Otrăvi (to poison) conjugation

50 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I poison
you poison
he/she/it poisons
we poison
you all poison
they poison
Present perfect tense
am otrăvit
I have poisoned
ai otrăvit
you have poisoned
a otrăvit
he/she/it has poisoned
am otrăvit
we have poisoned
ați otrăvit
you all have poisoned
au otrăvit
they have poisoned
Past preterite tense
I poisoned
you poisoned
he/she/it poisoned
we poisoned
you all poisoned
they poisoned
Future tense
voi otrăvi
I will poison
vei otrăvi
you will poison
va otrăvi
he/she/it will poison
vom otrăvi
we will poison
veți otrăvi
you all will poison
vor otrăvi
they will poison
Conditional mood
aș otrăvi
I would poison
ai otrăvi
you would poison
ar otrăvi
he/she/it would poison
am otrăvi
we would poison
ați otrăvi
you all would poison
ar otrăvi
they would poison
Subjunctive present tense
să otrăvesc
(so that/if) I poison
să otrăvești
(so that/if) you poison
să otrăvească
(so that/if) he/she/it poison
să otrăvim
(so that/if) we poison
să otrăviți
(so that/if) you all poison
să otrăvească
(so that/if) they poison
Subjunctive past tense
să fi otrăvit
(so that/if) I have poisoned
să fi otrăvit
(so that/if) you have poisoned
să fi otrăvit
(so that/if) he/she/it have poisoned
să fi otrăvit
(so that/if) we have poisoned
să fi otrăvit
(so that/if) you all have poisoned
să fi otrăvit
(so that/if) they have poisoned
Past impf. tense
I was poisoning
you were poisoning
he/she/it was poisoning
we were poisoning
you all were poisoning
they were poisoning
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu otrăvi
do not poison!
nu otrăviți
do not poison!
Past pluperfect tense
I had poisoned
you had poisoned
he/she/it had poisoned
we had poisoned
you all had poisoned
they had poisoned
Future alternative 1 tense
am să otrăvesc
I am going to poison
ai să otrăvești
you are going to poison
are să otrăvească
he/she/it is going to poison
avem să otrăvim
we are going to poison
aveți să otrăviți
you all are going to poison
au să otrăvească
they are going to poison
Future alternative 2 tense
o să otrăvesc
I am going to poison
o să otrăvești
you are going to poison
o să otrăvească
he/she/it is going to poison
o să otrăvim
we are going to poison
o să otrăviți
you all are going to poison
o să otrăvească
they are going to poison
Future perfect tense
voi fi otrăvit
I will have poisoned
vei fi otrăvit
you will have poisoned
va fi otrăvit
he/she/it will have poisoned
vom fi otrăvit
we will have poisoned
veți fi otrăvit
you all will have poisoned
vor fi otrăvit
they will have poisoned
Future in the past tense
aveam să otrăvesc
I was going to poison
aveai să otrăvești
you were going to poison
avea să otrăvească
he/she/it was going to poison
aveam să otrăvim
we were going to poison
aveați să otrăviți
you all were going to poison
aveau să otrăvească
they were going to poison
Conditional past tense
aș fi otrăvit
I would have poisoned
ai fi otrăvit
you would have poisoned
ar fi otrăvit
he/she/it would have poisoned
am fi otrăvit
we would have poisoned
ați fi otrăvit
you all would have poisoned
ar fi otrăvit
they would have poisoned
Presumptive tense
oi otrăvi
I might poison
oi otrăvi
you might poison
o otrăvi
he/she/it might poison
om otrăvi
we might poison
oți otrăvi
you all might poison
or otrăvi
they might poison
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi otrăvind
I might be poisoning
oi fi otrăvind
you might be poisoning
o fi otrăvind
he/she/it might be poisoning
om fi otrăvind
we might be poisoning
oți fi otrăvind
you all might be poisoning
or fi otrăvind
they might be poisoning
Presumptive past tense
oi fi otrăvit
I might have poisoned
oi fi otrăvit
you might have poisoned
o fi otrăvit
he/she/it might have poisoned
om fi otrăvit
we might have poisoned
oți fi otrăvit
you all might have poisoned
or fi otrăvit
they might have poisoned

Examples of otrăvi

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
- Da, opinia ei va otrăvi juriul.Yeah, and her opinion is gonna poison the jury.
