Stimula (to stimulate) conjugation

35 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: encourage, to encourage

Conjugation of stimula

Present tense
I stimulate
you stimulate
he/she/it stimulates
we stimulate
you all stimulate
they stimulate
Present perfect tense
am stimulat
I have stimulated
ai stimulat
you have stimulated
a stimulat
he/she/it has stimulated
am stimulat
we have stimulated
ați stimulat
you all have stimulated
au stimulat
they have stimulated
Past preterite tense
I stimulated
you stimulated
he/she/it stimulated
we stimulated
you all stimulated
they stimulated
Future tense
voi stimula
I will stimulate
vei stimula
you will stimulate
va stimula
he/she/it will stimulate
vom stimula
we will stimulate
veți stimula
you all will stimulate
vor stimula
they will stimulate
Conditional mood
aș stimula
I would stimulate
ai stimula
you would stimulate
ar stimula
he/she/it would stimulate
am stimula
we would stimulate
ați stimula
you all would stimulate
ar stimula
they would stimulate
Subjunctive present tense
să stimulez
(so that/if) I stimulate
să stimulezi
(so that/if) you stimulate
să stimuleze
(so that/if) he/she/it stimulate
să stimulăm
(so that/if) we stimulate
să stimulați
(so that/if) you all stimulate
să stimuleze
(so that/if) they stimulate
Subjunctive past tense
să fi stimulat
(so that/if) I have stimulated
să fi stimulat
(so that/if) you have stimulated
să fi stimulat
(so that/if) he/she/it have stimulated
să fi stimulat
(so that/if) we have stimulated
să fi stimulat
(so that/if) you all have stimulated
să fi stimulat
(so that/if) they have stimulated
Past impf. tense
I was stimulating
you were stimulating
he/she/it was stimulating
we were stimulating
you all were stimulating
they were stimulating
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu stimula
do not stimulate!
nu stimulați
do not stimulate!
Past pluperfect tense
I had stimulated
you had stimulated
he/she/it had stimulated
we had stimulated
you all had stimulated
they had stimulated
Future alternative 1 tense
am să stimulez
I am going to stimulate
ai să stimulezi
you are going to stimulate
are să stimuleze
he/she/it is going to stimulate
avem să stimulăm
we are going to stimulate
aveți să stimulați
you all are going to stimulate
au să stimuleze
they are going to stimulate
Future alternative 2 tense
o să stimulez
I am going to stimulate
o să stimulezi
you are going to stimulate
o să stimuleze
he/she/it is going to stimulate
o să stimulăm
we are going to stimulate
o să stimulați
you all are going to stimulate
o să stimuleze
they are going to stimulate
Future perfect tense
voi fi stimulat
I will have stimulated
vei fi stimulat
you will have stimulated
va fi stimulat
he/she/it will have stimulated
vom fi stimulat
we will have stimulated
veți fi stimulat
you all will have stimulated
vor fi stimulat
they will have stimulated
Future in the past tense
aveam să stimulez
I was going to stimulate
aveai să stimulezi
you were going to stimulate
avea să stimuleze
he/she/it was going to stimulate
aveam să stimulăm
we were going to stimulate
aveați să stimulați
you all were going to stimulate
aveau să stimuleze
they were going to stimulate
Conditional past tense
aș fi stimulat
I would have stimulated
ai fi stimulat
you would have stimulated
ar fi stimulat
he/she/it would have stimulated
am fi stimulat
we would have stimulated
ați fi stimulat
you all would have stimulated
ar fi stimulat
they would have stimulated
Presumptive tense
oi stimula
I might stimulate
oi stimula
you might stimulate
o stimula
he/she/it might stimulate
om stimula
we might stimulate
oți stimula
you all might stimulate
or stimula
they might stimulate
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi stimulând
I might be stimulating
oi fi stimulând
you might be stimulating
o fi stimulând
he/she/it might be stimulating
om fi stimulând
we might be stimulating
oți fi stimulând
you all might be stimulating
or fi stimulând
they might be stimulating
Presumptive past tense
oi fi stimulat
I might have stimulated
oi fi stimulat
you might have stimulated
o fi stimulat
he/she/it might have stimulated
om fi stimulat
we might have stimulated
oți fi stimulat
you all might have stimulated
or fi stimulat
they might have stimulated

