Părea (to look) conjugation

45 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I look
you look
he/she/it looks
we look
you all look
they look
Present perfect tense
am părut
I have looked
ai părut
you have looked
a părut
he/she/it has looked
am părut
we have looked
ați părut
you all have looked
au părut
they have looked
Past preterite tense
I looked
you looked
he/she/it looked
we looked
you all looked
they looked
Future tense
voi părea
I will look
vei părea
you will look
va părea
he/she/it will look
vom părea
we will look
veți părea
you all will look
vor părea
they will look
Conditional mood
aș părea
I would look
ai părea
you would look
ar părea
he/she/it would look
am părea
we would look
ați părea
you all would look
ar părea
they would look
Subjunctive present tense
să par
(so that/if) I look
să pari
(so that/if) you look
să pară
(so that/if) he/she/it look
să părem
(so that/if) we look
să păreți
(so that/if) you all look
să pară
(so that/if) they look
Subjunctive past tense
să fi părut
(so that/if) I have looked
să fi părut
(so that/if) you have looked
să fi părut
(so that/if) he/she/it have looked
să fi părut
(so that/if) we have looked
să fi părut
(so that/if) you all have looked
să fi părut
(so that/if) they have looked
Past impf. tense
I was looking
you were looking
he/she/it was looking
we were looking
you all were looking
they were looking
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu părea
do not look!
nu păreți
do not look!
Past pluperfect tense
I had looked
you had looked
he/she/it had looked
we had looked
you all had looked
they had looked
Future alternative 1 tense
am să par
I am going to look
ai să pari
you are going to look
are să pară
he/she/it is going to look
avem să părem
we are going to look
aveți să păreți
you all are going to look
au să pară
they are going to look
Future alternative 2 tense
o să par
I am going to look
o să pari
you are going to look
o să pară
he/she/it is going to look
o să părem
we are going to look
o să păreți
you all are going to look
o să pară
they are going to look
Future perfect tense
voi fi părut
I will have looked
vei fi părut
you will have looked
va fi părut
he/she/it will have looked
vom fi părut
we will have looked
veți fi părut
you all will have looked
vor fi părut
they will have looked
Future in the past tense
aveam să par
I was going to look
aveai să pari
you were going to look
avea să pară
he/she/it was going to look
aveam să părem
we were going to look
aveați să păreți
you all were going to look
aveau să pară
they were going to look
Conditional past tense
aș fi părut
I would have looked
ai fi părut
you would have looked
ar fi părut
he/she/it would have looked
am fi părut
we would have looked
ați fi părut
you all would have looked
ar fi părut
they would have looked
Presumptive tense
oi părea
I might look
oi părea
you might look
o părea
he/she/it might look
om părea
we might look
oți părea
you all might look
or părea
they might look
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi părând
I might be looking
oi fi părând
you might be looking
o fi părând
he/she/it might be looking
om fi părând
we might be looking
oți fi părând
you all might be looking
or fi părând
they might be looking
Presumptive past tense
oi fi părut
I might have looked
oi fi părut
you might have looked
o fi părut
he/she/it might have looked
om fi părut
we might have looked
oți fi părut
you all might have looked
or fi părut
they might have looked

