Primi (to receive) conjugation

65 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: accept, to get, to accept

Conjugation of primi

Present tense
I receive
you receive
he/she/it receives
we receive
you all receive
they receive
Present perfect tense
am primit
I have received
ai primit
you have received
a primit
he/she/it has received
am primit
we have received
ați primit
you all have received
au primit
they have received
Past preterite tense
I received
you received
he/she/it received
we received
you all received
they received
Future tense
voi primi
I will receive
vei primi
you will receive
va primi
he/she/it will receive
vom primi
we will receive
veți primi
you all will receive
vor primi
they will receive
Conditional mood
aș primi
I would receive
ai primi
you would receive
ar primi
he/she/it would receive
am primi
we would receive
ați primi
you all would receive
ar primi
they would receive
Subjunctive present tense
să primesc
(so that/if) I receive
să primești
(so that/if) you receive
să primească
(so that/if) he/she/it receive
să primim
(so that/if) we receive
să primiți
(so that/if) you all receive
să primească
(so that/if) they receive
Subjunctive past tense
să fi primit
(so that/if) I have received
să fi primit
(so that/if) you have received
să fi primit
(so that/if) he/she/it have received
să fi primit
(so that/if) we have received
să fi primit
(so that/if) you all have received
să fi primit
(so that/if) they have received
Past impf. tense
I was receiving
you were receiving
he/she/it was receiving
we were receiving
you all were receiving
they were receiving
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu primi
do not receive!
nu primiți
do not receive!
Past pluperfect tense
I had received
you had received
he/she/it had received
we had received
you all had received
they had received
Future alternative 1 tense
am să primesc
I am going to receive
ai să primești
you are going to receive
are să primească
he/she/it is going to receive
avem să primim
we are going to receive
aveți să primiți
you all are going to receive
au să primească
they are going to receive
Future alternative 2 tense
o să primesc
I am going to receive
o să primești
you are going to receive
o să primească
he/she/it is going to receive
o să primim
we are going to receive
o să primiți
you all are going to receive
o să primească
they are going to receive
Future perfect tense
voi fi primit
I will have received
vei fi primit
you will have received
va fi primit
he/she/it will have received
vom fi primit
we will have received
veți fi primit
you all will have received
vor fi primit
they will have received
Future in the past tense
aveam să primesc
I was going to receive
aveai să primești
you were going to receive
avea să primească
he/she/it was going to receive
aveam să primim
we were going to receive
aveați să primiți
you all were going to receive
aveau să primească
they were going to receive
Conditional past tense
aș fi primit
I would have received
ai fi primit
you would have received
ar fi primit
he/she/it would have received
am fi primit
we would have received
ați fi primit
you all would have received
ar fi primit
they would have received
Presumptive tense
oi primi
I might receive
oi primi
you might receive
o primi
he/she/it might receive
om primi
we might receive
oți primi
you all might receive
or primi
they might receive
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi primind
I might be receiving
oi fi primind
you might be receiving
o fi primind
he/she/it might be receiving
om fi primind
we might be receiving
oți fi primind
you all might be receiving
or fi primind
they might be receiving
Presumptive past tense
oi fi primit
I might have received
oi fi primit
you might have received
o fi primit
he/she/it might have received
om fi primit
we might have received
oți fi primit
you all might have received
or fi primit
they might have received