Examples of stimula

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"economia va stimula în curând dezvoltarea Europei.""the economy will soon stimulate Europe's development."
- Atunci îl putem stimula.Well, we could always estimulate his brain to the maximum.
- Mi-ar stimula emisfera stângă...If that could stimulate The left hemisphere of my cerebrum-
- Nu putem distruge boala, dar putem stimula producţia de celule galbene şi verzi cu o serie de injecţii normale.- We can't destroy the disease... but we can artificially stimulate yellow and green cell production... with a series of regular injections.
- Va stimula economia, Josh?- Will it stimulate the economy, Josh?
"Ca să-i stimulez""to be stimulated"
A trebuit să stimulez anumiţi centri nervoşi care induc viziunea. În special cea din Osetia de Sud.I just needed to stimulate certain visualization centers the South Ossetia special.
A trebuit să stimulez producţia de estrogen şi progesteron a Kirei şi să-i administrez doze mari de tesokină pentru a permite copilului să metabolizeze nutrienţi Bajorani.Well, I had to stimulate Kira's estrogen and progesterone production and administer high doses of tesokine to enable the baby to metabolize Bajoran nutrients.
Am făcut o multime... de alergări pe bandă pentru a incerca să fiu in formă si să stimulez serotonina.I've been doing a lot of, um, running on the treadmill here to try and get in shape and stimulate serotonin.
Am sa-i reincarc capacitorii, o sa-i stimulez solenoizii...Recharges your Condesa, stimulate your solenoid...
Am citit un articol unde scrie că copiii învaţă mai bine dacă îi stimulezi vizual.Cos I read this really neat article that said kids learn math better if you stimulate their visual learning pattern.
Am vazut la clinica lui Grissom ce se intampla cu cortexul cuiva cand il stimulezi cu electricitate.Well, I learned something at Grissom's clinic about what happens to a person's cortex... when you stimulate it with electricity.
Dar atunci, va trebui să mă stimulezi ca să nu dorm prea...But then, you know, you're gonna have to stimulate me so I don't sleep too... whoa!
Data viitoare când te simţi nervos privind teleportarea, stimulezi un punct nervos de presiune precum acesta.The next time you feel nervous, you stimulate a neural pressure point, like this.
Nu e nimic gay dacă-ţi stimulezi puţin prostata.There's certainly nothing gay about having one's prostate stimulated.
"Combinaţia unică de iubire şi teroare existentă" "stimulează o reacţie corticală.""The unique combination of love and terror there apparently stimulates a cortical reaction."
"Nimic nu mă stimulează".Nothing stimulates me."
- Ceea ce stimulează adrenalina.Which over-stimulates the adrenals.
- Nimic aici, dar e destul de evident că atunci când mănâncă anumiţi amfibieni, super-stimulează aceasta glandă şi trimite producţia şi puterea feromonilor în sistem, aşa că...But it's pretty obvious that when they eat certain amphibians, it super-stimulates this gland and sends the production and strength of the pheromone into overdrive, so... so this is our target.
Accelerează producerea căldurii şi stimulează glandele sudoripare.Accelerates heat production, stimulates sweat glands.
- Trebuie să stimulăm sistemului nervos central, şi putem face acest lucru pe cale orală, sau cu unguente, sau... modul cel mai eficace, subcutanat.- We have to stimulate the central nervous system, and we can do that orally, or with ointments, or... ah... the most efficacious way, subcutaneous.
Am spus să i le stimulăm, d-le Neelix, nu să i le distrugem.I said stimulate them, Mr. Neelix, not annihilate them.
Atunci, să stimulăm economia locală.Let's stimulate the local economy.
Avem destulă energie cât să stimulăm cortexul electronic, dar nu îndeajuns de multă pentru a repara pagubele făcute.Just enough power to stimulate the electronic cortex, but not enough to cause a surge in the damaged circuits.
Aşadar, când stimulăm antena dreaptă a insectei, insecta crede că este un obstacol în faţa ei, şi încearcă să facă o întoarcere la stânga.So when we stimulate the right antenna of the insect, insect thinks there there's an obstacle in front of it, and it tries to make a left turn.
- I-am spus că sunt destul de stimulat.-I go, "I'm stimulated enough now. "
-Aşa că e uşor de stimulat.- So it's easily stimulated. - Exactly.
? Dacă ar fi să divid, 60 până la 70% - detest, 17% - supra-stimulat, mai ales din cauză că o fată mă place şi 13 până la 20% - cam distractiv.If I had to break it down, 60 to 70% - hate it, 17% - over-stimulated mainly because a girl likes me and 13 to 20% - kinda fun.
A fost singurul lucru care l-a stimulat intelectual.But it was the only thing that stimulated him intellectually.
Acelaşi ţesut, grefat pe creierul pacientului şi stimulat să crească, va încetini semnificativ răspândirea infecţiei.Yet that same tissue, grafted onto the patient's brain and stimulated to grow, will significantly slow the spread of her infection.
A vrut să-i ajute pe invalizi stimulând repararea nervilor şi regenerarea celulelor.He wanted to help the disabled by stimulating nerve repair And cell rejuvenation.
Apoi pornim reacţiile neuronale stimulând diferite părţi ale creierului cu descărcări electrice.Then we jump-start the neural reactions by stimulating different parts of the brain with electrical charges.
Funcţionează stimulând creşterea a două feluri diferite de celule albe.Well, it works by stimulating the growth of two different kinds of white blood cells.
Masculul se freacă de femelă, stimulând-o să-şi elibereze icrele.The male rubs himself against the female, stimulating her to release her eggs.
Sunt făcuţi să intre în organism, stimulând activitatea metabolica, şi îmbunătăţind funcţiile musculare.They're designed to incorporate themselves into the body's cellular machinery, stimulating metabolic activity and enhanced neuromuscular function.

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