Injecta (to inject) conjugation

43 examples

Conjugation of injecta

Present tense
I inject
you inject
he/she/it injects
we inject
you all inject
they inject
Present perfect tense
am injectat
I have injected
ai injectat
you have injected
a injectat
he/she/it has injected
am injectat
we have injected
ați injectat
you all have injected
au injectat
they have injected
Past preterite tense
I injected
you injected
he/she/it injected
we injected
you all injected
they injected
Future tense
voi injecta
I will inject
vei injecta
you will inject
va injecta
he/she/it will inject
vom injecta
we will inject
veți injecta
you all will inject
vor injecta
they will inject
Conditional mood
aș injecta
I would inject
ai injecta
you would inject
ar injecta
he/she/it would inject
am injecta
we would inject
ați injecta
you all would inject
ar injecta
they would inject
Subjunctive present tense
să injectez
(so that/if) I inject
să injectezi
(so that/if) you inject
să injecteze
(so that/if) he/she/it inject
să injectăm
(so that/if) we inject
să injectați
(so that/if) you all inject
să injecteze
(so that/if) they inject
Subjunctive past tense
să fi injectat
(so that/if) I have injected
să fi injectat
(so that/if) you have injected
să fi injectat
(so that/if) he/she/it have injected
să fi injectat
(so that/if) we have injected
să fi injectat
(so that/if) you all have injected
să fi injectat
(so that/if) they have injected
Past impf. tense
I was injecting
you were injecting
he/she/it was injecting
we were injecting
you all were injecting
they were injecting
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu injecta
do not inject!
nu injectați
do not inject!
Past pluperfect tense
I had injected
you had injected
he/she/it had injected
we had injected
you all had injected
they had injected
Future alternative 1 tense
am să injectez
I am going to inject
ai să injectezi
you are going to inject
are să injecteze
he/she/it is going to inject
avem să injectăm
we are going to inject
aveți să injectați
you all are going to inject
au să injecteze
they are going to inject
Future alternative 2 tense
o să injectez
I am going to inject
o să injectezi
you are going to inject
o să injecteze
he/she/it is going to inject
o să injectăm
we are going to inject
o să injectați
you all are going to inject
o să injecteze
they are going to inject
Future perfect tense
voi fi injectat
I will have injected
vei fi injectat
you will have injected
va fi injectat
he/she/it will have injected
vom fi injectat
we will have injected
veți fi injectat
you all will have injected
vor fi injectat
they will have injected
Future in the past tense
aveam să injectez
I was going to inject
aveai să injectezi
you were going to inject
avea să injecteze
he/she/it was going to inject
aveam să injectăm
we were going to inject
aveați să injectați
you all were going to inject
aveau să injecteze
they were going to inject
Conditional past tense
aș fi injectat
I would have injected
ai fi injectat
you would have injected
ar fi injectat
he/she/it would have injected
am fi injectat
we would have injected
ați fi injectat
you all would have injected
ar fi injectat
they would have injected
Presumptive tense
oi injecta
I might inject
oi injecta
you might inject
o injecta
he/she/it might inject
om injecta
we might inject
oți injecta
you all might inject
or injecta
they might inject
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi injectând
I might be injecting
oi fi injectând
you might be injecting
o fi injectând
he/she/it might be injecting
om fi injectând
we might be injecting
oți fi injectând
you all might be injecting
or fi injectând
they might be injecting
Presumptive past tense
oi fi injectat
I might have injected
oi fi injectat
you might have injected
o fi injectat
he/she/it might have injected
om fi injectat
we might have injected
oți fi injectat
you all might have injected
or fi injectat
they might have injected