Examples of primi

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Draga mea Jane, când vei primi această scrisoare,... eu am părăsit această tară pentru totdeauna.My dearest Jane, by the time you receive this letter, I shall have left this country for good.
""Veti primi o suma similara saptamânaI pâna ce datoria va fi achitata""."You will receive a money order for a similar amount each week "until the entire obligation is discharged.
"...vei primi scrisoarea asta imediat după ce maşina a fost lovită de fulger."you will receive this letter immediately after the DeLorean's struck by lightning.
"...vei primi scrisoarea asta, imediat după ce maşina a fost lovită de fulger." will receive this letter immediately after the DeLorean's struck by lightning.
"Alteta Sa regala va primi mâine Sfanta Binecuvântare..."HRH will tomorrow receive Holy
"Așa că de asta am zburat spre Bora Bora, ca să primesc șocul vieții mele "'So off l flew to Bora Bora, and did l receive the shock of my life?
"Desigur, ele" bãncile, "nu dau împrumuturi din banii pe care îi primesc ca depozite.As stated in "Modern Money Mechanics": "Of course they" the banks, "do not really pay out loans for the money, they receive as deposits.
"Doamne nu sunt demn sa te primesc... dar spune doar un cuvânt si voi fi salvat.""Lord, I am not worthy to receive you... "...but say the word and I shall be healed."
"Pomana ii degradeaza pe cei care o primesc" "si-i oteleste pe cei care o ofera."Charity degrades those who receive it and hardens those who dispense it.
'Am fost foarte încântat să primesc scrisoarea ta."I was happy to receive your letter.
"Tis mai bine pentru a dai decât să primești.'Tis better to give than to receive.
Dintr-o dată mi-am dat seama că ceea ce vreau să-ți dau și vrei să primești nu era o comoară de neatins, ci acea floare.Suddenly the realization dawned that what I wanted to give you and you wanted to receive was not some unattainable treasure, but that flower.
Ei bine, știi ce spune, cartea cea bună, "Este mai bine să dai, decât să primești."Well, you know what the Good Book says, "Tis better to give than receive."
Nava este pregătit să primești slava lui.The vessel is prepared to receive his glory.
Pentru că eu pierd bani și tu nu îţi primești bonusul.Because I lose money and you do not receive your bonus.
Această lege lui însuși, care primește cadouri de la dușmanul tău.This law unto himself, who receives gifts from your enemy.
Ai doi vin sa ma uit ca Lucien primește pedeapsa lui?Have you two come to watch as Lucien receives his punishment?
Cu toate astea, niciun medic și niciun spital nu o primește.However, no doctor and no hospital receives.
Da, și mă voi asigura că primește informațiile direct la timpul analizei.Yes, and I will make sure that he receives the information directly at the debrief.
Ea a spus că nu va da nici un comentariu suplimentar , până când ea primește a vizita de la Simon Axler.She has said she won't give any further comment until she receives a visit from Simon Axler.
"Nu primim provocari de la sclavi si proscrisi."We receive no defiances from slaves and outlaws.
- Ar trebui să faci... orice ar face Frankie până primim alte instrucţiuni.Well, you're supposed to do... whatever Frankie would do until we receive further instructions.
- Binecuvântează mâncarea aceasta... pe care o primim în această seară, prin Hristos, Domnul nostru, Amin.- Hi. Bless us, O Lord, in these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
- Bunule Dumnezeu, îţi mulţumim pentru nepreţuitul dar pe care noi suntem pe cale să-l primim.Lord, thank You for this bountiful gift we are about to receive.
- De ce îl primim?Wide receiver?
! Aparatul ăsta este o versiune uşor modificată a tehnologiei de implant memorie pe care am primit-o de la o rasă numită Galareni.This device is a slightly altered version of the memory implant technology, we received from a race called the Galarens.
" Acum cinci zile, am primit o cerere urgentă"Five days ago, I received an urgent request
" Am fost torturat, dar n-am primit niciun răspuns...Tortured. I received nothing in resp--
" Am primit confirmarea că Robert Robbins e în Dallas căutând să se refugieze din faţa unor situaţii de abuz la domiciliu.""We've received confirmation that Robert Robbins is in Dallas seeking refuge from an abusive domestic situation."
" Am primit o cerere de la " devotatul Lama Zopa Rimpoche, "in numele manastirii sale.I received a request from the devoted Lama Zopa Rinpoche, on behalf of his monasteries.
-Nu primiți medicație?-Do you receive medication?
Aș dori rapoarte cu privire la constatările de ce le primiți.I would like reports on your findings as you receive them.
Dacă el mărturisește, este posibil să primiți și o formă de recompensă.If he confesses, you may well receive some form of recompense.
Dacă primiți această iertare de la Dumnezeu, puteți sta în fața oricui cu pace și calm în inima ta.If you receive this pardon from God, you can stand before anyone with peace and calm in your heart. What is wrong with you?
Dacă primiți un trandafir, vă rugăm să stați.If you receive a rose, please stay.
A primit educaţia medicală la Colegiul Harvard, fiind printre primii absolvenţi.He received his medical education at Harvard College, graduating with distinction.
E adevărat, primii un mesaj şi altele încă şi mai neliniştitoare în timp ce mă pregăteam să plec la port.It's true, I received a message, and others lpus disturbing, while I was preparing to go to the port.
