Trezi (to get up) conjugation

33 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: rouse, awaken, get, wake up, to rouse

Conjugation of trezi

Present tense
I get up
you get up
he/she/it gets up
we get up
you all get up
they get up
Present perfect tense
am trezit
I have got up
ai trezit
you have got up
a trezit
he/she/it has got up
am trezit
we have got up
ați trezit
you all have got up
au trezit
they have got up
Past preterite tense
I got up
you got up
he/she/it got up
we got up
you all got up
they got up
Future tense
voi trezi
I will get up
vei trezi
you will get up
va trezi
he/she/it will get up
vom trezi
we will get up
veți trezi
you all will get up
vor trezi
they will get up
Conditional mood
aș trezi
I would get up
ai trezi
you would get up
ar trezi
he/she/it would get up
am trezi
we would get up
ați trezi
you all would get up
ar trezi
they would get up
Subjunctive present tense
să trezesc
(so that/if) I get up
să trezești
(so that/if) you get up
să trezească
(so that/if) he/she/it get up
să trezim
(so that/if) we get up
să treziți
(so that/if) you all get up
să trezească
(so that/if) they get up
Subjunctive past tense
să fi trezit
(so that/if) I have got up
să fi trezit
(so that/if) you have got up
să fi trezit
(so that/if) he/she/it have got up
să fi trezit
(so that/if) we have got up
să fi trezit
(so that/if) you all have got up
să fi trezit
(so that/if) they have got up
Past impf. tense
I was getting up
you were getting up
he/she/it was getting up
we were getting up
you all were getting up
they were getting up
Imperative mood
get up!
get up!
Imperative negative mood
nu trezi
do not get up!
nu treziți
do not get up!
Past pluperfect tense
I had got up
you had got up
he/she/it had got up
we had got up
you all had got up
they had got up
Future alternative 1 tense
am să trezesc
I am going to get up
ai să trezești
you are going to get up
are să trezească
he/she/it is going to get up
avem să trezim
we are going to get up
aveți să treziți
you all are going to get up
au să trezească
they are going to get up
Future alternative 2 tense
o să trezesc
I am going to get up
o să trezești
you are going to get up
o să trezească
he/she/it is going to get up
o să trezim
we are going to get up
o să treziți
you all are going to get up
o să trezească
they are going to get up
Future perfect tense
voi fi trezit
I will have got up
vei fi trezit
you will have got up
va fi trezit
he/she/it will have got up
vom fi trezit
we will have got up
veți fi trezit
you all will have got up
vor fi trezit
they will have got up
Future in the past tense
aveam să trezesc
I was going to get up
aveai să trezești
you were going to get up
avea să trezească
he/she/it was going to get up
aveam să trezim
we were going to get up
aveați să treziți
you all were going to get up
aveau să trezească
they were going to get up
Conditional past tense
aș fi trezit
I would have got up
ai fi trezit
you would have got up
ar fi trezit
he/she/it would have got up
am fi trezit
we would have got up
ați fi trezit
you all would have got up
ar fi trezit
they would have got up
Presumptive tense
oi trezi
I might get up
oi trezi
you might get up
o trezi
he/she/it might get up
om trezi
we might get up
oți trezi
you all might get up
or trezi
they might get up
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi trezind
I might be getting up
oi fi trezind
you might be getting up
o fi trezind
he/she/it might be getting up
om fi trezind
we might be getting up
oți fi trezind
you all might be getting up
or fi trezind
they might be getting up
Presumptive past tense
oi fi trezit
I might have got up
oi fi trezit
you might have got up
o fi trezit
he/she/it might have got up
om fi trezit
we might have got up
oți fi trezit
you all might have got up
or fi trezit
they might have got up

