Escanear (to scan) conjugation

87 examples

Conjugation of escanear

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I scan
you scan
he/she/it scans
we scan
you all scan
they scan
Present perfect tense
he escaneado
I have scanned
has escaneado
you have scanned
ha escaneado
he/she/it has scanned
hemos escaneado
we have scanned
habéis escaneado
you all have scanned
han escaneado
they have scanned
Past preterite tense
I scanned
you scanned
he/she/it scanned
we scanned
you all scanned
they scanned
Future tense
I will scan
you will scan
he/she/it will scan
we will scan
you all will scan
they will scan
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would scan
you would scan
he/she/it would scan
we would scan
you all would scan
they would scan
Past imperfect tense
I used to scan
you used to scan
he/she/it used to scan
we used to scan
you all used to scan
they used to scan
Past perfect tense
había escaneado
I had scanned
habías escaneado
you had scanned
había escaneado
he/she/it had scanned
habíamos escaneado
we had scanned
habíais escaneado
you all had scanned
habían escaneado
they had scanned
Future perfect tense
habré escaneado
I will have scanned
habrás escaneado
you will have scanned
habrá escaneado
he/she/it will have scanned
habremos escaneado
we will have scanned
habréis escaneado
you all will have scanned
habrán escaneado
they will have scanned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I scan
(if/so that) you scan
(if/so that) he/she/it scan
(if/so that) we scan
(if/so that) you all scan
(if/so that) they scan
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya escaneado
I have scanned
hayas escaneado
you have scanned
haya escaneado
he/she/it has scanned
hayamos escaneado
we have scanned
hayáis escaneado
you all have scanned
hayan escaneado
they have scanned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have scanned
(if/so that) you have scanned
(if/so that) he/she/it have scanned
(if/so that) we have scanned
(if/so that) you all have scanned
(if/so that) they have scanned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have scanned
(if/so that) you have scanned
(if/so that) he/she/it have scanned
(if/so that) we have scanned
(if/so that) you all have scanned
(if/so that) they have scanned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera escaneado
I had scanned
hubieras escaneado
you had scanned
hubiera escaneado
he/she/it had scanned
hubiéramos escaneado
we had scanned
hubierais escaneado
you all had scanned
hubieran escaneado
they had scanned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese escaneado
I had scanned
hubieses escaneado
you had scanned
hubiese escaneado
he/she/it had scanned
hubiésemos escaneado
we had scanned
hubieseis escaneado
you all had scanned
hubiesen escaneado
they had scanned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have scanned
(if/so that) you will have scanned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have scanned
(if/so that) we will have scanned
(if/so that) you all will have scanned
(if/so that) they will have scanned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere escaneado
I will have scanned
hubieres escaneado
you will have scanned
hubiere escaneado
he/she/it will have scanned
hubiéremos escaneado
we will have scanned
hubiereis escaneado
you all will have scanned
hubieren escaneado
they will have scanned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's scan!
Imperative negative mood
no escanees
do not scan!
no escanee
let him/her/it scan!
no escaneemos
let us not scan!
no escaneéis
do not scan!
no escaneen
do not scan!

