Spăla (to wash) conjugation

53 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: bathe, to bathe

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I wash
you wash
he/she/it washes
we wash
you all wash
they wash
Present perfect tense
am spălat
I have washed
ai spălat
you have washed
a spălat
he/she/it has washed
am spălat
we have washed
ați spălat
you all have washed
au spălat
they have washed
Past preterite tense
I washed
you washed
he/she/it washed
we washed
you all washed
they washed
Future tense
voi spăla
I will wash
vei spăla
you will wash
va spăla
he/she/it will wash
vom spăla
we will wash
veți spăla
you all will wash
vor spăla
they will wash
Conditional mood
aș spăla
I would wash
ai spăla
you would wash
ar spăla
he/she/it would wash
am spăla
we would wash
ați spăla
you all would wash
ar spăla
they would wash
Subjunctive present tense
să spăl
(so that/if) I wash
să speli
(so that/if) you wash
să spele
(so that/if) he/she/it wash
să spălăm
(so that/if) we wash
să spălați
(so that/if) you all wash
să spele
(so that/if) they wash
Subjunctive past tense
să fi spălat
(so that/if) I have washed
să fi spălat
(so that/if) you have washed
să fi spălat
(so that/if) he/she/it have washed
să fi spălat
(so that/if) we have washed
să fi spălat
(so that/if) you all have washed
să fi spălat
(so that/if) they have washed
Past impf. tense
I was washing
you were washing
he/she/it was washing
we were washing
you all were washing
they were washing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu spăla
do not wash!
nu spălați
do not wash!
Past pluperfect tense
I had washed
you had washed
he/she/it had washed
we had washed
you all had washed
they had washed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să spăl
I am going to wash
ai să speli
you are going to wash
are să spele
he/she/it is going to wash
avem să spălăm
we are going to wash
aveți să spălați
you all are going to wash
au să spele
they are going to wash
Future alternative 2 tense
o să spăl
I am going to wash
o să speli
you are going to wash
o să spele
he/she/it is going to wash
o să spălăm
we are going to wash
o să spălați
you all are going to wash
o să spele
they are going to wash
Future perfect tense
voi fi spălat
I will have washed
vei fi spălat
you will have washed
va fi spălat
he/she/it will have washed
vom fi spălat
we will have washed
veți fi spălat
you all will have washed
vor fi spălat
they will have washed
Future in the past tense
aveam să spăl
I was going to wash
aveai să speli
you were going to wash
avea să spele
he/she/it was going to wash
aveam să spălăm
we were going to wash
aveați să spălați
you all were going to wash
aveau să spele
they were going to wash
Conditional past tense
aș fi spălat
I would have washed
ai fi spălat
you would have washed
ar fi spălat
he/she/it would have washed
am fi spălat
we would have washed
ați fi spălat
you all would have washed
ar fi spălat
they would have washed
Presumptive tense
oi spăla
I might wash
oi spăla
you might wash
o spăla
he/she/it might wash
om spăla
we might wash
oți spăla
you all might wash
or spăla
they might wash
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi spălând
I might be washing
oi fi spălând
you might be washing
o fi spălând
he/she/it might be washing
om fi spălând
we might be washing
oți fi spălând
you all might be washing
or fi spălând
they might be washing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi spălat
I might have washed
oi fi spălat
you might have washed
o fi spălat
he/she/it might have washed
om fi spălat
we might have washed
oți fi spălat
you all might have washed
or fi spălat
they might have washed

