Traversa (to cross) conjugation

47 examples

Conjugation of traversa

Present tense
I cross
you cross
he/she/it crosses
we cross
you all cross
they cross
Present perfect tense
am traversat
I have crossed
ai traversat
you have crossed
a traversat
he/she/it has crossed
am traversat
we have crossed
ați traversat
you all have crossed
au traversat
they have crossed
Past preterite tense
I crossed
you crossed
he/she/it crossed
we crossed
you all crossed
they crossed
Future tense
voi traversa
I will cross
vei traversa
you will cross
va traversa
he/she/it will cross
vom traversa
we will cross
veți traversa
you all will cross
vor traversa
they will cross
Conditional mood
aș traversa
I would cross
ai traversa
you would cross
ar traversa
he/she/it would cross
am traversa
we would cross
ați traversa
you all would cross
ar traversa
they would cross
Subjunctive present tense
să traversez
(so that/if) I cross
să traversezi
(so that/if) you cross
să traverseze
(so that/if) he/she/it cross
să traversăm
(so that/if) we cross
să traversați
(so that/if) you all cross
să traverseze
(so that/if) they cross
Subjunctive past tense
să fi traversat
(so that/if) I have crossed
să fi traversat
(so that/if) you have crossed
să fi traversat
(so that/if) he/she/it have crossed
să fi traversat
(so that/if) we have crossed
să fi traversat
(so that/if) you all have crossed
să fi traversat
(so that/if) they have crossed
Past impf. tense
I was crossing
you were crossing
he/she/it was crossing
we were crossing
you all were crossing
they were crossing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu traversa
do not cross!
nu traversați
do not cross!
Past pluperfect tense
I had crossed
you had crossed
he/she/it had crossed
we had crossed
you all had crossed
they had crossed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să traversez
I am going to cross
ai să traversezi
you are going to cross
are să traverseze
he/she/it is going to cross
avem să traversăm
we are going to cross
aveți să traversați
you all are going to cross
au să traverseze
they are going to cross
Future alternative 2 tense
o să traversez
I am going to cross
o să traversezi
you are going to cross
o să traverseze
he/she/it is going to cross
o să traversăm
we are going to cross
o să traversați
you all are going to cross
o să traverseze
they are going to cross
Future perfect tense
voi fi traversat
I will have crossed
vei fi traversat
you will have crossed
va fi traversat
he/she/it will have crossed
vom fi traversat
we will have crossed
veți fi traversat
you all will have crossed
vor fi traversat
they will have crossed
Future in the past tense
aveam să traversez
I was going to cross
aveai să traversezi
you were going to cross
avea să traverseze
he/she/it was going to cross
aveam să traversăm
we were going to cross
aveați să traversați
you all were going to cross
aveau să traverseze
they were going to cross
Conditional past tense
aș fi traversat
I would have crossed
ai fi traversat
you would have crossed
ar fi traversat
he/she/it would have crossed
am fi traversat
we would have crossed
ați fi traversat
you all would have crossed
ar fi traversat
they would have crossed
Presumptive tense
oi traversa
I might cross
oi traversa
you might cross
o traversa
he/she/it might cross
om traversa
we might cross
oți traversa
you all might cross
or traversa
they might cross
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi traversând
I might be crossing
oi fi traversând
you might be crossing
o fi traversând
he/she/it might be crossing
om fi traversând
we might be crossing
oți fi traversând
you all might be crossing
or fi traversând
they might be crossing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi traversat
I might have crossed
oi fi traversat
you might have crossed
o fi traversat
he/she/it might have crossed
om fi traversat
we might have crossed
oți fi traversat
you all might have crossed
or fi traversat
they might have crossed

