Transpira (to sweat) conjugation

47 examples

Conjugation of transpira

Present tense
I sweat
you sweat
he/she/it sweats
we sweat
you all sweat
they sweat
Present perfect tense
am transpirat
I have sweated
ai transpirat
you have sweated
a transpirat
he/she/it has sweated
am transpirat
we have sweated
ați transpirat
you all have sweated
au transpirat
they have sweated
Past preterite tense
I sweated
you sweated
he/she/it sweated
we sweated
you all sweated
they sweated
Future tense
voi transpira
I will sweat
vei transpira
you will sweat
va transpira
he/she/it will sweat
vom transpira
we will sweat
veți transpira
you all will sweat
vor transpira
they will sweat
Conditional mood
aș transpira
I would sweat
ai transpira
you would sweat
ar transpira
he/she/it would sweat
am transpira
we would sweat
ați transpira
you all would sweat
ar transpira
they would sweat
Subjunctive present tense
să transpir
(so that/if) I sweat
să transpiri
(so that/if) you sweat
să transpire
(so that/if) he/she/it sweat
să transpirăm
(so that/if) we sweat
să transpirați
(so that/if) you all sweat
să transpire
(so that/if) they sweat
Subjunctive past tense
să fi transpirat
(so that/if) I have sweated
să fi transpirat
(so that/if) you have sweated
să fi transpirat
(so that/if) he/she/it have sweated
să fi transpirat
(so that/if) we have sweated
să fi transpirat
(so that/if) you all have sweated
să fi transpirat
(so that/if) they have sweated
Past impf. tense
I was sweating
you were sweating
he/she/it was sweating
we were sweating
you all were sweating
they were sweating
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu transpira
do not sweat!
nu transpirați
do not sweat!
Past pluperfect tense
I had sweated
you had sweated
he/she/it had sweated
we had sweated
you all had sweated
they had sweated
Future alternative 1 tense
am să transpir
I am going to sweat
ai să transpiri
you are going to sweat
are să transpire
he/she/it is going to sweat
avem să transpirăm
we are going to sweat
aveți să transpirați
you all are going to sweat
au să transpire
they are going to sweat
Future alternative 2 tense
o să transpir
I am going to sweat
o să transpiri
you are going to sweat
o să transpire
he/she/it is going to sweat
o să transpirăm
we are going to sweat
o să transpirați
you all are going to sweat
o să transpire
they are going to sweat
Future perfect tense
voi fi transpirat
I will have sweated
vei fi transpirat
you will have sweated
va fi transpirat
he/she/it will have sweated
vom fi transpirat
we will have sweated
veți fi transpirat
you all will have sweated
vor fi transpirat
they will have sweated
Future in the past tense
aveam să transpir
I was going to sweat
aveai să transpiri
you were going to sweat
avea să transpire
he/she/it was going to sweat
aveam să transpirăm
we were going to sweat
aveați să transpirați
you all were going to sweat
aveau să transpire
they were going to sweat
Conditional past tense
aș fi transpirat
I would have sweated
ai fi transpirat
you would have sweated
ar fi transpirat
he/she/it would have sweated
am fi transpirat
we would have sweated
ați fi transpirat
you all would have sweated
ar fi transpirat
they would have sweated
Presumptive tense
oi transpira
I might sweat
oi transpira
you might sweat
o transpira
he/she/it might sweat
om transpira
we might sweat
oți transpira
you all might sweat
or transpira
they might sweat
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi transpirând
I might be sweating
oi fi transpirând
you might be sweating
o fi transpirând
he/she/it might be sweating
om fi transpirând
we might be sweating
oți fi transpirând
you all might be sweating
or fi transpirând
they might be sweating
Presumptive past tense
oi fi transpirat
I might have sweated
oi fi transpirat
you might have sweated
o fi transpirat
he/she/it might have sweated
om fi transpirat
we might have sweated
oți fi transpirat
you all might have sweated
or fi transpirat
they might have sweated