Examples of escanear

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Tenemos que escanear todas las páginas. - ¡No, tenemos que largarnos!We need to scan the pages. - No, we must leave!
- ¿Va a escanear primero? - No.-You are going to scan first?
-Necesito escanear a Luke.- I need to scan Luke. - No!
A menos que sea para escanear las caras de las personas celosas detrás de nosotros.Unless it's to scan the faces of the jealous people behind us.
Agente Quatermain, modificamos el sistema... para usar el Mandroide para escanear el exterior. Tendrá que servir.Agent Quartermain, we've upgraded the systems using the Mandroid sensors to scan the exterior.
"Eso no es coincidencia". Estoy listo para el escaneo.I'm ready for some scans.
- Diseñé un nuevo escaneo biológico.I've designed a new bio-scan.
- Durante el escaneo, sí.During my scan, yes.
- El escaneo de los sectores... - ¡Shh!The scans of the sectors ahead...
- El escaneo no muestra bomba alguna.- Our scans show no trace of a bomb.
- Vamos, Loomis... escaneas la imagen y buscas una coincidencia.Come on, Loomis. You scan the face, you look for a match.
- Y la escaneas en la computadora...- And scan it into a computer...
Creo que si escaneas la tierra desde el exterior, registrarás el inglés como el lenguaje dominante.I guess if you scanned the Earth from the outside, you'd register English as the dominant language.
Cuándo escaneas el libro, ves el título?When you scan the book, do you see the title?
No tiene que ser el más alto, sólo el suficiente para que me deen una de esas tarjetas que pitan cuando las escaneas.It doesn't have to be the highest, just enough to give me one of those badges that beeps when you scan it.
Además graba tus visitas al baño y escanea tus pupilas cada 80 segundos.Mm. It also monitors toilet visits and scans your retinas every 80 seconds.
Bueno, vamos a ver si se escanea.Okay, let me see if it scans.
Cada noche, usando un revolucionario sensor digital de mil millones de píxeles, el equipo escanea una extensa franja del cielo.Each night, using a revolutionary billion-pixel digital sensor, the team scans a vast swathe of the sky.
Cada vez que pasa una persona por la entrada la cámara le toma fotos de la cara el programa escanea las fotos y las compara con las de los convictos.Well, as each person passes through the choke point, the camera takes a series of still shots of their face. The software scans that face, and compares it to known felons in a data bank.
Como pueden ver, el comandante Ray Whitehill de la Unidad Policial del Sector escanea las pulseras de los siete atrianos, permitiendo a las autoridades monitorizar su localización en todo el instituto.As you can see, Commander Ray Whitehill of the Sector Enforcement Unit scans the wristbands of the Atrian Seven, allowing authorities to track their location while at school.
- Lo escaneamos.Scan him. We scanned him.
Ahora, no podemos rastrear esos correos, pero Robbie fue contratado por sus reseñas en Amazon, así que escaneamos las reseñas y encontramos esto.Now, we can't trace these e-mails back, but Robbie was hired because of his reviews on Amazon, and so we scanned the reviews and we found this.
AhoraAmyyyo, nosotros "ll escaneamos las cosas que necesitamos ... yllegaraustedescon las cosas que necesita para el escape.Now Amy and I, we"ll scan the stuff we need... and get to you guys with the stuff you need for the escape.
Así que escaneamos el terciopelo. ¿Te dice algo?So we scanned the velvet. Does it tell us anything?
Así que escaneamos las cintas de seguridad del hotel y encontramos esto.So we scanned the hotel security footage and we found this.
- Entonces, escanean tus huellas.- So, your prints get scanned.
- Los sensores escanean ambos.- Sensors scan for both compounds.
- Nos escanean por radar.(co-pilot) We are being radar scanned.
-Nos escanean.- We're being scanned.
A los turistas les escanean los pasaportes, no llevan armas de fuego y claramente esta es la nueva Ziva.Tourists have their passports scanned, they don't carry firearms, and clearly, this is the new Ziva.
- Lo escaneé, pero no encontré nada.No, I scanned him, but I found nothing.
- Sí, yo... escaneé tu cerebro mientras te mostraban una serie de fotografías de crímenes.I... scanned your brain while you were shown a series of crime photographs.
Ah, sí. Lo escaneé.I scanned it.
Bueno, escaneé el directorio de discos de simulación digital--Well, I've, uh-I've scanned the D. S. A. file directory, and-
Bueno, lo escaneé.Well, I, uh, scanned it.
Ahora, escaneaste su cuerpo, así que o eres el peor doctor en dos sistemas o sabías que no era humano y mentiste.Now, you scanned his body, so either you're the worst doctor in two systems or you knew he wasn't Human and you lied.
Les dije que no comprendías el concepto de espacio personal o de límite; que me escaneaste las pelotas, que secuestraste un DRN de un hospital y provocaste daños por millones de dólares.that you scanned my balls, that you abducted a DRN from a hospital and caused millions of dollars worth of damage. I befriended that DRN...
Me dijiste que lo escaneaste cuando entró.You told me you scanned him on the way in.
Tú escaneaste el cuerpo de esa mujer.Then it was you. You scanned that woman's body.
¿Lo escaneaste?You scanned it?
- ¿Quién crees que escaneó las fotos?-Who do you think scanned all the pictures?
Angela escaneó la bala y el cráneo para intentar recrear lo que pudo haber pasado.Angela scanned the bullet and the skull to try to re-create what might have happened.
Anubis debe haber adquirido esa información... cuando escaneó la mente de Jonas Quinn.Anubis must have found out when he scanned Jonas Quinn's mind.
