Plăti (to pay) conjugation

68 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I pay
you pay
he/she/it pays
we pay
you all pay
they pay
Present perfect tense
am plătit
I have paid
ai plătit
you have paid
a plătit
he/she/it has paid
am plătit
we have paid
ați plătit
you all have paid
au plătit
they have paid
Past preterite tense
I paid
you paid
he/she/it paid
we paid
you all paid
they paid
Future tense
voi plăti
I will pay
vei plăti
you will pay
va plăti
he/she/it will pay
vom plăti
we will pay
veți plăti
you all will pay
vor plăti
they will pay
Conditional mood
aș plăti
I would pay
ai plăti
you would pay
ar plăti
he/she/it would pay
am plăti
we would pay
ați plăti
you all would pay
ar plăti
they would pay
Subjunctive present tense
să plătesc
(so that/if) I pay
să plătești
(so that/if) you pay
să plătească
(so that/if) he/she/it pay
să plătim
(so that/if) we pay
să plătiți
(so that/if) you all pay
să plătească
(so that/if) they pay
Subjunctive past tense
să fi plătit
(so that/if) I have paid
să fi plătit
(so that/if) you have paid
să fi plătit
(so that/if) he/she/it have paid
să fi plătit
(so that/if) we have paid
să fi plătit
(so that/if) you all have paid
să fi plătit
(so that/if) they have paid
Past impf. tense
I was paying
you were paying
he/she/it was paying
we were paying
you all were paying
they were paying
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu plăti
do not pay!
nu plătiți
do not pay!
Past pluperfect tense
I had paid
you had paid
he/she/it had paid
we had paid
you all had paid
they had paid
Future alternative 1 tense
am să plătesc
I am going to pay
ai să plătești
you are going to pay
are să plătească
he/she/it is going to pay
avem să plătim
we are going to pay
aveți să plătiți
you all are going to pay
au să plătească
they are going to pay
Future alternative 2 tense
o să plătesc
I am going to pay
o să plătești
you are going to pay
o să plătească
he/she/it is going to pay
o să plătim
we are going to pay
o să plătiți
you all are going to pay
o să plătească
they are going to pay
Future perfect tense
voi fi plătit
I will have paid
vei fi plătit
you will have paid
va fi plătit
he/she/it will have paid
vom fi plătit
we will have paid
veți fi plătit
you all will have paid
vor fi plătit
they will have paid
Future in the past tense
aveam să plătesc
I was going to pay
aveai să plătești
you were going to pay
avea să plătească
he/she/it was going to pay
aveam să plătim
we were going to pay
aveați să plătiți
you all were going to pay
aveau să plătească
they were going to pay
Conditional past tense
aș fi plătit
I would have paid
ai fi plătit
you would have paid
ar fi plătit
he/she/it would have paid
am fi plătit
we would have paid
ați fi plătit
you all would have paid
ar fi plătit
they would have paid
Presumptive tense
oi plăti
I might pay
oi plăti
you might pay
o plăti
he/she/it might pay
om plăti
we might pay
oți plăti
you all might pay
or plăti
they might pay
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi plătind
I might be paying
oi fi plătind
you might be paying
o fi plătind
he/she/it might be paying
om fi plătind
we might be paying
oți fi plătind
you all might be paying
or fi plătind
they might be paying
Presumptive past tense
oi fi plătit
I might have paid
oi fi plătit
you might have paid
o fi plătit
he/she/it might have paid
om fi plătit
we might have paid
oți fi plătit
you all might have paid
or fi plătit
they might have paid

Examples of plăti

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! - Şi nu vă mai pot plăti prânzul.- And I can't pay for your lunches anymore.
" Banca va plăti jumate din cât valorează. ""The bank will pay half of what was paid for them."
"A spus că are nevoie de 5000 $ pentru a plăti un cămătar care îl ameninţa că îi rupe gâtul."Um, "Said he needed five grand to pay off some loan shark who was threatening to break his neck."
"A închiria" înseamnă "a plăti pentru folosinţă"."To rent" means "to pay for the use of."
"Am o erupţie, voi plăti"."Have rash, will pay".
