Put out to pasture (to ) conjugation

10 examples
This verb can also mean the following: discontinue something, make, pasture, make someone retire, discontinue

Conjugation of put out to pasture

you all
Present Simple
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
puts out to pasture
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
Future Simple
will put out to pasture
will put out to pasture
will put out to pasture
will put out to pasture
will put out to pasture
will put out to pasture
Past Simple
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
put out to pasture
Conditional Simple
would put out to pasture
would put out to pasture
would put out to pasture
would put out to pasture
would put out to pasture
would put out to pasture
you all
Present Progressive
am putting out to pasture
are putting out to pasture
is putting out to pasture
are putting out to pasture
are putting out to pasture
are putting out to pasture
Future Progressive
will be putting out to pasture
will be putting out to pasture
will be putting out to pasture
will be putting out to pasture
will be putting out to pasture
will be putting out to pasture
Past Progressive
was putting out to pasture
were putting out to pasture
was putting out to pasture
were putting out to pasture
were putting out to pasture
were putting out to pasture
Conditional Progressive
would be putting out to pasture
would be putting out to pasture
would be putting out to pasture
would be putting out to pasture
would be putting out to pasture
would be putting out to pasture
you all
Present Perfect
have put out to pasture
have put out to pasture
has put out to pasture
have put out to pasture
have put out to pasture
have put out to pasture
Future Perfect
will have put out to pasture
will have put out to pasture
will have put out to pasture
will have put out to pasture
will have put out to pasture
will have put out to pasture
Past Perfect
had put out to pasture
had put out to pasture
had put out to pasture
had put out to pasture
had put out to pasture
had put out to pasture
Conditional Perfect
would have put out to pasture
would have put out to pasture
would have put out to pasture
would have put out to pasture
would have put out to pasture
would have put out to pasture
Present Perfect Progressive
have been putting out to pasture
have been putting out to pasture
has been putting out to pasture
have been putting out to pasture
have been putting out to pasture
have been putting out to pasture
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been putting out to pasture
will have been putting out to pasture
will have been putting out to pasture
will have been putting out to pasture
will have been putting out to pasture
will have been putting out to pasture
Past Perfect Progressive
had been putting out to pasture
had been putting out to pasture
had been putting out to pasture
had been putting out to pasture
had been putting out to pasture
had been putting out to pasture
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been putting out to pasture
would have been putting out to pasture
would have been putting out to pasture
would have been putting out to pasture
would have been putting out to pasture
would have been putting out to pasture

Examples of put out to pasture

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Casey was like an old mule who needed to be put out to pasture."
- You're not being put out to pasture, Father.
All the bands, all our peers, everything that record companies were signing that were similar in style to us, was now being put out to pasture by the movement in Seattle and the commercial birth, if you will, of rap music.
And I chose put out to pasture, so they gave me a good retirement deal.
And he was the one who approved it and got it made and stood behind it, so landmark movies continued to be made by Warner Bros until Jack Warner was finally put out to pasture.
"Casey was like an old mule who needed to be put out to pasture."
- You're not being put out to pasture, Father.
All the bands, all our peers, everything that record companies were signing that were similar in style to us, was now being put out to pasture by the movement in Seattle and the commercial birth, if you will, of rap music.
And I chose put out to pasture, so they gave me a good retirement deal.
And he was the one who approved it and got it made and stood behind it, so landmark movies continued to be made by Warner Bros until Jack Warner was finally put out to pasture.

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Not found
We have none.


Not found
We have none.

Similar but longer

Not found
We have none.


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push forward
put it past
put it past
put oneself in someone's place
put oneself in someones place
put out
put out
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