Así que el piloto del Dardo de los Espectros nos escaneó, transmitió su información a las naves colmena se transportó aquí abajo y destruyó su nave.So the pilot of the Wraith dart scanned us, transmitted his information to the hive ships, beamed down here, and destroyed his ship?
Bueno, escaneó su email, señor.-Well it scanned his e-mail, sir.
- No se escanearon informes de los Ozuna hasta la mañana siguiente a la muerte de Keisha.- No reports on the Ozunas were scanned in at all until the morning after Keisha died.
Antes de que se apagaran, escanearon todo, desde nuestros límites médicos a tus patrones de respuesta militar.Before they shut down, they scanned everything, from your medical limits to your military response patterns.
Aún no. Ustedes escanearon nuestra nave.You've scanned our vessel.
Cuando escanearon tus ojos, viste los códigos.When they scanned your eyes... you saw the codes;
El mes pasado escanearon todos mis dispositivos.Last month, they scanned all my devices.
Bien, dame una postura de superhéroe y yo te escanearé en la computadora para tu figura de acción.Okay, give me a superhero pose, and I will scan you into the computer for your action figure.
Ahora, mi programa escaneará múltiples bases de datos de cualquier transporte de cualquiera de estas herramientas.Now, my program here will scan multiple databases for any shipments of that gear.
El Ergon os escaneará para un posible uso posterior.The Ergon will scan you for possible future use.
El lector de matrículas escaneará todas las licencias que tenga enfrente.The plate reader will scan any license in sight.
He subido una foto de nuestro acosador, y ahora este nuevo software de reconocimiento facial escaneará todas las grabaciones de las cámaras de seguridad para encontrarle.I uploaded a photo of our bully, and now this new facial-recognition software will scan all the security-camera footage for a match.
Toby escaneará la ruta para predecir patrones de ataque.Toby will scan the route to predict attack patterns.
Lo escanearemos y compararemos.We will scan it and compare
Mis hombres escanearán los artefactos, etiquétalos... verde, ser devueltos a sus propietarios, rojo, permanecer aquí, en la bóveda hasta su recogida.My men will scan the artifacts, tag them... green to be returned to their owners, red to stay here in the vault until collected.
Adelante... escanee.Go ahead... scan away.
Alférez, escanee el campo para hallar patrones idénticos.Ensign Wildman, scan the field for repeating patterns.
Así que aún no morirás no antes de que escanee la información que llevas.So you're not gonna die just yet, not before I get that data scanned out of you.
Así que le doy al Blitzer un poco de tecnología alien no amenazadora, lo devuelvo aquí, pero no quiero que me escanee.So, I give the Blitzer a tiny whiff of non-threatening alien tech, I lead it back here, but I don't want it to scan me, hence invisible.
Computadora, escanee todos los archivos de datos en busca de patrones de intensidad de onda comparables.Computer, scan all data files - for comparable wave intensity patterns.
- Necesito que me escanees.- I need you to scan me.
Necesitamos que escanees el Fantasma y que busques eso.[ sighs ] We need you to scan the ghost for that.
Necesito que escanees todas mis fotos de Sarah, que compruebes si alguna de sus caras concuerda con este anuncio.I need you to scan all my photos of Sarah, see if any of the faces match this ad.
No escanees estas fotos ni las transmitas por Internet.Do not scan these pictures and don't transmit them over the Internet.
Nos dijeron que los Reticulin nos traerían prosperidad Tecnología, escanees de resonancia magnética, también bolígrafosThey told us that Retikulanci bring prosperity and technology: MRI scanners, pens:
Crichton quiere que escaneemos el área por algún signo del transporte Tavlek.Crichton wants us to scan the area for any signs of the Tavlek shuttle...
Digo que la escaneemos de nuevo.I say we scan her again.
Peter, ¿quieres que escaneemos toda la investigación de libros raros?Peter, do you want us to scan all the rare-book research?
Quiero que escaneéis cada estación de metro...I want you running scans on every subway station...
A mi madre le gusta mirar cerebros y a Sheldon le gusta que escaneen el suyo.Mother likes looking at brains and Sheldon likes getting his brain scanned.
Ahora tengo que ir a que me escaneen paraNow I have to go get scanned for
El coronel insiste en que me escaneen.He said the colonel insists that I be scanned.
Entonces, escaneen manualmente todos los tribbles.Then you will have to manually scan every tribble on the station.
Hasta entonces, tengo derecho a negarme a que me escaneen a mí o a mi tripulación.Until then, I'm within my rights to refuse a scan on myself or on any member of my crew.
- Te ha escaneado.- He scanned you.
- ¿Lo escaneado , ¿verdad?- You scanned him, right?
- ¿No has escaneado ya cada pulgada de este lugar?- Haven't you already scanned every inch of this place?
250 mil, escaneado y registrado.250 thou, scanned and logged.
Además, he escaneado la letra parcial que encontramos en la parte inferior del cajón.Also, I scanned the partial letter we found at the bottom of the drawer.
- Bueno, los radares de la policía están escaneando cada coche de la carretera... hasta ahora, nada.Well, HPD plate readers are scanning every car on the road-- so far, nothing.
- Como si estuviese escaneando algo.Like it was scanning something.
- Estoy escaneando la arquitectura.I'm scanning the architecture.
- Estoy escaneando para al menos obtener una aproximiación facial.- Well, I'm scanning to at least get a close facial approximation.
- Está escaneando su cerebro.~ It's scanning her brain.

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