- De ce te-aş otrăvi?- Why would I poison you?
- Eu l-aş otrăvi.- I'd poison him.
- Hei, nu otrăvi fântânile.- Hey, come on. Don't poison the well.
- Ne putem otrăvi.-We can take poison.
"Acum voi îndeplini ultima dorinţă a tatălui meu..." "Să folosesc lista de nume pe care mi-a lăsat-o" "şi să-i dobor pe cei care îmi otrăvesc oraşul."Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish-- to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city.
"Nu pot lucra undeva unde otrăvesc oamenii cu bună-ştiinţă.""I can not work somewhere, where deliberately poison people. "
"Să folosesc lista de nume lăsată" "şi să-i dobor pe cei care-mi otrăvesc oraşul."To use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city.
- Crezi că eu am încercat s-o otrăvesc?- Do you think I tried to poison her?
- Cu ce vă otrăvesc, domnilor?- Your poison, gentlemen?
De ce nu mă otrăvești să te însori cu ea ?Why don't you poison me and marry her?
Nu am N't venit tot drumul in America de Sud să mă otrăvești, am făcut-o?I didn't come all the way to South America to have you poison me, did I?
Vrei să te otrăvești singur?Looking to poison yourself?
Știi, detectiv, nu mă deranjează dacă ea nu mă otrăvești.You know, Detective, I don't mind if she does poison me.
Bine. Modul sau de operare este de a găsi femeile singure, fără prieteni le otrăvește mâncarea și apoi le înhață în furgoneta lui.His m.O. Is he finds lonely women with no friends, poisons their food, and then guts 'em in his van.
Deci, Madeline zboară la Las Vegas ... otrăvește soțul ei, fură banii înapoi în Boston ... prompt întoarce la Las Vegas pentru a atrage ...So Madeline flies to Vegas... poisons her husband, steals his money back in Boston... promptly returns to Vegas to lure...
Newett otrăvește energia apei noastre și crime fratele meu, și ne-a pus în spatele gratiilor, timp ce el sta acolo ca un oaspete de onoare?Newett Energy poisons our water and murders my brother, and you put us behind bars, while he sits there like an honored guest?
- Au ! Să plecăm ? Ne otrăvim ?Should that get out of here, does it poisonous?
- O să îi otrăvim!- Will it poison!
Am încercat să te otrăvim. Am încercat să facem asta pentru că eşti un nebun, un degenerat mizerabil, şi meriţi să mori.We tried to poison you. ...because you're an insane, degenerate piece of filth and you deserve to die.
Apoi îl împuşcăm, îl înjunghiem sau îl otrăvim.- Then we'll shoot him, stab him or poison him.
Asta e dorinta poporului să ne otrăvim cu droguri tinerii nostri?Is it the will of the people to have drugs poison our youth?
Crezi stridii au fost otrăviți?You think the oysters were poisoned?
Nu înseamnă că au fost otrăviți.It doesn't mean that they were poisoned.
Puteți vedea ce se întâmplă cu cei care au fost otrăviți, ca prietenii tai.You can see what happens to those who have been poisoned, Like your friends.
Un alt aspect este că, atunci când cedeaza drept de a păcătui, este la fel de nociv ca și în cazul în fântâna publică au fost otrăviți.Another is that when the righteous succumb to sin, it is as harmful as if the public well were poisoned.
În conformitate cu ce zic localnicii, sunt otrăviți și vor muri curând.According to locals, the bewitched but they are poisoned and die soon.
Apoi va otrăvii transporturi întregi.Then whole shipments would be poisoned.
