Reduce (to reduce) conjugation

41 examples

Conjugation of reduce

Present tense
I reduce
you reduce
he/she/it reduces
we reduce
you all reduce
they reduce
Present perfect tense
am redus
I have reduced
ai redus
you have reduced
a redus
he/she/it has reduced
am redus
we have reduced
ați redus
you all have reduced
au redus
they have reduced
Past preterite tense
I reduced
you reduced
he/she/it reduced
we reduced
you all reduced
they reduced
Future tense
voi reduce
I will reduce
vei reduce
you will reduce
va reduce
he/she/it will reduce
vom reduce
we will reduce
veți reduce
you all will reduce
vor reduce
they will reduce
Conditional mood
aș reduce
I would reduce
ai reduce
you would reduce
ar reduce
he/she/it would reduce
am reduce
we would reduce
ați reduce
you all would reduce
ar reduce
they would reduce
Subjunctive present tense
să reduc
(so that/if) I reduce
să reduci
(so that/if) you reduce
să reducă
(so that/if) he/she/it reduce
să reducem
(so that/if) we reduce
să reduceți
(so that/if) you all reduce
să reducă
(so that/if) they reduce
Subjunctive past tense
să fi redus
(so that/if) I have reduced
să fi redus
(so that/if) you have reduced
să fi redus
(so that/if) he/she/it have reduced
să fi redus
(so that/if) we have reduced
să fi redus
(so that/if) you all have reduced
să fi redus
(so that/if) they have reduced
Past impf. tense
I was reducing
you were reducing
he/she/it was reducing
we were reducing
you all were reducing
they were reducing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu reduce
do not reduce!
nu reduceți
do not reduce!
Past pluperfect tense
I had reduced
you had reduced
he/she/it had reduced
we had reduced
you all had reduced
they had reduced
Future alternative 1 tense
am să reduc
I am going to reduce
ai să reduci
you are going to reduce
are să reducă
he/she/it is going to reduce
avem să reducem
we are going to reduce
aveți să reduceți
you all are going to reduce
au să reducă
they are going to reduce
Future alternative 2 tense
o să reduc
I am going to reduce
o să reduci
you are going to reduce
o să reducă
he/she/it is going to reduce
o să reducem
we are going to reduce
o să reduceți
you all are going to reduce
o să reducă
they are going to reduce
Future perfect tense
voi fi redus
I will have reduced
vei fi redus
you will have reduced
va fi redus
he/she/it will have reduced
vom fi redus
we will have reduced
veți fi redus
you all will have reduced
vor fi redus
they will have reduced
Future in the past tense
aveam să reduc
I was going to reduce
aveai să reduci
you were going to reduce
avea să reducă
he/she/it was going to reduce
aveam să reducem
we were going to reduce
aveați să reduceți
you all were going to reduce
aveau să reducă
they were going to reduce
Conditional past tense
aș fi redus
I would have reduced
ai fi redus
you would have reduced
ar fi redus
he/she/it would have reduced
am fi redus
we would have reduced
ați fi redus
you all would have reduced
ar fi redus
they would have reduced
Presumptive tense
oi reduce
I might reduce
oi reduce
you might reduce
o reduce
he/she/it might reduce
om reduce
we might reduce
oți reduce
you all might reduce
or reduce
they might reduce
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi reducând
I might be reducing
oi fi reducând
you might be reducing
o fi reducând
he/she/it might be reducing
om fi reducând
we might be reducing
oți fi reducând
you all might be reducing
or fi reducând
they might be reducing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi redus
I might have reduced
oi fi redus
you might have reduced
o fi redus
he/she/it might have reduced
om fi redus
we might have reduced
oți fi redus
you all might have reduced
or fi redus
they might have reduced

