Face (to do) conjugation

85 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to be made, make

Conjugation of face

Present tense
I do
you do
he/she/it does
we do
you all do
they do
Present perfect tense
am făcut
I have done
ai făcut
you have done
a făcut
he/she/it has done
am făcut
we have done
ați făcut
you all have done
au făcut
they have done
Past preterite tense
I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you all did
they did
Future tense
voi face
I will do
vei face
you will do
va face
he/she/it will do
vom face
we will do
veți face
you all will do
vor face
they will do
Conditional mood
aș face
I would do
ai face
you would do
ar face
he/she/it would do
am face
we would do
ați face
you all would do
ar face
they would do
Subjunctive present tense
să fac
(so that/if) I do
să faci
(so that/if) you do
să facă
(so that/if) he/she/it do
să facem
(so that/if) we do
să faceți
(so that/if) you all do
să facă
(so that/if) they do
Subjunctive past tense
să fi făcut
(so that/if) I have done
să fi făcut
(so that/if) you have done
să fi făcut
(so that/if) he/she/it have done
să fi făcut
(so that/if) we have done
să fi făcut
(so that/if) you all have done
să fi făcut
(so that/if) they have done
Past impf. tense
I was doing
you were doing
he/she/it was doing
we were doing
you all were doing
they were doing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu face
do not do!
nu faceți
do not do!
Past pluperfect tense
I had done
you had done
he/she/it had done
we had done
you all had done
they had done
Future alternative 1 tense
am să fac
I am going to do
ai să faci
you are going to do
are să facă
he/she/it is going to do
avem să facem
we are going to do
aveți să faceți
you all are going to do
au să facă
they are going to do
Future alternative 2 tense
o să fac
I am going to do
o să faci
you are going to do
o să facă
he/she/it is going to do
o să facem
we are going to do
o să faceți
you all are going to do
o să facă
they are going to do
Future perfect tense
voi fi făcut
I will have done
vei fi făcut
you will have done
va fi făcut
he/she/it will have done
vom fi făcut
we will have done
veți fi făcut
you all will have done
vor fi făcut
they will have done
Future in the past tense
aveam să fac
I was going to do
aveai să faci
you were going to do
avea să facă
he/she/it was going to do
aveam să facem
we were going to do
aveați să faceți
you all were going to do
aveau să facă
they were going to do
Conditional past tense
aș fi făcut
I would have done
ai fi făcut
you would have done
ar fi făcut
he/she/it would have done
am fi făcut
we would have done
ați fi făcut
you all would have done
ar fi făcut
they would have done
Presumptive tense
oi face
I might do
oi face
you might do
o face
he/she/it might do
om face
we might do
oți face
you all might do
or face
they might do
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi făcând
I might be doing
oi fi făcând
you might be doing
o fi făcând
he/she/it might be doing
om fi făcând
we might be doing
oți fi făcând
you all might be doing
or fi făcând
they might be doing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi făcut
I might have done
oi fi făcut
you might have done
o fi făcut
he/she/it might have done
om fi făcut
we might have done
oți fi făcut
you all might have done
or fi făcut
they might have done

