Plănui (to plan) conjugation

66 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I plan
you plan
he/she/it plans
we plan
you all plan
they plan
Present perfect tense
am plănuit
I have planned
ai plănuit
you have planned
a plănuit
he/she/it has planned
am plănuit
we have planned
ați plănuit
you all have planned
au plănuit
they have planned
Past preterite tense
I planned
you planned
he/she/it planned
we planned
you all planned
they planned
Future tense
voi plănui
I will plan
vei plănui
you will plan
va plănui
he/she/it will plan
vom plănui
we will plan
veți plănui
you all will plan
vor plănui
they will plan
Conditional mood
aș plănui
I would plan
ai plănui
you would plan
ar plănui
he/she/it would plan
am plănui
we would plan
ați plănui
you all would plan
ar plănui
they would plan
Subjunctive present tense
să plănuiesc
(so that/if) I plan
să plănuiești
(so that/if) you plan
să plănuiască
(so that/if) he/she/it plan
să plănuim
(so that/if) we plan
să plănuiți
(so that/if) you all plan
să plănuiască
(so that/if) they plan
Subjunctive past tense
să fi plănuit
(so that/if) I have planned
să fi plănuit
(so that/if) you have planned
să fi plănuit
(so that/if) he/she/it have planned
să fi plănuit
(so that/if) we have planned
să fi plănuit
(so that/if) you all have planned
să fi plănuit
(so that/if) they have planned
Past impf. tense
I was planning
you were planning
he/she/it was planning
we were planning
you all were planning
they were planning
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu plănui
do not plan!
nu plănuiți
do not plan!
Past pluperfect tense
I had planned
you had planned
he/she/it had planned
we had planned
you all had planned
they had planned
Future alternative 1 tense
am să plănuiesc
I am going to plan
ai să plănuiești
you are going to plan
are să plănuiască
he/she/it is going to plan
avem să plănuim
we are going to plan
aveți să plănuiți
you all are going to plan
au să plănuiască
they are going to plan
Future alternative 2 tense
o să plănuiesc
I am going to plan
o să plănuiești
you are going to plan
o să plănuiască
he/she/it is going to plan
o să plănuim
we are going to plan
o să plănuiți
you all are going to plan
o să plănuiască
they are going to plan
Future perfect tense
voi fi plănuit
I will have planned
vei fi plănuit
you will have planned
va fi plănuit
he/she/it will have planned
vom fi plănuit
we will have planned
veți fi plănuit
you all will have planned
vor fi plănuit
they will have planned
Future in the past tense
aveam să plănuiesc
I was going to plan
aveai să plănuiești
you were going to plan
avea să plănuiască
he/she/it was going to plan
aveam să plănuim
we were going to plan
aveați să plănuiți
you all were going to plan
aveau să plănuiască
they were going to plan
Conditional past tense
aș fi plănuit
I would have planned
ai fi plănuit
you would have planned
ar fi plănuit
he/she/it would have planned
am fi plănuit
we would have planned
ați fi plănuit
you all would have planned
ar fi plănuit
they would have planned
Presumptive tense
oi plănui
I might plan
oi plănui
you might plan
o plănui
he/she/it might plan
om plănui
we might plan
oți plănui
you all might plan
or plănui
they might plan
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi plănuind
I might be planning
oi fi plănuind
you might be planning
o fi plănuind
he/she/it might be planning
om fi plănuind
we might be planning
oți fi plănuind
you all might be planning
or fi plănuind
they might be planning
Presumptive past tense
oi fi plănuit
I might have planned
oi fi plănuit
you might have planned
o fi plănuit
he/she/it might have planned
om fi plănuit
we might have planned
oți fi plănuit
you all might have planned
or fi plănuit
they might have planned

Examples of plănui

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Zgomotul de fond"... cea mai inteligentă cale de a plănui un atentat terorist.It's lo-Fi. Smartest way to plan for a terrorist event.
- ... n-ar plănui să ne ţină mult timp ?- ... didn't plan to hold us a long time? - Listen.
- Aş putea plănui o excursie de o zi...I might plan a day trip...
- Ca şi cum aş plănui ceva, ştii...- like plan something, you know...
- Ce e rău în a plănui aşa ceva?- Never hurts to plan ahead.
"Am nevoie de ajutor pentru o treabă pe care o plănuiesc."Need help with a job I'm planning.
"N-am încercat să plănuiesc nimic"# I tried not to plan it
"mâine plănuiesc să mă duc la casa de costiţe a lui Denny king, care se află în mod convenabil vis-a-vis de hotelul meu.""tomorrow, I plan to go to Denny king's rib room, which is conveniently across the street from my hotel."
- Asta plănuiesc... dar ce-ar zice bunica dacă te-ar auzi cum vorbeşti?- i plan to but how would Grandma feel with you taiking like that?
- Asta plănuiesc.- I plan to. I plan to.