Examples of trezi

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
""Mă culc şi zic: oare când mă voi trezi?"""When I lie down, I think, 'How long before I get up?"'
- Te vei trezi la ora 4 dimineața și vei mulge vacile, apoi vei continua să muncești până seara la ora 20.You will get up and milk the cows at 4 am And you don't finish until 8 pm.
-Niciodată nu m-am putut trezi devreme.- I could never get up that early.
Acum am pentru ce mă trezi dimineaţa.It's a reason to get up in the morning.
Acum, o sa te culci direct ca sa te poti trezi devreme si sa putem merge sa ne uitam la pestisorul de aur.Now you go right to sleep so you can get up early and we can go down and look at the goldfish.
"Acum mă trezesc, şi zile şi nopţi... ""Now I get up, now I go for the entire day on ... "
"Daca Warwick vrea cu adevarat sa mearga ma trezesc si merg.""Well, if Warwick really wants to go, I'll get up and I'll go."
"Daca nu lucrez,ma trezesc in jur de zece... Si-mi fac o ceasca de ceai."If I'm not working, I get up around ten o' clock... and prepare a cup of tea.
"Deci, mă trezesc, mă duc prin pantalonii, am găsit o chitanță."So, I get up, I go through your pants, I found a receipt.
'De obicei oamenii, bea ceai când se trezesc. ''People usually have tea when they get up.'
- Nu știu cât de des te trezești ...- I don't know how often you get up...
Acesta trebuie să fie destul de important pentru Sue Ellen să te trezești așa de devreme .It must be pretty important for Sue Ellen to get up so early.
Ascultă , când am dormit în avion , ar trebui să mergem la culcare acum , dar te trezești foarte devreme mâine .Listen, since we slept on the plane, we should go to sleep now, but get up really early tomorrow.
Asta înseamnă că ar trebui de fapt să te trezești dimineața.That means you'd actually have to get up in the morning.
De ce te trezești dimineața?Why get up in the morning?
Apoi, el se trezește dis-de-dimineață pentru a lucra cu el ... așa că va trebui doar pentru a ajunge la el să facă mai bine.Then he gets up early in the morning to work with him... so I'll just have to get on him to do better.
El stă să mănânce, și dintr-o dată se trezește ..He sits to eat, and suddenly gets up..
Janet și Paris se lupta deoarece Janet se ridică la 5:30 pentru a merge jogging , se trezește Paris în sus , și atunci care rezultă argument se trezește toată lumea în sus , și - oh !Janet and Paris are fighting because Janet gets up at 5:30 to go jogging, wakes Paris up, and then the resulting argument wakes everybody up, and - oh!
Nimeni nu se trezește dimineața și-l iubește, și nu-l mai iubește la cină.No one gets up in the morning and loves it, and no longer loves him to dinner.
Se trezește la șase jumate, ca să-i coafeze mă-sa freza.He gets up at half-seven so his mum can do his hair.
"La vârsta noastră e o surpriză că ne mai trezim dimineaţa""At our age it's enough surprise every day when we get up in the morning. "
#În fiecare dimineaţă, # #ne trezim foarte devreme# #pentru simplul motiv că mereu# #e cineva care face asta# #şi îi trezeşte şi pe ceilalţi.#We get up early every morning. Simply, because someone gets up early, and wakes all the others.
- Da, trebuie să ne trezim devreme.- Yeah, we have to get up early tomorrow.
- La cât ne trezim?What time do we get up?
- Trebuie să ne trezim devreme.Got to get up early for work anyway.
"Am stiut chiar din momentul în care m-am trezit ca se întâmplase ceva...""I knew, from the moment I got up, that something had happened..."
"Intentionam să o duc pe Kie înapoi la casa părintilor ei...". "... dar a doua zi când m-am trezit..." "... plecase deja."I'd meant to take Kie back to her parents' home but when I got up the next morning she had gone away on her own.
"când m-am trezit de dimineaţă, dar cred că m-am schimbat de câteva ori de atunci.'""'when I got up this morning, "'but I think I must have been changed several times since then. "' Yeah, I know how she feels.
"Știu că am fost în regulă, vineri, atunci când m-am trezit."I know I was all right on Friday when I got up.
* M-am trezit în această dimineaţă, rostogolindu-mă din pat * * Am vărsat cola dietetică pe mama mea, spunând: "Bună" * * Ce am vrut să spun era, "De ce este viaţa ta o glumă?" *♪ got up this morning, rolled out of bed ♪ ♪ I spilled a diet coke on my mother, said "hi" ♪ ♪ what I meant to say was, "why is your life a joke?" ♪
Toată lumea, treziți-vă!Come on, everybody, get up!
Tot ce ştiu este că el lucra până târziu în fiecare noapte, se trezea dimineaţa devreme şi apoi făcea duş timp de...All I know is that he was working late every night, he was getting up early and then he was showering for...
Când auzeau elicopterele americane sau tancurile americane pe strada lor, se trezeau imediat, chiar dacă era două noaptea, şi se pregăteau să meargă la închisoare.When they heard the helicopters of EE.UU... or the tanks of the USA for the streets... they were getting up immediately... although it was going to two o'clock in the morning... and they were prepared for the detention.

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