Examples of traversa

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Copii, traversa râul!" ""Kids, get across the river!""
"Dacă vom traversa Canalul spre Anglia,"♪ if you ever get across the sea to england ♪ all:
"Dificultatea de a traversa câmpul" era povestea unui fermier din Alabama care într-o zi se plimba pe un câmp, când a dispărut."The Difficulty of Crossing a Field" was about an Alabama farmer who one day was taking a walk across the field when he just disappeared.
"Drumurile noastre va traversa din nou.""Our paths will cross again."
"El traversa drumul.'He was crossing the road.
"Apoi traversez Canalul Mânecii"Then I'm gonna cross that English Channel
"La ora 6 după-amiaza pe data de 25, mă găseam în faţa Palatului de Justiţie eram pe cale să traversez strada,... când am observat că mi s-a descheiat bareta de la pantof." At 6pm on the 25th, in front of the Justice Building. I was about to cross the street,... when I noticed my shoe strap was undone.
"Să dau piept cu sălbaticul albastru, să traversez balta,"You know, hitting the Wild Blue Yonder, crossing the pond.
- De ce mai târziu, hai acuma golanule. Pentru ca eu nu traversez strada.See me now, punk... 'cause I ain't crossin' no street.
- E departe... trebuie sa traversez taramurile, dar da, o pot face.I'll have to cross over realms. But yes, I can make it.
"Cobori la staţia următoare, traversezi strada..." "... te urci în tramvaiul cu numărul..." "... care corespunde cu mesajul de pe pager."Get off the bus at the next stop, cross the street get on the train with the painted number that corresponds with the pager message.
"Mă micşorez, mor, nu am ţeluri în viaţă"... şi să traversezi înapoi, chiar în paradis."I'm shrinking, I'm dying, I don't have any dreams"... and go right back across the street to paradise.
"Priveşte în ambele direcţii când traversezi strada."[MIMICKING] "Make sure to look both ways before you cross the street."
"daca traversezi podul intri in jungla neagra, Jungla Mortii.""to cross this bridge is to enter the black jungle, the jungle of death."
- A spus că vrei să traversezi.He said, you were going to cross.
"Viziunea către pasajul comorii apare când umbra timpului traversează prin faţa casei unde se Trece şi Ascunde.""The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow."
"Viziunea către pasajul comorii apare când umbra timpului traversează prin faţa casei unde se trece şi..."OK. "The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of pass and..."
"eroul mereu traversează apa la început.""the hero always crosses water in the beginning."
- Am ordin să împuşc pe oricine traversează linia de carantină.- I have orders to kill anyone that crosses the quarantine line!
- Cred că traversează toate graniţele?- I guess it crosses all borders, right?
"Era într-adevăr un râu şi unul pe care trebuia să-l traversăm "ceea ce însemna că trebuie să utilizăm lucruri din cutia dată, pentru a face impermeabile autoturismele noastre. " Bine.'It was indeed a river and one that we'd have to cross 'which meant that we'd have to use stuff from the Ann Summers chest to waterproof our cars.'
- A fost ideea ta să traversăm gheaţa şi încă mai avem nevoie de el.- It was your idea to cross the ice and we still need him.
- Acum traversăm graniţa.We're crossin' the border now.
- Coborâm pe coardă puţin mai jos şi traversăm pe acolo.We'll rappel to a lower point and cross there.
- Cum stim când să trecem? - Nu reusim să traversăm strada.wecan'tcrossthe street.
"Am traversat Franţa, Canalul..."I crossed France, the Channel...
"Am traversat poduri..." Nu e bine, nu?"I've crossed bridges..." Wrong, huh?
"Am traversat sapte mari, iar tu trebuie sa faci doar cativa pasi."I crossed seven-seas and a couple of steps you have to take
"Așa cum am traversat tundra înghețată cu ghidul meu Akiak"As I crossed the frozen tundra with my guide Akiak
"Este incredibil să crezi că aceste maşini ieftine "cumpărate orbeşte pe internet au traversat jungla amazoniană.'It is incredible to think that these cheap cars 'bought unseen on the Internet had crossed the Amazon rainforest.
"Prin furtuni el traversă Marea Voroth"Through storms, he crossed the Voroth Sea
O cămilă traversă desertul nisipos, în puternica caravană.The camel crossed the desert sands, with all them mighty caravans.
Poirot traversă peluza cu obişnuita sa călcătură rapidă şi măruntă în cizmele sale de piele veritabilă.Poirot crossed the lawn with his usual rapid, mincing gait within his patent leather boots.
Abia am absolvit şcoala de stewardese. şi traversam strada să o sun pe sora mea.Well, I just graduated from stewardess school, and I was crossing the street to go call my sister.
Imi aduc aminte, odata traversam strada cu Dede, si un nesimtit aproape a lovit-o.Yeah, I remember this time I was crossing the street with Dede, and some jackass almost clipped her.
Pentru că dacă am fost traversam strada, chiar acum,Because if I was crossing the street right now,
Când traversai din universul tău în ăsta.When you were crossing out of your universe into this one.
Când părinţii mei erau evacuaţi şi traversau drumul, a explodat o mină în faţa maşinii lor, iar un şrapnel a lovit-o direct în tâmplă.As my parents were being evacuated and they were crossing the road, a mine exploded in front of their car and shrapnel hit her straight in the temple.
Ieri seara in jur de ora 7:30, o masina a lovit o fetita si pe mama ei in timp ce traversau Boulevardul Granite si strada Sawyer.Last evening, about 7:30, a car struck a girl and her mother as they were crossing Granite Boulevard and Sawyer Street.
A încercat să-mi vândă o masină "nouă", când de fapt fierătania traversase Sahara de zece ori!He tried to stick me with a so-called new car. That crate had crossed the Sahara ten times!
Pentru acel om, care traversase junglele misterioase din Africa, nu conta dacă era vorba despre o bestie feroce sau un criminal.To that man, who had crossed the mysterious jungles of Africa, it didn't matter if it was a wild animal or a murderer.
Unii soldaţi traversaseră Rusia prin locuri pe care germanii, în retragere, le jefuiseră, le arseseră şi le distruseseră.Some soldiers had crossed all Russia, for lands that the Germans in withdrawal they pilharam, they had burnt, they destroyed.
"Am văzut copacii traversând luna"♪ I saw the trees crossing the moon ♪
"Continuă căutarea traversând oceanul."Continue your quest by crossing the ocean.
- Trebuia să-l vezi traversând câmpul.- You must have seen them crossing' the fields.
- traversând El Barghout.- crossing El Barghout.
15 oameni, traversând un râu să prindă nemţii dintr-un post de observaţie.Fifteen men crossing a river to capture prisoners from a German observation post.

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