Tăia (to cut) conjugation

56 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I cut
you cut
he/she/it cuts
we cut
you all cut
they cut
Present perfect tense
am tăiat
I have cut
ai tăiat
you have cut
a tăiat
he/she/it has cut
am tăiat
we have cut
ați tăiat
you all have cut
au tăiat
they have cut
Past preterite tense
I cut
you cut
he/she/it cut
we cut
you all cut
they cut
Future tense
voi tăia
I will cut
vei tăia
you will cut
va tăia
he/she/it will cut
vom tăia
we will cut
veți tăia
you all will cut
vor tăia
they will cut
Conditional mood
aș tăia
I would cut
ai tăia
you would cut
ar tăia
he/she/it would cut
am tăia
we would cut
ați tăia
you all would cut
ar tăia
they would cut
Subjunctive present tense
să tai
(so that/if) I cut
să tai
(so that/if) you cut
să taie
(so that/if) he/she/it cut
să tăiem
(so that/if) we cut
să tăiați
(so that/if) you all cut
să taie
(so that/if) they cut
Subjunctive past tense
să fi tăiat
(so that/if) I have cut
să fi tăiat
(so that/if) you have cut
să fi tăiat
(so that/if) he/she/it have cut
să fi tăiat
(so that/if) we have cut
să fi tăiat
(so that/if) you all have cut
să fi tăiat
(so that/if) they have cut
Past impf. tense
I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting
we were cutting
you all were cutting
they were cutting
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu tăia
do not cut!
nu tăiați
do not cut!
Past pluperfect tense
I had cut
you had cut
he/she/it had cut
we had cut
you all had cut
they had cut
Future alternative 1 tense
am să tai
I am going to cut
ai să tai
you are going to cut
are să taie
he/she/it is going to cut
avem să tăiem
we are going to cut
aveți să tăiați
you all are going to cut
au să taie
they are going to cut
Future alternative 2 tense
o să tai
I am going to cut
o să tai
you are going to cut
o să taie
he/she/it is going to cut
o să tăiem
we are going to cut
o să tăiați
you all are going to cut
o să taie
they are going to cut
Future perfect tense
voi fi tăiat
I will have cut
vei fi tăiat
you will have cut
va fi tăiat
he/she/it will have cut
vom fi tăiat
we will have cut
veți fi tăiat
you all will have cut
vor fi tăiat
they will have cut
Future in the past tense
aveam să tai
I was going to cut
aveai să tai
you were going to cut
avea să taie
he/she/it was going to cut
aveam să tăiem
we were going to cut
aveați să tăiați
you all were going to cut
aveau să taie
they were going to cut
Conditional past tense
aș fi tăiat
I would have cut
ai fi tăiat
you would have cut
ar fi tăiat
he/she/it would have cut
am fi tăiat
we would have cut
ați fi tăiat
you all would have cut
ar fi tăiat
they would have cut
Presumptive tense
oi tăia
I might cut
oi tăia
you might cut
o tăia
he/she/it might cut
om tăia
we might cut
oți tăia
you all might cut
or tăia
they might cut
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi tăind
I might be cutting
oi fi tăind
you might be cutting
o fi tăind
he/she/it might be cutting
om fi tăind
we might be cutting
oți fi tăind
you all might be cutting
or fi tăind
they might be cutting
Presumptive past tense
oi fi tăiat
I might have cut
oi fi tăiat
you might have cut
o fi tăiat
he/she/it might have cut
om fi tăiat
we might have cut
oți fi tăiat
you all might have cut
or fi tăiat
they might have cut