La un an de la naştere, copilul Krakatoa a găzduit primii ei colonişti.Within a year of its birth Krakatau's child received its first colonists
Prestes a fost unul din primii deţinuţi eliberaţi din închisoare în urma aministiei decretate în 1945 şi de abia atunci a aflat de moartea Olgăi.Prestes was freed by the amnesty, in 1945, and only then received word of Olga's death.
Linia a picat tocmai când primeam un mesaj din Wellington.The line went dead, just as I was receiving a message from Wellington.
Numai mai târziu, m-am convins că primeam... preziceri despre dezastre de la altfel de fiinţe inteligente.Before long, I was fully convinced that I was receiving... predictions of disaster from outside intelligences.
Bazată pe viziuni pe care le primeai de dincolo de paravan, de la puteri mari.Guidance based on visions you were receiving from beyond the veil, from higher powers, right?
Poate ai citit de remarcabilele explorări ale unui norvegian numit Sigerson, dar sunt sigur că nu te-ai gândit că primeai veşti despre prietenul tău.As you may have read of the remarkable explorations of a Norwegian called Sigerson, but I am sure that it never occurred to you that you were receiving news of your friend.
Charlotte primea la rându-i propria declaraţie de monogamie.Charlotte was receiving her own declaration of monogamy.
Comandorul primea oxigen prin tub nazal. Dar, focul a început în afara plămânilor, în cavitate.The Commander was receiving oxygen through a nasal cannula, but the fire originated outside the lungs, in the cavity.
Că Alison, prietena lui Vivian Darkbloom, primea mesaje de la mai multe numere.That Vivian Darkbloom's friend, Alison, was receiving texts from more than one number.
Da, şi au apărut acolo exact când Charles primea o altă livrare cu aceleaşi cutii lungi.Yes, and they showed up just as Charles was receiving another shipment of those long boxes.
Dl Clifford primea tratament medical în acel moment.Go and persecute him. Mr Clifford was receiving medical treatment at the time.
Acum o oră, Brody Simmons, cetăţean "integru", a plecat de la Memorial Hospital unde el şi alţi patru deţinuţi îşi primeau tratamentul bilunar de chimioterapie.An hour ago, Brody Simmons, upstanding citizen, he walked away from Memorial Hospital where he and four other inmates were receiving their bimonthly chemotherapy treatment.
Astăzi la ora 16 toate telexurile de pe mapamond primeau cea mai stupefiantă si neaşteptată informaţie:Today at 4:00 pm all the telexes of the world were receiving the most astonishing and unexpected information:
Eram curios cum de se putuse întâmpla. Ştiam că pacienţii primeau multe fluide intravenos. Dar am aflat, apoi, că fluidele pe care le primeau, puteau să nu fie antineoplastoni.I knew that the patients were receiving a lot of intravenous fluid, but then we learned that perhaps the fluids which they were receiving were not Antineoplastons.
Ştii, bazat pe datele acestor adrese, se pare că Carlos şi Bianca primeau două-trei transporturi de droguri pe zi.You know, based on the dates of these address labels, it appears that Carlos and Bianca were receiving two to three drug shipments a day.
Cu cateva saptamani in urma, primisem o scrisoare de la tatal meu.A few weeks before, I had received a letter from my father.
Salariul pe o săptămână pe care-l primisem în locul avizului... l-am învestit intr-un veşmânt potrivit pentru un weekend la Maidenhead.With the week's wages I had received in lieu of notice... I invested in suitable apparel for a weekend at Maidenhead.
Apoi, firma de asigurări a informat-o accidental pe lrma că banca Amegy primise un cec de 1,5 milioane de $, la câteva săptămâni după moartea lui Dan.The insurance company then accidentally informed lrma that Amegy Bank had received a check for $1 1/2 million just weeks after Dan died.
Dar, când a ignorat numeroasele scrisori şi telefoane de la tatăl meu, care primise o dispoziţie de impunere greşită şi umflată, m-am hotărât să candidez împotriva lui.But when he ignored the numerous letters and phone calls from my father, who had received an incorrect and inflated tax bill, I decided to run against him.
De fapt, Maeby primise o maşină de serviciu de la studioul de filme la care pretindea în secret că este director executiv.Actually, Maeby had received a company car from the movie studio... where she was secretly posing as an executive.
Lily primise nişte veşti cam tulburătoareLily had received some unsettling news.
Lindsay şi-a adus aminte că în ziua respectivă primise o scrisoare de la liceu în legătură cu fiica ei.Lindsay recalled that earlier that day... she had received a letter from the high school about her own daughter.
Mulţi primiseră vestea atacului de la Pearl Harbor cu sobrietate, fără bucurie.Many had received the notice of the attack the Pearl Harbor sober, until apreensivamente.
"...primind diploma la Harvard in 1969."...receiving his medical degree from Harvard in 1969.
"si au declarat la fel daruind si primind un inel..."and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring...
"şi au făcut asta dând şi primind un inel şi împreunându-şi mâinile...""and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring and joining hands...
- Jackson , eu primind hrană ...- Jackson, I'm receiving feed...
7- 1-2-4,primind7- 1-2-4, receiving.

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