Risca (to risk) conjugation

48 examples

Conjugation of risca

Present tense
I risk
you risk
he/she/it risks
we risk
you all risk
they risk
Present perfect tense
am riscat
I have risked
ai riscat
you have risked
a riscat
he/she/it has risked
am riscat
we have risked
ați riscat
you all have risked
au riscat
they have risked
Past preterite tense
I risked
you risked
he/she/it risked
we risked
you all risked
they risked
Future tense
voi risca
I will risk
vei risca
you will risk
va risca
he/she/it will risk
vom risca
we will risk
veți risca
you all will risk
vor risca
they will risk
Conditional mood
aș risca
I would risk
ai risca
you would risk
ar risca
he/she/it would risk
am risca
we would risk
ați risca
you all would risk
ar risca
they would risk
Subjunctive present tense
să risc
(so that/if) I risk
să riști
(so that/if) you risk
să riște
(so that/if) he/she/it risk
să riscăm
(so that/if) we risk
să riscați
(so that/if) you all risk
să riște
(so that/if) they risk
Subjunctive past tense
să fi riscat
(so that/if) I have risked
să fi riscat
(so that/if) you have risked
să fi riscat
(so that/if) he/she/it have risked
să fi riscat
(so that/if) we have risked
să fi riscat
(so that/if) you all have risked
să fi riscat
(so that/if) they have risked
Past impf. tense
I was risking
you were risking
he/she/it was risking
we were risking
you all were risking
they were risking
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu risca
do not risk!
nu riscați
do not risk!
Past pluperfect tense
I had risked
you had risked
he/she/it had risked
we had risked
you all had risked
they had risked
Future alternative 1 tense
am să risc
I am going to risk
ai să riști
you are going to risk
are să riște
he/she/it is going to risk
avem să riscăm
we are going to risk
aveți să riscați
you all are going to risk
au să riște
they are going to risk
Future alternative 2 tense
o să risc
I am going to risk
o să riști
you are going to risk
o să riște
he/she/it is going to risk
o să riscăm
we are going to risk
o să riscați
you all are going to risk
o să riște
they are going to risk
Future perfect tense
voi fi riscat
I will have risked
vei fi riscat
you will have risked
va fi riscat
he/she/it will have risked
vom fi riscat
we will have risked
veți fi riscat
you all will have risked
vor fi riscat
they will have risked
Future in the past tense
aveam să risc
I was going to risk
aveai să riști
you were going to risk
avea să riște
he/she/it was going to risk
aveam să riscăm
we were going to risk
aveați să riscați
you all were going to risk
aveau să riște
they were going to risk
Conditional past tense
aș fi riscat
I would have risked
ai fi riscat
you would have risked
ar fi riscat
he/she/it would have risked
am fi riscat
we would have risked
ați fi riscat
you all would have risked
ar fi riscat
they would have risked
Presumptive tense
oi risca
I might risk
oi risca
you might risk
o risca
he/she/it might risk
om risca
we might risk
oți risca
you all might risk
or risca
they might risk
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi riscând
I might be risking
oi fi riscând
you might be risking
o fi riscând
he/she/it might be risking
om fi riscând
we might be risking
oți fi riscând
you all might be risking
or fi riscând
they might be risking
Presumptive past tense
oi fi riscat
I might have risked
oi fi riscat
you might have risked
o fi riscat
he/she/it might have risked
om fi riscat
we might have risked
oți fi riscat
you all might have risked
or fi riscat
they might have risked