Am visat că-i otrăveam sufletul mamei mele.I dreamt that I was poisoning my mother's spirit.
O otrăveai de săptămâni bune.You were poisoning her for weeks.
ŞI ultima dată când te-am văzut, îi otrăveai lemonada Steffaniei ChandIer.And the last time I saw you, you were poisoning Steffanie Chandler's lemonade.
! Erai atât de concentrat să-i faci pe plac cu tâmpenia aia de fabrică, că n-ai văzut cum otrăvea mintea propriului tău fiu.You were so focused on trying to please her with that stupid factory deal that you didn't see how she was poisoning the mind of your own son.
- Că Austin otrăvea berzele şi ameninţa să distrugă tot ce ai făcut să ţii terenul ăsta public.Uh, that Austin was poisoning Wood Storks and threatening to destroy everything you've done to keep this the people's course.
Am găsit asta în ascunzătoarea ta, şi vreau să ştii că cineva o otrăvea pe Renee.We found that in your hideout, And I need you to know that someone was poisoning renee.
Au găsit date în computerul lui George şi înregistrări la farmacie care dovedesc că va otrăvea tatăl.They found data in George's personal computer and also records at his pharmacy that pretty much proves that he was poisoning your father.
Aşa că mă otrăvea la locul de muncă?So she was poisoning me at work?
Veronica a crezut că şlagărele otrăveau tinerii noştri.Veronica felt the songs were poisoning our young people.
Atunci am stiut că îsi otrăvise sotul.That's when I knew she had poisoned her husband.
Ea era cea care otrăvise copiii pentru ceea ce, în nebunia ei, credea că este mântuirea lor.It was she who had poisoned the little babies for what, in her madness, she thought was their salvation.
Kristin auzise că era o vrăjitoare, că era bogată că îşi otrăvise primul şoţ că fusese excomunicată şi că acum trăia în munţi cu Bjorn, bărbatul pe care-l vrăjise.Kristin had heard that she was a witch who, when she was rich, had poisoned her first husband and had been excommunicated. Now she lived in a poor farmhouse with Bjørn, the man she had bewitched.
"Era ca un colorant, răspândindu-se deasupra mării, "otrăvind-o milă după milă.'lt was lik e a stain spreading over the sea, 'poisoning it mile by mile.
A bombardat o instituţie chimicală otrăvind tot oraşul.He bombed a chemical weapons facility... poisoning the village.
Asta o provoacă! Supraîncărcarea cu informatie! Toată electronica din jurul tău, otrăvind aerul!Information overload, all the electronics... poisoning the airwaves!
Coechipierul vostru e arestat pe nedrept şi voi ripostaţi otrăvind mâncarea tuturor.Your teammate is wrongfully arrested And you retaliate by poisoning everyone's food.
N-ai ştiu ce face până nu l-ai prins otrăvind păsările.Yeah, you just didn't know how ugly until you caught him poisoning birds.
"Cei ce ne-au otrăvit pământul cu război vor fi otrăviţi pe pământul lor."Those who poisoned our land with war "shall be poisoned on their own soil.
"Când să mă chemaţi. Dacă sunteţi înjunghiat, împuşcat, otrăvit, suferiţi de apendicită, lovit sau bătut fără cunoştinţă, călcat de tractor, ori în general dacă sângeraţi de moarte.You've been stabbed, shot, poisoned, separated from an appendage, knocked or beaten unconscious, run over by a tractor mower,
"Iar pământul va fi otrăvit de un mare rău.""And the land shall be poisoned by a great evil. "
"Simt" că, din moment ce părintele McCourt a fost otrăvit Ar trebui să verificăm dacă nu i s-a dat şi părintelui Matt aceeaşi otravă.I feel that since Father McCourt was poisoned... We should have Father Matt checked for the same poison.
"Tatăl meu a fost otrăvit de un trib rivalMy father had been poisoned by a rival tribe.

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