Examples of injecta

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Pentru a injecta mestecat radacina de valeriana pentru sedarea victimele lor, ca ei ataca. ""to inject chewed up valerian root to sedate their victims as they attack."
- Ai injecta cu asta.- You inject her with that.
- Apoi îl vom injecta în Putter. - Exact.Then inject him into Putter.
- Când vom injecta apa, vei avea o senzatie de înnec.- When we inject the water, it's gonna feel like you're drowning.
- De ce ar injecta atacatorul un antacid?Why would the assailant inject the victim with an antacid?
"Da-mi banii sau iti injectez SIDA""Give me your money or I'll inject you with aids."
"Eu nu mă injectez".-"I don't inject," huh?
- Ce? - O să-i injectez hidrocortizon.I'll give him a hydrocortisone injection.
- Dacă crezi că mă injectez singur, eşti nebun.Listen, if you think I'm gonna inject myself, you're out of your mind.
- O să-ţi injectez un medicament...I'm going to inject you with a drug --
"Am nevoie de tine aici, să mă injectezi cu căldură.""Need you here to inject me with warmth."
"E" este egal cu "M"*"C patrat" inseamna ca cu cat injectezi mai multa energie intr-o racheta, cu atat castiga mai multa masa, si cu cat este mai masiva, cu atat este mai greu de accelerat."E" equals "MC" squared implies that the more energy you inject into a rocket, the more mass it gains, and the more massive it is, the harder it is to accelerate.
- Cu ce mă injectezi?So, what are you injecting me with?
- Cum ai putea să injectezi pe cineva cu cel mai greu element şi să-l faci să plutească?So how could injecting someone with the world's heaviest element make them float?
- Să i-o injectezi?I can inject it...
- Prin aceştia injectează veninul.-This is what injects the venom into you.
Această toxină pe care o injectează insecta este o proteină, care, odată ce ajunge în vasele sanguine, provoacă mutaţii!This toxin the bug injects, is a protein, which once its find its way into the bloodstream, causes mutations.
Apoi injectează pe cineva, poate chiar fără ca el să ştie.Then he injects someone, perhaps without their knowledge.
Aşa că mă bag în ceaţă şi caut un uter restant. Echipa mea îi injectează substanţa de contrast.So, I go down a blind alley, looking for a blind uterus, and my team injects him with contrast material.
Dar când André injectează hipotalamusul şoricelului cu ZIP, observă ceva extraordinar.But when André injects the rat's hippocampus with ZIP, he sees something extraordinary.
"O să injectăm brânza în aluat,""We will injection-mold the crust with cheese
- Dacă îi injectăm acel sânge...- lf we inject him with that blood...
- cu GCMS. - Dacă injectăm o porţiune de substanţă în CGMS, aceasta va arde la 980 de grade Celsius.An injection port on a GCMS runs at about 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit.
Asa, să injectăm colorantul.All right, let's inject dye.
Asta este adrenalină... va trebui să i-o injectăm în inimă.This is adrenaline-- we're gonna have to inject it into his heart.
"30 iulie 1830... pacientului O'Connor, care a fost anterior și cu succes injectat cu tuberculoză bacili"July 30, 1830... Patient O'Connor, who was previously and successfully injected with tuberculosis bacilli took a turn last night and died."
"Dacă mi-aş fi injectat intravenos cărţile dv după moartea lui Antoine," "mi-aş fi revenit mai repede."I should have had your books injected intravenously after the death of my Antoine, it would have been quicker.
- Ai injectat un amestec netestat.- You injected an untested compound.
- Ai să trimiţi din nou aceleaşi fete. Una dintre ele i-a injectat lui Neal clorură de potasiu şi l-a omorât.Look, you're gonna provide these same girls again, because one of them injected Neal with potassium chloride and killed him.
- Avem vreo idee cu ce a fost injectat ?- Do we have any idea what he's been injected with?
- O să mă injectați?- You gonna inject me?
Ai de gând să injectați lichid în care borcan fiecare jumătate de orăYou're going to inject fluid into that jar every half hour
Am să vă injectați cu lichidul am luat de la Denny Apos; piroane uri.I'm gonna inject you with the fluid we took from Denny's spikes.
Că aveți de gând să injectați sângele meu în Savannah.That you're going to inject my blood into Savannah.
De ce vrea să injectați sânge în mine?Why does he want to inject your blood into me?
Vreau să zic, cu adevărat cel mai înspăimântător moment a fost când a făcut o criză când îi injectam dopamină.I mean, really, the only scary moment was when he seized while I was injecting him with dopamine.
Când îi injectai toxina, ai injectat şi unele din celulele tale din greşeală.When you were injecting the toxin into him, you also injected some of your own cells by mistake.
Aveau gust ciudat pentru că le injectasem cu vitamine, înainte să le ascund.They tasted funny Because i had injected them with a vitamin solution Before i hid them.
Ai împiedicat colonizarea extraterestră injectând acest metal în fiul meu ?You've... prevented alien colonization by injecting this metal into my son?
Cineva a ucis-o injectând virusul?Someone tried to kill her by injecting the virus?
Dar injectând 10mg... pentru fiecare 25kg de corp cauzează paralizie imediată şi totală.But injecting 1 0 milligrams... ...foreach50poundsofbodyweight causes immediate and total paralysis.
Furnicile îşi folosesc mandibulele pentru a-şi apuca şi a-şi sfâşia prada dar îşi ucid victimele înţepându-le şi injectând acid formic.Ants use their mandibles to rend, tear and hold their victims but they kill with that, by injecting formic acid.
Poate Polly ştia ce a făcut Larry Jr. şi credea că-l poate proteja injectând morfina şi luând vina asupra sa.Maybe Polly knew what Larry Jr. did and thought she could protect him by injecting the morphine and taking the fall.

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