Examples of risca

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Avand in vedere mai multe incidente care implica comportament ilegal sau nedorit de unele capitole trecut vacan? a de primavara , i în orice activitate ilegala va risca suspendarea imediata ?"Given several incidents involving illegal or untoward behavior by some chapters last spring break, members involved in any illegal activity will risk immediate suspension and the revocation of their charter."
"Dar atunci de ce îsi risca propriile lor vieti?""But then why do they risk their own lives?"
"Fata ta" isi risca viata, si pe a ta, de fiecare data cand ne intalnim.Your girl is risking her life, and you yours, every time we see each other.
"Nu te grăbi şi nu risca.""Never be hasty and take a risk."
"Vreau să şti că nu mi-aş risca viaţa ca să culeg o floare pentru că vreau să trăiesc.I want you to know that I won't risk my life picking that flower because I want to live.
" Ba da, este suficient loc, doar că nu sunt suficienti oameni dispusi să-si asume acest risc. "" Well, there's plenty of room, just not enough people willing to take the risk. "
"Am îndrăznit să risc:"I'd dared to risk:
"Aşa că dacă e să-mi risc viaţa...""So if I just," "...risk my life,"
"Bang, bang, eşti mort". Şi de ce pui în rolul principal, al criminalului, pe un elev cu grad de risc, într-o atmosfera supra-încărcată?And cast a student at risk as the play's killer in a supercharged atmosphere?
"Colonelul Foster este considerat a fi un risc excelent de securitate " ? i vă recomandăm clasa A clearance-ul. ""Colonel Foster is considered to be an excellent security risk and we recommend class A clearance."
- De ce riști?- Why risk it?
- Nu crezi că riști numele pentru o cifra de afaceri de Crăciun- Do not you think you're risking the name for a Christmas turnover
Ai venit aici de riști viața?You came here by risking your life?
Am de gând să riști viața noastră pentru ei?We're going to risk our lives for them?
Atunci riști vreo câțiva ani la răcoare.Then you risk some years in the slammer.
- Trăieşte printre hoţi. Se strecoară noaptea pe sub zid, îşi riscă viaţa zi de zi.- He lives with smugglers, goes under the wall at night, risks his life every day.
A doua opțiune este imposibil fără să știe unde el le deține - Și, de asemenea, riscă viața lor.The second option is impossible without knowing where he's holding them -- and also risks their lives.
Acest peşte papagal care se odihneşte riscă să fie descoperit ori de câte ori îşi mişcă o înotătoare sau branhiile.This resting parrotfish risks discovery every time it moves a fin, or wafts its gills.
Am un martor care-şi riscă viaţa ca să vină să-ţi dea o declaraţie oficială.I got a witness who risks her life to come and give you recorded testimony;
Am văzut că el îşi riscă viaţa pentru emigranţi.I've never seen him but he risks his life for the migrants.
"Cum să facem toţi banii ăştia din droguri, fără să riscăm ca traficanţii de droguri ?""how can we make all this drug dealer money without all that drug dealer risk?"
- Ai idee ce riscăm? - Nathan o ţine legată cu lanţul.- Do you have any idea the risk?
- Amândoi riscăm acum. Nu.- We're both at risk here.
- Are inima slabă, nu trebuie să riscăm.He has a weak chest, we mustn't take the risk.
- Ce vrei să spui? - Nu merită să riscăm să ne întoarcem, când există bogăţii acolo mai presus de cele mai îndrăzneţe vise.- Going back is not worth the risk when there are riches out there beyond our wildest dreams.
! A oprit oamenii ca să găsească subteranul şi şi-a riscat viaţa pentru asta.He stopped the beans from finding the Underground, and risked his life to do it too.
! Am riscat totul pentru acest băiat.We've risked everything for that boy.
"Ai riscat mult ca să îl ajuţi pe William."You risked a lot In order To help william."
"Am trecut desertul si ne-am riscat vietile."We sifted the desert sand and risked our lives..
"Multumesc" e bun, dar eu mi-am riscat viata ca sa ucid dragonul!Thanks are very well, but I'm the one who risked my life to kill the dragon!
Ai riscați viața ta pentru a salva inamicului?You're risking your life to save your enemy's?
Daca sunteți expus, riscați ...If you're exposed, you risk...
Dacã luați mai mult, riscați sã faceți o cãlãtorie.If you take more, you risk to make a journey.
Dacă mai așteptați, riscați ca tractul urinar să se spargă și să împrăștie urina peste toate organele vitale.If we wait any longer, you risk your urinary tract bursting and sending urine all over your vital organs.
De ce vă riscați viața în halul ăsta?Why are you risking your lives like this?
In timp ce-mi riscam viata incercand sa castig concursul mama-fiica,While was risking my life trying to win the mother-daughter pageant,
La Norland, m-am convins că sentimentele tale erau doar amicale si că riscam doar inima mea.At Norland, I convinced myself that you felt only friendship for me, and that it was my heart alone that I was risking.
Spune-mi că nu te-ai culcat cu prietenul meu in timp ce eu imi riscam fundul sa vin aici.Tell me you weren't screwing my boyfriend as I was risking my ass to come down here.
Voiam s-o recapăt chiar dacă vă riscam vieţile.I needed it back... even if I was risking your lives...
Între coloană şi d-l Henri, riscam să n-o pot vedea pe Agnes.Between a column and Mr. Henry, I was risking not to see Agnes.
Pentru că îţi riscai viaţa.You were risking your life.
Se leagă. Ai fugit în loc să-l suni pe Josh, pentru că tu ştiai că nu era vorba numai de viaţa ta pe care o riscai. Nu-i aşa ?it makes sense. you ran instead of calling josh because you knew that it wasn't just your life that you were risking anymore. right?
Îşi riscau propria viaţă... şi asta are întotdeauna ceva seducător.It was their own lives they were risking... and that is always seductive.
"Aruncându-se în apele îngheţate, riscând până la capăt o moarte terificantă.""Plunged into the icy waters, risking at the very least, a terrifying death."
- Un atavusean se hrănea în public, riscând să ne dea de gol planul !An Atavus has been feeding in public, in front of news cameras, risking the exposure of our entire agenda.
A fost prea ocupat să-ţi salveze viaţa riscând-o pe a lui.He was too busy risking his life to save yours.
A violat-o pe acea femeie fără prezervativ, riscând să-şi lase ADN-ul, dar şi-a asasinat complicele ştergând urmele?Raping her without a condom, and risking leaving behind his DNA? And then killing his accomplice but taking care to leave no trace?
Acest om călătorea la capătul lumii, riscând totul pentru a găsi lucruri frumoase făcute de alţii.This man traveled to the ends of the earth, risking everything to find beautiful things made by others.

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