Stabili (to establish) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: determine, to ordain, decree, ordain, prove

Conjugation of stabili

Present tense
I establish
you establish
he/she/it establishes
we establish
you all establish
they establish
Present perfect tense
am stabilit
I have established
ai stabilit
you have established
a stabilit
he/she/it has established
am stabilit
we have established
ați stabilit
you all have established
au stabilit
they have established
Past preterite tense
I established
you established
he/she/it established
we established
you all established
they established
Future tense
voi stabili
I will establish
vei stabili
you will establish
va stabili
he/she/it will establish
vom stabili
we will establish
veți stabili
you all will establish
vor stabili
they will establish
Conditional mood
aș stabili
I would establish
ai stabili
you would establish
ar stabili
he/she/it would establish
am stabili
we would establish
ați stabili
you all would establish
ar stabili
they would establish
Subjunctive present tense
să stabilesc
(so that/if) I establish
să stabilești
(so that/if) you establish
să stabilească
(so that/if) he/she/it establish
să stabilim
(so that/if) we establish
să stabiliți
(so that/if) you all establish
să stabilească
(so that/if) they establish
Subjunctive past tense
să fi stabilit
(so that/if) I have established
să fi stabilit
(so that/if) you have established
să fi stabilit
(so that/if) he/she/it have established
să fi stabilit
(so that/if) we have established
să fi stabilit
(so that/if) you all have established
să fi stabilit
(so that/if) they have established
Past impf. tense
I was establishing
you were establishing
he/she/it was establishing
we were establishing
you all were establishing
they were establishing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu stabili
do not establish!
nu stabiliți
do not establish!
Past pluperfect tense
I had established
you had established
he/she/it had established
we had established
you all had established
they had established
Future alternative 1 tense
am să stabilesc
I am going to establish
ai să stabilești
you are going to establish
are să stabilească
he/she/it is going to establish
avem să stabilim
we are going to establish
aveți să stabiliți
you all are going to establish
au să stabilească
they are going to establish
Future alternative 2 tense
o să stabilesc
I am going to establish
o să stabilești
you are going to establish
o să stabilească
he/she/it is going to establish
o să stabilim
we are going to establish
o să stabiliți
you all are going to establish
o să stabilească
they are going to establish
Future perfect tense
voi fi stabilit
I will have established
vei fi stabilit
you will have established
va fi stabilit
he/she/it will have established
vom fi stabilit
we will have established
veți fi stabilit
you all will have established
vor fi stabilit
they will have established
Future in the past tense
aveam să stabilesc
I was going to establish
aveai să stabilești
you were going to establish
avea să stabilească
he/she/it was going to establish
aveam să stabilim
we were going to establish
aveați să stabiliți
you all were going to establish
aveau să stabilească
they were going to establish
Conditional past tense
aș fi stabilit
I would have established
ai fi stabilit
you would have established
ar fi stabilit
he/she/it would have established
am fi stabilit
we would have established
ați fi stabilit
you all would have established
ar fi stabilit
they would have established
Presumptive tense
oi stabili
I might establish
oi stabili
you might establish
o stabili
he/she/it might establish
om stabili
we might establish
oți stabili
you all might establish
or stabili
they might establish
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi stabilind
I might be establishing
oi fi stabilind
you might be establishing
o fi stabilind
he/she/it might be establishing
om fi stabilind
we might be establishing
oți fi stabilind
you all might be establishing
or fi stabilind
they might be establishing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi stabilit
I might have established
oi fi stabilit
you might have established
o fi stabilit
he/she/it might have established
om fi stabilit
we might have established
oți fi stabilit
you all might have established
or fi stabilit
they might have established