Examples of reduce

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Și mai târziu reduce în ea""And later reduces into it."
"Autoritătile statului au dat drumul la 500 de broaste testoase in Gange, in octombrie trecut," "in incercarea de a reduce profanarea oamenilor," "iar acum vor folosi crocodili care vor mânca cadavrele aruncate de săracii hindusi..."State authorities, last October released 500 turtles ino the Ganges, to try and reduce human pollution, and will now use crocodiles to eat corpses dumped by poor Hindus ...
"Dar când un tren lung de abuzuri şi uzurpări, care urmăreşte invariabil acelaşi obiect, manifestează un mod de a-i reduce sub o tiranie absolută, e dreptul lor, e datoria lor să răstoarne un asemenea guvern şi să asigure protecţie pentru siguranţa lor în viitor.""But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security."
"Eu consider ca sederea mea in continuare la bordul acestei nave, poate reduce utilitatea mea la Marina si creste dezarmonia acestei nave. ""I feel my continued service aboard can only reduce my usefulness to the Navy... "...and increase disharmony aboard this ship."
"Nu poate fi nici o afacere Daca nu cumva reduce presiunea pe noi Atunci când ne cere sa reduca presiune pe tine. ""There can be no deal unless you somewhat reduce the pressure on us when you ask us to reduce the pressure on you."
- Am să încerc să-ţi reduc pedeapsa, dar deocamdată, spală-te pe dinţi.- I will try and get your sentence reduced, but for now, go brush your teeth.
- Distanta dintre porti si zona de atentie s-a reduc cu 75 de milimetriiThe space between the gate and the cill has reduced to 75 millimetres.
- Studiile arată că reduc riscurile de SIDA și graviditate la adolescente.They reduce the risk of teen pregnancy and AIDS.
A trebuit să reduc numărul celor care merg şi tu n-ai corespuns cerinţelor.I had to reduce the number of people going, and you didn't make the cut.
A trebuit să-mi reduc nivelul laptelui.You know, I've had to reduce my milk level.
"Cum să-ţi reduci impactul nupţial"."how to reduce your nuptial footprint."
- Ca să reduci suferinţa colegilor tăi.- To reduce the suffering of your crewmates.
- Maggie, încearcă s-o reduci, acum.Maggie, why don't you try to reduce it now?
Am spus mereu, "Când reduci arborele familiei la un tufis al familiei..." " prea poti să te mai ascunzi după el."I always say, "When you reduce a family tree to a family bush... you just can't hide as much beneath it."
American 101 , virezi la dreapta 180 şi reduci la 250 noduri.American 101, turn right heading 1-8-0, reduce to two-five-zero knots.
"Ştiu că vremurile sunt grele. O să reducem impozitele, o să scădem preţul la apă şi la canalizare."we know times are tough... we'll lower taxes, reduce water and sewer"?
- Trebuie sa reducem presiunea.MAX: We must reduce pressure. MAN:
A trebuit să o reducem.Yeah. We had it reduced.
Am instalat tampoane ca să reducem riscul de defecţiune a fundului.I installed bumpers to reduce the risk of butt failure.
Am putea folosi clădirea existentă, dar va trebui automatizată pentru a produce noua linie şi va trebui să reducem producţia şi personalul cu 50%.Now, we can use the existing facility but we'll have to automate it to produce the new line downsize production, reduce the workforce by 50 percent.
"Carcetti a înlăturat acuzaţii serioase" "şi a redus altele la mici amenzi.""Carcetti got the most serious charges dismissed and the others reduced.
"La tarif redus.'At reduced rates.
- Ajutor ! - Ei bine, deci ... La fel cum terapia de şoc a lui Cameron, i-a lăsat pe pacienţii lui confuzi şi distruşi, la fel şi multiplele şocuri aplicate Irakului au redus ţara la o violentă mizerie sectară, lipsită de legi.Help! Just as Cameron's Shock therapy left his patients confused and broken, so the multiple shocks inflicted on Irak reduced the country to a lawless, violent, sectarian mess.
- Doar cinabru original, redus în alcool extras din craniul uman. Două grame.Take native cinnabar, reduced into an alcohol of human cranium, each two drams.
- Ei bine, el a fost redus la dimensiunile unui gunoi.- Well, he's been reduced to manure.
"Bonusurile de fitness," "beneficii reduse.""Fitness bonuses," "reduced benefits."
- Ce? În schimbul unei pedepse reduse pentru crime de război.In exchange for a reduced sentence for war crimes.
100 de suflete reduse la 30 în câteva minute.100 souls reduced to 30 in a matter of minutes.
Aceste scrisori au fost reduse la fumul de, draga mea, împreună cu tot ceea ce am deținut când ars casa mea de vara trecuta.Those letters were reduced to smoke, my dear, along with everything else I owned when you burned down my house last summer.
Acestea sunt calcularea exact cât de mult schimbărilor climatice gaze lor de familie produce la ora actuala, şi modul în care pot fi reduse.They're calculating exactly how much climate-change-gases their family currently produces, and how it can be reduced.
'Doi, redu presiunea in cazanul de apa grea 'tragind de a treia maneta si oprirea comutatorului principal.'Two, reduce pressure in the heavy water container 'by depressing the third lever and disengaging the master switch.
Acum, cu ajutorul gândurilor... redu flacăra.Now, with your thoughts... reduce the flame.
Allegheny 2629 redu viteza la 180 noduri.Allegheny 2629 reduce speed to 180 knots.
American patru-unu, redu cu 18,5 km pe oră.American 4-1, reduce 10 knots.
Angela, redu trăsăturile adânci de sub obraji spre mandibulă.Angela, reduce tissue depth over the cheekbones to the jawline.
La jumătatea anului 1944, armatele amfibii ale Generalului Mac Arthur reduseseră inelul protector până la nivelul Insulei Saipan.The half one of 1944, the armies amphibians of General MacArthur they had reduced it an interior ring dependant of the island of Saipan.
"Având-o la patru ? apte, Mach 5 viteză, reducând rapid."'Bearing one-four-seven, speed Mach 5, reducing fast.'
- Că pot întoarce reducând un motor.What am I suppose to tell him? Tell him we can get him to turn by reducing power in one engine.
Am început să reducem nivelul fricii reducând cauza fricii pentru cele două popoare şi pentru toate populaţia planetei.We have begun to reduce the level of fear by reducing the causes of fear - for our two peoples and for all peoples in the world.
Apa rece reduce circulaţia, la nivelul creierului, reducând activitatea metabolismului şi activitatea motrice.Cold water reduces circulation to the brain, thereby reducing the metabolism and motor activity.
Asta îi face moştenitori în ochii legii, ceea ce înseamnă că dacă descoperă adevărata identitate a tatălui lor, ar putea să pretindă o parte din considerabila moştenire, reducând partea ta şi a surorii tale cu vreo două treimi.That made them pretermitted heirs in the eyes of the law, which meant that if they ever discovered their father's true identity, they'd have been able to sue for a piece of his considerable estate, potentially reducing you and your sister's inheritance by as much as two-thirds.

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