divindade, eu quero que seja o primeiro do meu templo.And when the Shadows rise from the ashes of Centauri Prime... and reward my loyalty with godhood, I want you to be the first one in my temple.
E quando chegou o momento de me recompensarem fui humilhado, posto a tomar conta de crianças.And when the time came to reward my efforts... I was humiliated, put in charge of children... and a lesser man was given my rightful job as Director.
Que tal recompensares-me por ser bom?How about rewarding me for being good?
Para onde nos levará isto se recompensarmos os criminosos?Where will it lead us if we reward the perpetrators?
Quando nos disfarçamos de pessoas vulgares e nos misturamos com o povo para recompensarmos os virtuosos e os caridosos.When we disguise ourselves as common folk and go amongst the people to reward the virtuous and the good.

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