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Brandir (to brandish) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of brandir

Present tense
je brandis
I brandish
tu brandis
you brandish
il/elle/on brandit
he/she/it brandishes
nous brandissons
we brandish
vous brandissez
you all brandish
ils/elles brandissent
they brandish
Present perfect tense
j’ai brandi
I brandished
tu as brandi
you brandished
il/elle/on a brandi
he/she/it brandished
nous avons brandi
we brandished
vous avez brandi
you all brandished
ils/elles ont brandi
they brandished
Past impf. tense
je brandissais
I was brandishing
tu brandissais
you were brandishing
il/elle/on brandissait
he/she/it was brandishing
nous brandissions
we were brandishing
vous brandissiez
you all were brandishing
ils/elles brandissaient
they were brandishing
Future tense
je brandirai
I will brandish
tu brandiras
you will brandish
il/elle/on brandira
he/she/it will brandish
nous brandirons
we will brandish
vous brandirez
you all will brandish
ils/elles brandiront
they will brandish
Past perfect tense
j’avais brandi
I had brandished
tu avais brandi
you had brandished
il/elle/on avait brandi
he/she/it had brandished
nous avions brandi
we had brandished
vous aviez brandi
you all had brandished
ils/elles avaient brandi
they had brandished
Past preterite tense
je brandis
I brandished
tu brandis
you brandished
il/elle/on brandit
he/she/it brandished
nous brandîmes
we brandished
vous brandîtes
you all brandished
ils/elles brandirent
they brandished
Past anterior tense
j’eus brandi
I had brandished
tu eus brandi
you had brandished
il/elle/on eut brandi
he/she/it had brandished
nous eûmes brandi
we had brandished
vous eûtes brandi
you all had brandished
ils/elles eurent brandi
they had brandished
Future perfect tense
j’aurai brandi
I will have brandished
tu auras brandi
you will have brandished
il/elle/on aura brandi
he/she/it will have brandished
nous aurons brandi
we will have brandished
vous aurez brandi
you all will have brandished
ils/elles auront brandi
they will have brandished
Present subjunctive tense
que je brandisse
that I brandish
que tu brandisses
that you brandish
qu’il/elle/on brandisse
that he/she/it brandish
que nous brandissions
that we brandish
que vous brandissiez
that you all brandish
qu’ils/elles brandissent
that they brandish
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie brandi
that I have brandished
que tu aies brandi
that you have brandished
qu’il/elle/on ait brandi
that he/she/it have brandished
que nous ayons brandi
that we have brandished
que vous ayez brandi
that you all have brandished
qu’ils/elles aient brandi
that they have brandished
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je brandisse
that I would brandish
que tu brandisses
that you would brandish
qu’il/elle/on brandît
that he/she/it would brandish
que nous brandissions
that we would brandish
que vous brandissiez
that you all would brandish
qu’ils/elles brandissent
that they would brandish
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse brandi
that I had brandished
que tu eusses brandi
that you had brandished
qu’il/elle/on eût brandi
that he/she/it had brandished
que nous eussions brandi
that we had brandished
que vous eussiez brandi
that you all had brandished
qu’ils/elles eussent brandi
that they had brandished
Conditional mood
je brandirais
I would brandish
tu brandirais
you would brandish
il/elle/on brandirait
he/she/it would brandish
nous brandirions
we would brandish
vous brandiriez
you all would brandish
ils/elles brandiraient
they would brandish
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais brandi
I would have brandished
tu aurais brandi
you would have brandished
il/elle/on aurait brandi
he/she/it would have brandished
nous aurions brandi
we would have brandished
vous auriez brandi
you all would have brandished
ils/elles auraient brandi
they would have brandished
Imperative mood
let's brandish!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie brandi
have brandished
ayons brandi
let's have brandished
ayez brandi
have brandished

Examples of brandir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"On nous pousse à brandir l'épée. "J'espèreAnd we must brandish the sword.
Aujourd'hui, je forge les armes au lieu de les brandir.These days I build the weapons instead of brandishing them.
Et puis John se souvenait de pourquoi il était venu, et recommençait à brandir la quille.Then John would remember why he was there... and he'd start brandishing the pin again.
Il est un peu trop tard pour brandir l'épée, non ?Seems it's a little late to be brandishing iron, does it not?
Tu es une ancienne toxicomane qui a repris l'habitude de se droguer et de brandir des armes à feu.I think you're a recovering addict who's returned to her former life of popping pills and brandishing firearms!
En ce moment, le billet est brandi par un sbire muni d'un walkie-talkie qui l'apporte au podium du commissaire.It's currently being brandished by some walkie-talkied individual taking it up to the Commissioner's podium.
Il a brandi une arme aux officiers.He brandished a weapon at the officers.
Votre père n'a jamais brandi d'épée... ni tiré au pistolet, Dieu soit loué.Now, your father has never brandished a sword nor fired a pistol, thank heavens.
Vous avez brandi un pistolet.you brandished a gun.
Je la brandis.I brandish it.
Mon geste fait circuler la droiture, je brandis l'épée de justice, je ne laisserai jamais le mal franchir la rivière du Yin.My move fights for uprightness, I'm brandishing the sword of justice, I'll never let evil cross the Yin river.
Tu brandis ta hache.So you brandish your ax.
Comètes... augures de bouleversements sur notre planète... brandissez vos chevelures de cristal dans le ciel... et fouettez-en... les maudites étoiles... qui ont consenti au trépas d'Henry... le roi Henry, cinquième du nom... trop glorieux pour vivre longtemps.Comets importing changes of times and states brandish your crystal tresses in the sky and with them scourge the bad revolting stars that have consented unto Henry's death. King Henry the Fifth too famous to live long.
Pourquoi brandissez-vous ce Tipex et recherchez un vieux mandat ?Why are you brandishing white-out and looking for an old warrant?
Vous brandissez une arme, et vous vous retrouvez là.You brandished a firearm. So here we are.
- Le suspect a été vu brandissant une arme à divers endroits avant de se barricader dans cette concession derrière moi.- The suspect was witnessed brandishing a firearm at several locations prior to barricading himself in the car dealership behind me.
Arrêtée une fois pour harcèlement, brandissant un flingue dans bar à ongle.Arrested once for stalking, brandishing a gun at a nail salon.
Des voisins rapportent avoir vu un homme brandissant un couteau à travers la fenêtre d'une maison au 4848 rue Coyle.Neighbor reports seeing a man brandishing a knife through the window of a house at 4848 Coyle.
Deux de mes doigts avaient été retrouvés et rattachés, et là, sa collègue, cette femme, arrive en brandissant mon 3ème doigt.Two of my fingers were recovered and reattached, and then his colleague, that woman, came in brandishing my third finger.
Entreriez vous à grands pas à la cour brandissant l'enfant comme un trophée, le proclamant héritier légitime ?Will you stride into court brandishing the child like a trophy, proclaiming him the rightful heir?

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