Examples of stabili

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Aceasta ar ajuta pentru a stabili oraşul nostru ca un hub"it would help to establish our city as a hub
"Acest rol ar putea stabili în cele din urmă mi-a" "În lume acţionează.'This role could finally establish me' 'in the acting world.
"In timpul perchezitiei trebuie sa vedem orice indiciu care poate stabili de unde provine scrisoarea adresata ziarului."When searching homes, we must look for any clue which could establish where the murderer's letter to the papers originated
"Si sunt increzator ca imi va stabili nevinovatia fara nici o urma de indoiala.""I'm confident it will establish my innocence beyond any shadow of a doubt.
"Va fi un eveniment, Aaron. Şi după acest eveniment vei vedea că o să intrăm în Afganistan aşa că vom prelua controlul conductelor de petrol din Marea Caspică, vom intra în Irak, pentru a le lua petrolul şi a stabili o bază în Orientul Mijlociu,"There's going to be an event, Aaron, and out of that event we are going to go into Afghanistan, so we can run pipelines from the Caspian Sea, we are gong to go into Iraq to take the oil and establish a base in the middle east
"Să stabilesc lanţul de comandă şi să prezerv integritatea locului crimei"."establish a chain of command and preserve the integrity of the crime scene."
- A trebuit să-i stabilesc rapid respiraţia.- I needed to quickly establish an airway.
- Nu, stabilesc încrederea, construiesc o legătură cu el, încerc să-i arăt că-l înţeleg.No, I'm establishing trust, building a connection to him, trying to show him I understand him.
- Încerc să stabilesc modurile prin care se exprimă carnal.- I'm trying to establish... the mode by which they currently express themselves.
- Încerc să stabilesc unde era Elena la ora crimei.- I'm just trying to establish Elena's whereabouts at the time of the murder.
Acesta ar fi sfatul nostru să orienteze clar până la firmă ei se stabilește.It would be our advice to steer clear until her firm establishes itself.
Ennis, care, în opinia mea, stabilește un precedent legal pentru condamnare în circumstanțe similare.Is invoke rhode island vs ennis, okay, Which, in my opinion, establishes legal precedent For conviction under similar circumstances.
Fantezia devine motivul și stabilește semnătura agresorului.The fantasy becomes the motive and establishes the offender's signature.
Irving stabilește starea de spirit și tonul, prefigurare oroarea care va veni.Irving establishes the mood and tone, foreshadowing the horror which is to come.
Luciano stabilește o comisie puternică de cinci familii pentru a conduce lumea interlopa ...Luciano establishes a powerful commission of five families to rule the underworld...
"...stabilim ca justiţia, se ocupă de liniştea comunităţii, furnizează apărarea comună, promovează securitatea pentru noi şi pentru posteritate."... establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense..."
"De aceea, veti porni imediat spre castelul Villelune," "unde am decis sa stabilim cartierul nostru general."It will therefore set out immediately for Chateau Villelune, where we have decided to establish our headquarters.
"Noi, oamenii din Statele Unite..." " să formăm o uniune perfectă," "stabilim justiţia,And so, my fellow Americans in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense...
- Acum trebuie să stabilim...- Now, we need to establish...
- E un cuvânt mişto! Haideţi să stabilim nişte limite şi să încercăm să le respectăm, bine?Guys, let's just try to establish and respect some boundaries, all right?
"'În ciuda împotrivirii permanente, trupele noastre s-au stabilit de-a lungul... Galliple.'"'Despite continual opposition, our troops have established themselves across...
"A fost stabilit că persoane care au murit recent"it has been established that persons who have recently died
"Am stabilit contact vizual cu lumina la drumul de acces, coordonatele 28."Have established visual contact with light at spot access road by coordinates 28
"Am stabilit traseul catre varf pentru oricine vrea sa incerce cea mai inalta aventura.""We have established our way to the summit for anyone who cares to try the highest adventure."
"August Demands" din 2003 le-a stabilit stilul de bază."August Demands" from 2003 established their sample-based style.
Wi Birang, descendent al regelui Mayeo, și prince Yeogu din Baekje stabiliți la Dongmyeongdansa pentru a împlini dorința regelui Dongmyeong.Wi Birang, descendant of King Mayeo, and Prince Yeogu of Baekje established Dongmyeongdansa to achieve King Dongmyeong's will.
La ora 5 p.m., duminică, 6 mai, şeful Statului Major german, Alfred August Jodl, a sosit la Rheims unde Eisenhower îşi stabilise cartierul general.At 5 p.m. on Sunday, 6th May, the German Chief of Staff, Alfred August Jodl, arrived at Rheims where Eisenhower had established his headquarters.
- Ofiterii tăi au intrat incorect în casa lui Al-Thani... stabilind un model rasial insensiv si purtându-se abuziv.- Your officers improperly entered the Al-Thani home... establishing a pattern of racial insensitivity and abusive behavior.
Adevărul este că Ministerul Agriculturii a depus o muncă excelentă efectuând teste, stabilind norme preventive ale unei epidemii de boală a vacii nebune, acesta fiind şi motivul pentru care nu a izbucnit una până acum.The fact is, the U.S.D.A. Has done an exemplaryjob conducting tests... establishing safeguards to prevent the outbreak of mad cow disease... which is probably why it hasn't broken out.
Alegând produse, stabilind contacte - eşti dotată pentru aşa ceva.Promoting products, establishing contacts - It's your thing.
Asta ar băga guvernul direct în spitalul vostru, definind serviciile medicale, stabilind standarde, creând comitete, cerând rapoarte, hotărând cine intră şi cine nu.(man #4) This would put the government smack into your hospital, defining services, setting standards, establishing committees, calling for reports, deciding who gets in and who gets out.
Asta ne-a făcut pe toţi şi mai dornici să ne asigurăm că facem totul corect... stabilind cine era şi să-l aducem înapoi familiei sale.That made it all the more compelling for us to make sure that we did everything right in terms of er... establishing who he was and getting him back to his family.

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