Examples of spăla

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"A curăţa," nu. "To spăla--""To clean," no. "To wash--"
"Cei care au grijă de băi te vor spăla după gustul tău."Those who tend the bath will wash you at your pleasure.
"Dacă nu îţi vei spăla rufele cu Ariel..""If you don't wash your clothes with 501 .."
"Pe măsură ce îţi vei spăla chipul tău frumos".- As soon as you wash your pretty face. A Selmer.
"Prinţesă, ibricul nu se va spăla singur.""Princess, coffeepot's not gonna wash itself."
"...mă spăl pe mâini în sângele ei roşu închis"?"... I wash my hands in her dark red blood"? !
"Aveţi o bucată de săpun, ca să pot şi eu să-mi spăl mâinile?""Have you got a bit of soap, so I can wash my hands?"
"Da, am citit-o şi acum mă spăl pe mâini de ea?"That's all? Yes, I have and then now I wash my hands of it?
"Dacă tu mă bati, atunci am să spăl vasele."You are not washing it properly. "Look, this is not clean.
"Lasă-mă să mă spăl♪ Let me wash away ♪
! Alea te las să ţi le speli singură.I'll leave you to wash that part.
"Doamne, Tu să-mi speli mie picioarele?"'You Lord, washing my feet?
"Inceteaza sa-mi mai speli masina in pantaloni scurti, Barry.""Stop washing my car in jean shorts, Barry."
"Nu te speli niciodata." "Ba da." "Ba nu." Apoi o face."You never wash up." "I do." "You don't." Then she does it.
"Ori îţi speli gâtul ori plantezi cartofi.""Either wash that neck or plant potatoes."
"Congresului Sharp este un exemplu perfect de modul în care armata ne spală creierul în niciodată sub semnul întrebării linia partidului."Congresswoman Sharp is a perfect example of how the military brainwashes us into never questioning the party line.
"O lăbuţă o spală pe cealaltă.""One paw washes the other."
# Dar îmi spală mintea să cumpăr tot ce văd♪ yeah, but it brainwashes me to consume all I see ♪
(Cântând)Arputeafiel,careeste vechi pușcăriaș Asta mareea acum spală în(SINGING) Could it be he's that old jailbird That the tide now washes in?
- Dacă o spală...- If it washes away--
"Nu e nevoie să le spălăm, o să le dăm foc când o să te vindeci.""No need to wash them, we'll burn them when you'll be cured."
"O impregnăm cu religia, o pălmuim, o spălăm şi o pieptănăm.""We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out."
- Ar trebui să vă spălăm pe mâini.Maybe we should wash your hands.
- Cred că ar trebui să le spălăm.- Guys, I feel we should wash up.
- Da, trebuie să ne mâncăm şi să ne spălăm mâinile.Come on. You don't have to eat, you just have to wash your hands.
"Nu uitați să vă spălați pe mâini.""Don't forget to wash your hands."
- Asta nu o să vă spălați curat, băiat de altar!- That's not gonna wash you clean, altar boy!
- Cât de des spălați instrumentarul medical?How often do you wash the instruments?
- Da, în cazul în care ceva, trebuie să vă spălați pe mâini înainte de a atinge cârnăciorul tău.- Yeah, if anything, you should wash your hands before you touch your wiener.
- Oh, după ce vă spălați-vă pe mâini.- Oh, after you wash your hands.
Adică tot timpul cât îmi spălam umărul la cămaşă, erai acolo, făcând aia?You're telling me the whole time I was washing my shirt, you were in there doing that?
Am observat asta când spălam vasele.I noticed when I was washing up.
Era s-o pierd în canalizare când mă spălam.It actually, uh, it nearly fell down the drain while I was washing up.
Mi-a venit în minte, în timp ce-mi spălam câinele♪ And it popped into my head while I was washing my dog ♪
Mă spălam pe mâini când torpila ne-a lovit.I was washing my hands when the torpedo smacked us.
- Iar la urmă, ea a admis, că în timp ce îţi spală cămăşile tu îi spălai creierul !Next, she admits that while she was washing your shirts... you were washing her brain!
Acum un an -îmi spălai vasele.A year ago you were washing my pots and pans.
Te spălai pe faţă pentru că vomitaseşi.You were washing your face because you threw up.
Din păcate, aveam deja informatii despre cardinal si asistentul său britanic... că spălau bani prin intermediul conturilor unei bănci din Moscova.Suddenly we have intelligence that the Cardinale and his british aid ... were washing millions through a string of bank accounts originating in Moscow.
Ne-a dat voie să introducem 50,000$ marcaţi, bancnote identificabile, în tranşa pentru armeni. Ca să putem detecta sumele imense de bani şi băncile care le spălau.He allowed us to insert $50,000 of marked, traceable bills into his payment to the Armenians so we could track the loot and see what banks were washing the money.
Se spălau.They were washing.
În curând, vreo 12 maimuţe din populaţia de vreo 10.000 îşi spălau nucile de cocos, apoi 20, apoi 47.Well, you know, pretty soon maybe 12 monkeys out of a population of 10 000 were washing their coconuts. and then 20, and then 47.
Şi femeia iubită, al cărei lapte îl făcuse să ţâşnească, m- a făcut să beau din apa... în care îşi spălase bluza.And my beloved, of whose milk I had partaken, made me drink from the water... in which she had washed her blouse.
"A fost spălat păcatul din acel stat ?"Has sin in that state been washed away?
"Atâta timp cât te menţii spălat şi angajat,""and you're gonna be there. "as long as you stay relatively employed and washed,
"Azi m-am spălat pe faţă, mi-am curăţat obrajii.""Today I've washed the face, I've made my cheeks clean."
"Ca să vezi, nu m-am spălat," şopti el."Why, I haven't washed," he whispered.
"Degeaba mi-am curăţat inima" "şi spălat mâinile în inocenta.""Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain and washed my hands in innocency."
"Frecând podeaua şi spălând vanaSweeping the floor and washing the tub.
- Da, spălând geamuri.-Washing the windows? -Right, washing the windows.
- Munceam acolo spălând vase.--I used to work there washing dishes.
- Mă vezi spălând maşina...- Continuously washing the vehicle for a...
- O să adun conserve, ori o să fac bani spălând geamuri.- I'll collect cans or make change washing windows.

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