Așa plănuiești să evadezi ? Cu versuri din povestea pentru copii al unui mânuitor bătrân ?Is that how you plan to escape, with something you pick up from an old airbender children story?
Ce noroc că plănuiești deja s-o furi pentru mine.Isn't it lucky you were already planning to steal it for me?
Când plănuiești să pui deoparte furculița pentru grătare?When do you plan on dropping that grill fork?
De ce nu plănuiești tu, luna de miere?Why don't you plan the honeymoon?
Poți să îți plănuiești viața, dar apoi ți se vor întâmpla chestii nebunești, și ăsta e singurul lucru care se aseamănă cât de cât cu un plan.You can create a plan for your life, and then crazy things get thrown at you, and that, by the way, is the closest thing that I have to a plan.
Astăzi, Organizația de Informare a Civililor, a anunțat că armata japoneză plănuiește să lanseze o ofensivă.Today, the Civilian Intelligence Organization announced that the Japanese military has plans to launch an offensive.
"Dragă domnule, eu şi familia mea plănuim o călătorie de vacanţă în Asia de sud-est" "şi ne-am gândit să stăm două săptămâni în Cambodgia, să facem turul ţării.""Dear sir, my family and I are planning a touring vacation of Southeast Asia and anticipate two weeks in Cambodia touring the country.
"Ştii, Joaquin şi eu, plănuim să-i băgăm la închisoare pe Ewingi, pentru încriminarea lui Cliff, dar mamă, te rog, treci peste asta"."Uh, Joaquín and I are planning on putting the Ewings in jail for framing Cliff, but, mom, please just go with it."
- April şi cu mine plănuim...- April and I plan to...
- Dusman sau nu, îi plănuim executia.Enemy or not, we're planning an execution.
- Haide, fiecare a contribuit. O plănuim de săptămâni întregi.We've been planning it for weeks.
Dacă nu plănuiți să mă închideți aici pentru totdeauna, nu mă veți putea ține departe de lucrurile care pot fi periculoase!Unless you're planning to keep me locked up here forever, you can't keep me safe from every single thing that might go wrong!
Deci, domnule Hunt, dacă tu și ceilalți din această sală vreți să veniți la antrenamentul de mâine și să-mi arătați cum plănuiți să obțineți acele rezultate rapide, sunteți bineveniți.So, Mr. Hunt, if you or anybody else in this room would like to come by practice tomorrow and show me just how you plan on getting those fast results, please.
- Aşa plănuiam.-I was planning on it.
- Da ? - Oricum plănuiam să-i spun, dar nu mi-ai dat de ales.I was planning on telling her anyway, but you didn't give me a choice.
- Da ? - Sper că nu ţi se pare direct dar plănuiam să merg la parcarea 15 mai târziu.- I hope this doesn't seem forward... but I was planning on heading over to rest stop 15 later.
- Scuze, dar plănuiam să mă duc la centrul de insigne olimpice, să umplu golurile din colecţia mea.Sorry, but I was planning To stop by the olympic pin center To fill in a few small gaps in my collection.
Acum câţiva ani plănuiam să mă sinucid în garaj iar acum am cea mai mare realizare din viaţa în acelaşi garaj.A few years ago I was planning on killing myself in my garage and now I'm doing the best thing I've ever done in my life in that same garage.
- Spune-mi exact ce plănuiai.Now tell me exactly what you were planning.
Am crezut că plănuiai să o aduci aici.I thought you were planning on bringing her back here.
Asta plănuiai de la început, nu-i aşa ?This what you were planning, eh?
Aşa plănuiai s-o salvezi şi pe Katherine.That's how you were planning on saving Katherine.
Bănuiesc că plănuiai să-mi spui despre asta.I can only assume you were planning to tell me about this.
- Ce e? Hagan l-ar fi minţit pe Clancy numai dacă plănuia să-i facă ceva...- The only reason Hagan... would lie to Clancy like that is if he was planning to do something to him.
- Credem că Ron plănuia să vă ucidă.Mrs. Ferguson, we think Ron was planning on having you killed. What?
- Ştiam că asta plănuia.- I knew she was planning it.
A descoperit că fiul său plănuia să-l trădeze.The discovery that his son was planning on betraying him.
A fost o furtună cu o zi înainte. Tatăl lui Jeremy plănuia o excursie secretă la casa lor de lângă lac dar nu s-a mai putut din cauza furtunii.Jeremy's dad was planning a secret trip to their lake house, and the storm rained them out.
Întoarce-ți-vă la ce plănuiați...Go back to what you were planning...
- La vechiul spital Santa Mira, prietenii ei plănuiau ceva acolo pentru sâmbătă searaThe old Santa Mira hospital. Her and her friends were planning something out there Saturday night.
Am avut nişte amici care plănuiau s-o şteargă din închisoare şi să plece din ţară.I had these mates who were planning their prison break, yeah? Need to get out of the country, yeah?