! Nu plătesc pentru asta!I'm not paying for that!
"10 pence la liră si ti le plătesc miercurea viitoare.""Ten pence in the pound and pay you next Wednesday."
"Cu cât te plătesc"?"How much are they paying you?"
"Cât trebuie să plătesc, doctore ?"How much should I pay, doctor?
"Câştig destui bani ca să-mi plătesc impozitele."Ooh, "I make enough money to pay taxes."
", Dacă aveți o pentru acel telefon prost din nou Sunteți să plătești.""if you run for that stupid phone again you're gonna pay."
"Noi considerăm că ar trebui să plătești taxe mai mari.""We think you should pay more taxes."
- Cum o să mă plătești ?How will you pay me?
- Când o să mă plătești?- When will you pay me?
- Dacă plătești tu.- If you're paying.
"Un Lannister își plătește întodeauna datoriile.""a Lannister always pays his debts."
- Da, ia banii la Solano, Solano plătește GTF, și Mike busturi cu teancul de mici puncte roșii.- Yep, take the money to Solano, Solano pays the GTF, and Mike busts in with the wad of little purple dots.
- Dacă îi e dor, el plătește pentru ea.- If he misses, he pays for it.
- El îți plătește camera.-He pays your room.
- José, toată lumea plătește.- José, everyone pays.
"O să plătim, aşa o să facem.""We're gonna pay for it," that's what I said.
"Pentru tot ceea ce căpătăm sau dobândim pe această lume, trebuie să plătim."For we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world, "
"Păi, dacă vrei să fii aruncată din nou în vulcan, plătim noi.""Well, if you'd like to be thrown into a volcano again, we'll pay for it."
"Suntem autorizaţi să plătim un milion de dolari lui Woodrow T. Grant din Billings, Montana.""We are now authorized to pay one million dollars "to Woodrow T. Grant of Billings, Montana."
"Să le plătim pentru treaba asta neînsemnată şi să trecem mai departe."Let's pay them back for this little job and get it over with.
- Ei plătiți prin metafora?- They pay you by the metaphor?
- Voi doar îl plătiți .I-I'll just pay you.
-E prețul pe care îl plătiți.- It's the price you pay.
. Taxele sunt prețul pe care îl plătiți pentru o societate civilizată""Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society."
Acesta este cel mai puțin am putea face pentru a... plătiți înapoi.It's the least I could do to... pay you back.
- O plăteam eu ca să stea cu ochii pe tine.I was paying her to keep tabs on you.
Aşteaptă, asta e aceeaşi sumă pe care ţi-o plăteam, când lucrai cu normă întreagă, şi acum lucrezi doar nopţile.Hold on, this is the same amount I was paying you when you worked full time, and now you're just working nights.
Bine, recunosc că-l plăteam pentru ceva.Okay, look, I admit that I was paying him for something.
Cât i-ai spus că plăteam pentru ei?How much did you tell him I was paying for them?
Eu plăteam toată călătoria.I was paying for the whole trip.
- Acolo s-au dus 16.000$ din cei 60.000$ împrumutaţi pentru Meghan, ceea ce înseamnă că, fie Meghan te escroca, fie o plăteai dintr-un anumit motiv.Well, for one thing, it's where $16,000 of that $60,000 bank loan you cosigned for Meghan went, which means either Meghan was conning you or you were paying her money for some reason.
- Dar chiar dacă o plăteai, tot trebuia s-o îmbeţi pe Jessica ca să poată juca rolul.But even though you were paying her, you still had to get Jessica drunk to get her to play along.
- Mă plăteai pentru toată conversaţia.- You were paying me for that whole conversation.
Acum câteva săptămâni, tu îmi plăteai chiria !And a few weeks ago, you were paying my rent.
Cred că o plăteai ca să-şi ţină gura, pentru că ştia ce i s-a întâmplat lui Louie Becker.I think you were paying her off to keep her quiet 'cause she knew what happened to louie becker.
"Şi ajungea să creadă că plătea pentru alţii..." "pentru părinţii, pentru bunicii lui care au băut..."He felt he was paying the price for the generations of his forefathers whose drinking had poisoned his blood.