Examples of părea

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Acest lucru poate părea stupid și inutil, dar de fapt, de fapt nu este."'This may look stupid and pointless, but actually it really isn't.'
"Acest lucru, atunci, părea a fost de gând să fie " o altă zi de calamități și ghinioane.'This, then, looked like it was going to be 'another day of calamities and mishaps.
"Am intrat, am văzut mai întâi drogurile, şi apoi că părea mort."I came in, I saw the drugs first, and then he looked dead.
"Arata bine şi părea împăcată." "Cum nu ai mai văzut-o de ceva vreme, am crezut că ar fi bine să ştii.""She looked very peaceful and we thought you should know this.
"Asta ar fi amuzant. Apoi vom părea tare grozavi..."Then we could look really cool..."
"Ce bătrână par azi !" "Ce urâtă par azi !""Oh, i look so old today. Oh, i look so ugly today."
"Cum îţi par ?" Ce zici ?"What do I look like to you. " Eh?
"Dacă te înfurii atât de tare... pentru nişte cizme străine care par de damă... putem să trecem la treabă.""If you're gonna get that riled over a pair of foreign, lady-looking boots we just might as well get the ball rolling."
"Dle poliţist, ochii dvs par glazuraţi."Officer, your eyes look glazed.
"Mă faci să par un dobitoc."You're making me look like an asshole.
"Ar trebui să vorbim despre cum au fost încălcate clauzele parteneriatului, te-am făcut să pari un papă-lapte şi ţi-am subminat posibilitatea de a comunica cu el, de acum înainte."Should we talk about how" "that crosses partner lines, makes you look like a weenie," "and undermines your ability to communicate"
"Blocați", iar tu pari tare încântat de...Stuck? And you look pretty thrilled about... l'm onto you, Jack.
"Ce pari aşa uimită, Bethany?"Oh, don't look so surprised, Bethany.
"De ce eşti aşa morocănoasă când sunt fericită?", iar eu zic: "Sunt fericită!", iar ele zic: "Nu pari fericită", iar eu spun:"Why are you so grumpy?" when I'm happy. And I say, "I'm happy." And they say, "Well, you don't look happy."
"Ghilgameş, pari sleit de puteri şi epuizat""Gilgamesh, you look worn out and exhausted.
! - Nu e ce pare a fi.This isn't what it looks like.
! - Zoe, nu e ce pare!- Zoe, it's not what it looks like!
! E mult mai bătrână decât pare.She's way older than she looks.
! Gască, se pare că am dat peste un alt mister.Well, gang, it looks like we've got another mystery on our hands.
! Se pare ca nu suntem singurii cu treburi pe aici.It looks like we're not the only ones who're in a hurry around here.
"Ne faci să părem nişte idioţi.""Don't make us look like idiots. "
- Ca să părem o familie.- So we look like a family.
- Ce beţi părem...Yeah, we look drunk.
- Ce fel de căutători părem a fi?- What do browsers look like?
- Chiar dacă părem a fi clovni, chiar dacă crezi sau nu, ştim ce facem.-We might look like clowns... but believe it or not, we actually know what we're doing.
Două mărimi mai mari vă fac să păreți cu 10 ani mai tânăr.Two sizes larger makes you look 10 years younger.
Şi acolo pe patul Doamnei, răsfoind pagini cu reguli ciudate, dădu peste o pagină care i se păru extrem de cunoscută.And there on Mam's bed skimming through the book, filled with bizarre and vicious regulations she came upon a page that looked strangely familiar.
- Ei bine, când eu am spus "da"... - ... tu păreai de parc-ai fi spus "nu".- Well, while I was saying, "I do" you were looking like you didn't.
Vroiam să trimit o sticlă pentru voi doi, dar zicea că erai singură aici şi păreai abătută.I was gonna have a bottle sent over for the two of you love birds, but he said there was only one , and that you were looking kinda blue.
În discotecă păreai foarte speriat.I n the disco you were looking very scared
- Lucrurile păreau dure în Mudville- Things were looking grim in Mudville
Danny, prostituatele alea păreau că vor să mă bată.Danny, those hookers were looking to hurt me.
Fetele păreau atât de fericite, iar ea părea atât de pierdută.The other girls were looking so happy and she looked quite forlorn.
L-am pus în camera Fionei, dar amândoi păreau un pic cam prietenoşi azi-dimineaţă.I put him in Fiona's room... but the two of them were looking a little chummy this morning.
Mă gândesc la tine. Lucrurile păreau să se îndrepte.- things were looking up.
"Moartea n-a părut niciodată aşa moartă ca moartea din faţa lor, toată viaţa scursă, doar moartea acoperea moartea."Ooh... "Death had never looked so dead as the death "now in front of them,
"Ni s-a părut că ei îl urmăreau pe el."It looked like they were chasing him.
- A durut aşa de rău cât a părut?Think that hurt as bad as it looked?
- A părut că o străfulgerare. - Ştiu.- It looked like a little flash of light.
- A părut un accident de maşină la început.- It looked like a car accident at first.
A zis că numai dacă va muri părând gravidă eu voi reuşi să scap.She said only if she died looking pregnant... would I be able to escape.
Apoi -- suntem pe o stradă pariziană lăturalnică, fundătură, sub un deal... şi nişte francezi părând foarte ciudaţi,... nu cei tipici, cu berete, care descarcă un camion, suntem, bineînţeles, în timpul războiului,Then we are on this typical Parisian back street. Dead end, sort of - sort of looking up a hill, and these really weird-looking Frenchmen - not the typical ones with the berets - are unloading a truck - It's wartime of course - and the boxes contain contraband delicacies like canned meat,
Ea a întrebat, părând isteaţă.She asked, looking clever.
Fiind domnul Duru, comportându-te ca un tip gelos... părând că te masturbai...Being Mr Tough Guy, acting jealous... looking like you were jerking off...
Nu pot lăsa să stai aici părând trist.I can't have you standing over here looking glum.

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