Am fi pierdut toată intuiţia în ce plănuiau.We'd have lost all insight into what they were planning.
Am vorbit cu prietenii lor, cu şcolile, nu i-a văzut nimeni, nimeni nu ştie dacă plănuiau să fugă...We're talking to their friends, their schools, anyone who knew them, so far no-one even knew they were planning to run away...
Apoi am investigat şi-am aflat că din 1978-79, plănuiau un atac pe Muntele Templului, să arunce în aer Domul Stâncii.Then we investigated and found out that since 1978-9, they were planning an attack on the Temple Mount to blow up the Dome of the Rock.
- Eu plănuisem weekendul cu Mack si tu l-ai trimis la vânătoare?- What? Mack and I had planned a weekend, and you ordered him to go away hunting?
Asa cum plănuisem.As I had planned.
Ceea ce s-a întâmplat nu era ceea ce plănuisem eu.What actually happened was not what I had planned
Crezi că dacă îmi speli vasele te revanşezi ptr că mi-ai stricat weekendul surpriză pe care îl plănuisem ptr Jake?You think that doing my dinner dishes makes up for ruining the surprise weekend I had planned for Jake?
Dar acum, după ce aţi spus Curţii, că veţi merge la Rege, nu mai pot interveni cum plănuisem.But now, because you say to court you can tell king what to do, I cannot intervene as I had planned. Intervene?
A fost o mutare pe care von Braun o plănuise cu luni înainte.But it was a move von Braun had planned months before.
De ce plănuise El pentru mine.I was scared of what I knew God had planned for me.
Familia Guise, de unde provenea contele, plănuise să-i omoare pe toţi membrii familiei Huguenot din Paris.The Guise family, to which the count belonged, had planned, you will recall, to murder all the Huguenots in Paris.
Guvernanta Tatyana Sanftleben, având aceeaşi varstă care plănuise să se sinucidă împreuna cu ei s-a speriat în ultima clipă şi a fugit în timp ce prietena ei, Vera zăcea fără viaţă la podea.The governness Tatyana Sanftleben, of the same age who had planned to take her life with them was seized with fear at the last moment and ran away while her friend Vera lay lifeless on the floor.
Hitler plănuise să se retragă la Linz, un uriaş muzeu Adolf Hitler fusese construit acolo.Hitler had planned to retire to Linz, and a giant Adolf Hitler museum was to be built here.
Regretabila imperfecţiune în redactare a lăsat uşa larg deschisă pentru inginerii financiari exact aşa cum plănuiseră.This grievous defect left the door wide open for the Money Changers just as they had planned.
Structura lor ierarhică, atacurile în care au fost implicaţi şi ce plănuiseră.Their leadership structure, past attacks they were involved with and what they had planned.
Trupele s-au încrucişat cu primele coloane de refugiaţi coloane ce au făcut dificilă concentrarea forţelor exact aşa cum plănuiseră germanii.Soon the troops if had crossed with the first refugee columns, columns these that would go to make it difficult the reinforcements allies, as the Germans they had planned.
Înainte de a pleca din Houston, savanţii plănuiseră mai multe experimente pe care să le facă Amstrong. Să ia probe de roci, să măsoare nivelul de radiaţii.Before I left Houston, the scientists had planned all these experiments for Armstrong to do - rock samples, measuring radiation.
Ai pierdut atâta timp plănuind si ai fost infrânt de sărăntocul de Yang Lu Chan !All this time you spent planning you were defeated by a mere Yang Lu Chan
Ajungând să accept ideea unei elite conducătoare, plănuind dominaţia globală, am început să aud aceiaşi oameni, vorbind, de fapt, mai îndrăzneţ şi mai public despre asta, numai că o numesc "noua ordine mondială".As I came to accept the idea of a ruling elite planning for total global domination, I began to hear the same people, actually talking more boldly and publicly about it, only they call it the "new world order".
Aliaţii au petrecut două zile şi jumătate plănuind invazia din Normandia, dar când a venit clipa totul s-a rezumat la o mână de oameni pe o plajă pentru a decide soarta lumii.The Allies spent two and a half years planning the invasion of Normandy, but on D-Day it came down to a handful of men on a strip of beach to decide the fate of the world.
Am cheltuit ani plănuind, aşteptând să se ivească ziua asta.We've spent years planning for this, waiting for this day to come.
Am dat patru ani din viaţa mea plănuind dispariţia perfectă pentru ca poliţia să nu mă mai caute.I gave up four years of my life planning the perfect vanishing act.
"Atât Uniunea cât şi Confederaţia au plănuit atacul lor strategic."Both the Union and the Confederate planned their attack strategically.
"Când se petrece ceva, putem fi siguri că a fost plănuit!""If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
"Dar a trebuit ca îngerii să-l cheme mai devreme decât am plănuit"But should the angels call for him much sooner than we planned

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