- Charlie Griffith îl plătea?Ah. Charlie Griffith was paying him?
- Cine o plătea?Who was paying her? I don't know.
- Cine-l plătea?Who was paying him?
- Dna Lyford te plătea pentru altceva, nu?Ms. Lyford was paying you for something else, wasn't she?
- Ei îi plăteau ratele pentru împrumut.They were paying his jacked-up loan rates.
Am ştiut că nu trebuia s-o accept, - dar plăteau atât de bine.I knew I shouldn't have taken it, but they were paying so much money.
Aşa că povestea pe scurt, coloniile americane plăteau toate aceste taxe regelui fără să primească ceva în schimb.Well, so, basically, like, long story short, the American colonies were paying all these taxes to the king and getting nothing in return.
Dacă mă gândesc bine, si m-am gândit, nu mă plăteau fiindcă plec, mă plăteau ca să scape de mine.They were paying me so they could walk away.
Dar medicina ei alternativă e foarte scumpă, şi cred că bijuteriile erau preţul cu care pacienţii ei o plăteau, când nu mai puteau plăti şedinţele cu cash.But her alternative medicine is so expensive that I think that the jewelry was what her patients were paying her with when they couldn't afford her fees.
Voiam să plec de acolo repede, dar îi plătisem băutura lui Didi toată seara, şi mă gândeam că merit să-mi iau banii înapoi.I wanted out of there fast, but I had paid for Didi's drinks all night, and I thought I deserved a refund.
Am interogat cu succes pe Rann un general krolotean care plătise un membru al Comandamentului Ştiinţific Rannian să permită krolotenilor să stabilească o bază secretă în jungla ranniană.I successfully interrogated a Krolotean general on Rann... who had paid off a member of the Rannian Science Command... to allow the Kroloteans to land a secret base in the Rannian jungle.
Când mi-am dat seama că Durand îi plătise lui Horácio ca s-o ucidă pe Madeleine, am hotărât să-l vizitez.When I realized that Durand had paid Horácio to kill Madeleine, I decided to pay him a visit.
I-am cerut ospătarului nota dar a spus că bărbatul acela plătise deja băutura.l asked the waiter for the bill but he said the man had paid for my drink.
Jocul Germaniei se dovedise câştigător, Lenin îşi plătise datoria.'Germany's gamble on Lenin had paid off.'
Îşi alesese până şi sicriul şi plătise totul dinainte !She even had chosen the coffin, and had paid for everything!
- Da, doamnă, a crezut că plătiseră pentru striptease complet,Yes, ma'am, he thought that they had paid for topless and bottomless,
Dar, înainte să pot spune, asigurările plătiseră totul.But before I could, the insurance company had paid everything off already.
- E acolo sângerând pentru ţara şi plătind petrecerea de-acasă.Off bleeding for his country and paying for the fun back home.
- Pentru că nu vreau să-mi petrec restul vieţilor noastre plătind primul meu cadou de crăciun.- Why not? - Because I don't wanna spend our lives paying off my first Christmas present.
A venit special pentru a fi jertfa noastră de răscumpărare, plătind datoria noastră şi făcând posibilă mântuirea noastră, dacă suntem dispuşi să-L primim ca Domn şi Mântuitor al nostru.He came specifically to be our redeeming sacrifice, paying for our debt, making possible our salvation if we will but receive him as our Lord and our Savior.
A încercat să mă păcălească, plătind 5 dolari pentru ceva de 30 de dolari.Tried to trick me to paying five bucks for a $30 maul.
Accidente auto din cauza băuturii, femei, plătind mafia.drunken-driving accidents, chasing women, paying off the mob.
! Nu, pentru că am plătit chiria în avans!No, because I paid my room and board in advance.
" Oh , tu l-ai plătit cât de mult să se stabilească fereastra ?"Oh, you paid him how much to fix the window?
" şi a plătit factura TV."and paid your TV bill.
"... au plătit pentru asta.""...have paid for it.
"A fi plătit." Auzi ce-a zis ? "E vorba despre a fi plătit.""About getting paid." Hear what he said? "it's about getting paid."

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