Examples of tăia

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! ! Dă-i la mine și vă voi tăia o afacereGive him to me and I'll cut you a deal!
"A tăia brânza" înseamnă doar a tăia brânza."Cutting the cheese" simply means cutting the actual cheese.
"A tăia.""To cut."
"A" poate tăia un cablu în 6 ore... "B" în 5 ore."A" can cut a cord in six hours, "B" in five hours.
"Ascultându-l pe dr. Cooper" "am simţit din nou dorinţa de a mă tăia.""Listening to Dr. Cooper has made me want to start cutting myself again""
"Agresiv: daca aveam un asemenea nas, trebuia sa-l tai.""Aggressive: If I had such a a nose, I'd cut it off."
"Ai un fir acolo- eu il tai."You have a thread there - I cut it.
"Am decis să tai unele orificii în capota. "'I decided to cut some vents in the bonnet.'
"Ar trebui să tai o""I will cut a bitch." "I will cut a""
"Aş prefera mai degrabă să tai frunze la câini.""I'd rather bop with the bits I cut off my dog's bum."
"Bine", se taie atunci când suntem rulează peste tot?"Okay" cuts it when we're running all over?
"Cuvintele cele mai ascuţite taie mătase, nu piatră.""The sharpest sword cuts silk, not stone."
"El poartă semnul sfant pe frunte şi taie în bucăţi o capră...""He applies the holy mark on his forehead, he cuts up a goat..."
"Este taie chei adânci prin roca de a păstra curge!""It cuts deep gorges through the rock to keep flowing!"
"Esti focul ce taie gheata.""You are the heat that cuts the ice."
"Hai să tăiem degetul trei,apoi"Let's you and me cut finger number three down, then
"Le tăiem capetele celor care nu şi le apleacă"."We cut off the heads of those that will not bow."
"Trebuie să le tăiem capetele înainte ca ei să revină la viaţă. ""we got to cut off the heads before they come back to life."
"dar în acelaşi timp suntem învăţaţi să tăiem pe cineva cu un cuţit."while we're trained to cut you open with a knife.
"pentru că sunt aici de prea mult timp, şi va trebui să facem ceva să tăiem din statul de plată.""because they've been there too long, and we're gonna have to do something to cut the payroll."
- Deci, se poate dispozitivul de blocare pe sau tăiați prin țesutul.- So it can latch onto or cut through tissue.
- Și tăiați!- And cut!
Cei mai mulți copaci au fost tăiați și transformate în pășuni și grădini unde tot felul de legume si radacini că știm în Anglia crește în abundență.Most trees were cut down and turned into pasture and gardens where all kinds of vegetables and root crops that we know in England grow in profusion.
Dacă vă tăiați alimentarea la camera mea de securitate, un ostatic va muri.If you cut the feed to my security camera, a hostage will die.
Dacă vă tăiați partea de gât, el va muri mai lent.If you cut the side of his throat, he'll die more slowly.
- Da, m-am prins. Niki a fost forţată şi să-şi tăie o şuviţă din păr?Was Niki forced to cut off a clump of her hair, too?
- Mama îi tăie coajă.- Mom cuts off the crust.
A spus că data următoare îi tăie gâtul.He said he'd cut her throat next time.
A trebuit să îi tăie să îi despartă.I had use a knife to cut them appart.
Acum, în acest caz, autobuzul ajunge la un anumit punct pe drum exact când camionul blochează şoseaua, exact când camioneta îi tăie calea.Now, in this case, the bus reaches a certain point in the road just as the truck blocks the lane, just as the pickup cuts off the bus.
Am observat petele când îi tăiam hainele.I noticed it when I was cutting her out of her clothes... stains on her outfit.
Azi dimineaţă tăiam gardurile domnului Mcalary ca să fie egale.I was cutting Mr. Mcalary's hedges this morning so they'd be up to code.
Caând am vrut să tai tortul, am privit în jos şi am văzut că îi tăiam mâna.When I cut the cake, I looked down, and I was cutting off this hand.
Da, m-am zgâriat într-o creangă când tăiam lemne.Uh, yeah, it was, uh... tree branch when I was cutting wood.
Doamna mea, cât timp tăiam la lemne cineva a fugit după casă.My lady,while i was cutting woods someone was running round the house.
Ai rupt lama când îl tăiai, deştept băiat.You also broke the blade when you were cutting him up, smart guy.
Când ne-am pus-o, şoldurile ei parcă mă tăiau.When we were doing it, her hips were cutting into me.
Mă tăiau.(Paulie) 'They were cutting me.
Îi tăiasem o labă din faţă.I had cut off one of its front paws.
Cineva le tăiase gâturile.Someone had cut their throats.
Când ne-am despărţit, m-am simţit de parcă cineva îmi tăiase mâinile şi picioarele.When we broke up, I felt like someone had cut off my arms and my legs.
Dar credeam că mă tăiase un klingonian cu cuţitul.I thought a Klingon had cut me.
Sau poate se întreba de ce tăiase fondurile pentru anti-terorism ale FBI-ului...Maybe Bush wondered why he had cut terrorism funding from the FBI.
Se tăiase, iar dumneavoastră i-ati spus să rămână acolo până vin cei de la SPC.She had cut herself and you made her stay there so the CPS could investigate.
Băieţii tăiaseră o gaură mare în mijlocul păturii, prin care vedeai ca pe fereastră, tot ce se-ntâmpla în partea cealaltă.The boys had cut a huge hole in the middle of the blanket, like you can see through a window, all the way through to the other side.
Mulţi îşi tăiaseră părul, cei mai mulţi îşi înnegriseră feţele.Many had cut their hair, most of them had blackened their faces.
! Am tăiat toate controalele externe.We've cut all external controls.
! I-au tăiat capul!They've cut his head off.
! Iar părul tot nu este tăiat.Your hair hasn't been cut, too!
" A luat cutitul si el a tăiat "♪ He took his knife and he cut her down ♪
" Când fiara trădătoare întors, am tăiat capul ""When the treacherous beast returned, I cut off its head."
"...şi tăind pădurea cu-a lui coadă galbenă.Meeks. cutting through the forest with a golden track.
"Atunci am văzut Congo şerpuind prin negură, şi tăind pădurea cu-a lui coadă galbenă.""Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black, cutting through the forest with a golden track."
- Judecând după poziţia sa, se pare că o armă l-a împuns în gât, tăind muşchiul sterno-cleidomastoidian, şi secţionând atât carotida cât şi vena jugulară.Judging by its location,it appears that a weapon was thrust into the neck, cutting through the sterno cleidomastoid, and severing both the carotid artery and jugular vein.
- Literalmente, ore tăind porumbul.- Literally hours cutting your corn up.
- Şi iată-ne aici tăind copaci, o muncă pe care prizonierii o fac.- And here we are, cutting down trees, a job they make prisoners do.

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