Examples of transpira

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Episoade" e un termen bland pentru chestia asta cand transpira mult si..."Episodes" is a flattering term for this thing where she'd sweat a lot and...
- Am transpira mult, ok?- I sweat a lot, okay?
- Atunci nu transpira, George. ªtii de ce?- Then don't sweat it.
- Bine, doar nu transpira si vei fi bine- Okay, just don't sweat and you'll be fine.
- Cainii nu transpira.- Dogs don't sweat.
"Drăguţo", nici măcar n-o să transpir.Sweetheart, I won't even break a sweat.
"trebuie să încetez să transpir."I've got to stop sweating.
"Încerc să transpir.""I'm trying to get a sweat going."
"încep să transpir, trebuie să încetez să transpir, să nu mai transpir"There's a bump. I'm starting to sweat. Stop sweating.
- "Să nu mai transpir." Cum să fac asta?- "Stop sweating." How do I stop sweating?
"Sa nu-i lasi niciodata sa te vada cum transpiri.""Never let them see you sweat."
- Alex, transpiri.- Alex, you're sweating.
- Aşa ca să nu transpiri. - Ok.-So don't sweat it.
- Ba transpiri, uite!- You're sweating ! Loook !
- Cum se face că nu transpiri ?How come you're not sweating? I don't sweat.
Are febră, transpiră, senzatie de întepături în buze si degetele de la mâini si picioare, schimbări de dispozitie, lipsa coordonării si spune chestii fără sens.He has fever, sweats, tingling lips, fingers, toes, mood swings, lack of coordination and did I mention the crazy talk?
Astăzi, pompierul şef David Herr execută un test pentru a afla exact cât de mult transpiră un pompier atunci când face o salvare la temperaturi înalte.Today, Fire Chief David Herr is running a test to find out exactly how much a firefighter sweats when doing a high-temperature rescue.
Botaroto arată bine şi e musculos... dar transpiră prea mult.Botaroto is handsome and muscular, But he sweats too much.
Cine munceşte, transpiră.A worker sweats.
Crezi că e o idee bună pentru un bărbat care transpiră ca tine . să se înfăşoare într-un maţ de cârnaţi?You think it's a good idea for a man who sweats the way you do to be wrapped in a sausage casing?
- Stai până transpirăm împreună.Wait till we all sweat together. Sweat?
Adorăm să transpirăm şi să cântăm[In Harmony, Deeper Voice] #We love to sweat and we love to sing #
Atunci transpirăm degeaba.Then we're kind of all sweating over nothing.
Bine, deci am pornit si transpirăm deja.All right, so we're off and sweating.
Când veneam trebuia să îmi schimb bluza pentru că transpirăm între sâni.I'd show up and have to change my blouse because the sweat stains were meeting between my breasts.
"Dacă el a pus scrisoarea acasă la Lacey, " "calul său încă este transpirat."If he was the one who put that note on the door of the Lacey house... his horse would still feel sweated.
"O, cât am muncit şi transpirat..." "şi încă nimic nu am realizat.""Oh, how I have sweated and slaved... and yet nothing accomplished."
- Da, pentru că ai transpirat peste tot.- Yeah, 'cause you sweated all over it.
A fost ca si cum tabloul a transpirat picaturi de sânge.It was as if the painting had sweated a dew of blood.
A transpirat sânge.He literally sweated blood.
În sfârșit a găsit un loc în care toată lumea vorbește despre cât sunt de transpirați.She finally found a place where everyone talks about how sweaty they are.
Am alergat în jurul casei, în curtea interioară de multe, multe ori până când transpiram şi apoi iar transpiram şi transpiram.I ran around the house, the patio many, many times until I was sweating and then sweating and sweating.
Apoi am venit acasă şi transpiram tot.And then I came home and I was sweating.
Bine, transpiram că o capră.OK, I was sweating like a goat.
Era cald şi transpiram, dar era mai mult din cauza emoţiilor decât de căldură, apoi,It was hot and I was sweating, but, you know, it was more from nerves than from the heat and then,
Erau oameni grăbiţi în faţă, dreapta şi stânga mea şi eu transpiram ca un porc.They were slapping folks in the face right and left and I was sweating like a pig.
Da, transpirai ca un sinucigaş într-o zi de vară.Yeah, you were sweating like a suicide bomber on a summer jihad.
E o presupunere hazardată care ţi-a venit pentru că transpirai.This is a wild guess that came to you because you were sweating.
Şi atunci transpirai.You were sweating then, too.
La început mai şi transpirauI get ogg the plane, they were sweating.
Oamenii transpirau pe mine.- People were sweating on me. - Hmm.
Toţi transpirau şi se văicăreau, tot timpul.Everybody were sweating and swearing all the time.
- Mi-am imaginat ce poate gândi acest tip gras şi nespălat, transpirând peste mine.- I would picture his thoughts. This fat, dirty person sweating above me.
A stat multe ore lângă mine, transpirând ca un porc bând brandy şi povestindu-mi despre revoluţia irlandeză.Many an hour he sat with me, sweating like a pig drinking brandy and telling stories of the Irish Revolution.
Am stat acolo două ore... poate trei, nu ştiu... transpirând.I just sit there for a couple hours-- three maybe, I don't know-- sweating it out.
Blair avea de gând sa mearga în Franta. Tu planuiesti - sa-ti petreci vara transpirând în Brooklyn?blair was going to france. so are you planning to spend the summer sweating it out in brooklyn?
Cine ar putea fi hazliu, transpirând aici?Who could be funny, sweating it out in here?

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