Examples of face

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! - Cine ar face asa ceva?- Who would do that?
! - Nu face asta.- Don't do that.
! ? - Ce face nava aia acolo?- What's a ship doing in there?
! Am fost săptămâna trecută la Zoo şi i-am întrebat dacă pot face asta, iar ei m-au trimis la naiba.You know, I went to the zoo last week and asked if I could do it, and they told me to scram.
! Bineînţeles că vom face faza cu Paştele!Why, of course we're gonna do Eastery stuff!
! - Ce era să fac?- What was I supposed to do?
! - Ei ce fac... - Acolo !- What are they doing--?
! - Eu nu o fac pentru tine.- I'm not doing it to you.
! - Ştiu ce fac.- I know what I'm doing.
! -Spune-mi ce vrei sa fac, Susie.Just tell me whwhat to do, Susie.
! - Acum tu faci asta.Now you're doing it.
! - Ce faci?- What are you doing?
! - Ce naiba faci tu?What the hell are you doing?
! - Tati, te faci bine!- Daddy, you're doing good!
! - Şi ce o să faci ?- What do you wanna do?
! - Ce o să ne facem acum?(Dusty) What are we gonna do now?
! - Gandhi ne-a pus s-o facem.Gandhi made us do it.
! Aşa facem, şefule !Will do, chief.
! Ce suntem meniţi să facem acum?What are we meant to do now?
! Cu asta ce facem?What are we gonna do with this Snarly?
! Ce a făcut, ce?What's he done, what?
! Ce am făcut?What have I done?
! Nu a făcut-o nimeni niciodată.- No-one's ever done it.
! Nu am făcut nimic!You haven't done anything!
! Nu am făcut nimic.I haven't done anything.
! Băieți nu știți ce faceți.There must have been some kind of portal or doorway.
" Nu trebuie să vă faceți griji "."You don't have to worry."
" tot ce trebuie să faceți este să citiți "veghe în lanul de secară" ""all you have to do is read 'Catcher in the Rye'."
"Cât de mult putere am nevoie aici și cât de mult de frânare?" Și eu nu fac trebuie să vă faceți griji cu privire la orice de care, deoarece Up!"How much power do I need here and how much braking?" And I don't have to worry about any of that, because the Up! has no power at all.
"oo, e vorba de libertate împotriva tiraniei" şi aşa mai departe de fiecare dată când auziţi asta puteţi să decodaţi ca mai devreme şi cred că veţi găsi o corelaţie imediată de fiecare dată când faceți asta.'Oh, this is freedom against tyranny' and so forth every time you see it, you can decode it down to that and I think you'll find a one-to-one correlation with every time they use it.
Ce făcui... ce-am făcut n-a fost pentru taxi şi rochii... dar pentru că era plăcut să stau cu dumneavoastră şi... şi... m-am ataşat de dumneavoastră.What I done... what I did was not for the taxis and the dresses but because we were pleasant together and I come to... came to care for you.
Eu de fapt nu făcui nimic.I did nothing really.
"Raţa făcu un ou, la fel şi găina, şi toată ferma era iar fericită.""... And the duck laid an egg, and so did the hen, "and the whole wide farm was happy again."
20 de nopţi făcu asta... şi se îmbogăţi cu 20 de cai, cei mai buni pe care tribul Pawnee îi văzuse vreodată.For twenty nights he did this... and found his self wealthy with twenty horses... finer than any the Pawnee Nation had ever seen.
A făcu ceea ce trebuia să facă.He did the right thing.
Am făcu, am făcut.We did. We did.
Andy a făcu treabă bună pe crucişător.Andy did a pretty good job on the cruiser.
Apoi ţi-om lămuri de ce făcurăm astfel, de ce pe Cezar l-am izbit, iubindu-l.And then we will deliver you the cause why I, that did love Caesar when I struck him, have thus proceeded.
Nimic nu făcurăm. Unde-ai plecat?Where did you go?
- Asta e tot ce făceam.- That's all I was doing.
- Ce crezi că făceam?- What'd you think I was doing?
- De la ce făceam..- From what I was doing.
- Dumnezeule! Ştiu că nu ai o părere bună faţă de mine, dar ştiam ce făceam şi încă ştiu.God, I know you don't think much of me but I knew what I was doing then and I still do.
- Nu asta făceam.- That's not what I was doing.
(Rabinul) Ştiai prea bine că că ceea ce făceai era o violar?(Rabbi) You did that knowing full well that what you were doing was a violation?
- Ai găsit şcoala aia, faci ceea ce făceai de obicei.You found that school, you were doing what you always did.
- Asta crezi că făceai?- Is that what you think you were doing?
- Asta făceai şi tu?Is that what you were doing?
- Atunci poate ne spui ce făceai între 11 şi 12 în noaptea petrecerii.Mm. Well, then maybe you can tell us what you were doing between 11:00 and midnight the night of the party.
- Aflaţi cine e şi ce făcea în parc.Find out who he is and what he was doing in the park.
- Ai văzut ce făcea aici?Did you see what he was doing?
- Ai văzut ce făcea bărbatul acela?- Did you see what that man was doing?
- Am văzut ce făcea.- You saw what he was doing.
- Bell ştia programul de zi cu zi al Amiralului, cu cine se întâlnea, ce făcea, unde se ducea.Bell knew the admiral's day-to-day schedule-- who he was meeting with, what he was doing, where he was going.
- ...ce făceau bărbaţii la tine în cameră.- what the men were doing in your room.
- Ai văzut ce făceau acolo ! - Da, am văzut.- You saw what they were doing in there.
- Ce crezi că făceau?-But seriously, what do you think those planes were doing?
- La recurs a fost reprezentat de Georgia Resource Center, care au zis într-o declaraţie că munca pe care o făceau ei pentru el semăna cu sortatul.- On appeal he was represented by the Georgia Resource Center, which stated in an affidavit that the work that they were doing on his behalf was akin to triage.
- Îmi făceau acelaşi lucru.They were doing the same to me. Really?
! - Mai fă un pas şi-ţi mai frig una!- One more step and I'll do it again!
! Fă-o, fă-o.Do it, do it.
" Dacă tot tre' să faci pipi, fă-o în ocean."And so I said, "Well, if you have to tinkle, just do it in the ocean."
"Bobby, ridică-ţi fundul şi fă ceva!""Bobby, get off your ass and do something."
"Cum am putut să mă căsătoresc cu omul ăsta, nu trebuia să mă căsătoresc cu el, Fă asta,fă aia? ""how could i have married that man, not have married that man, done this, done that?"
A fost un accident, dar am ştiut că făcusem ce era drept.It was an accident, but I knew that I had done the right thing.
Apoi i-am văzut şi mi-am dat seama ce făcusem.Then I saw them and I realized what I had done.
Aşa cum făcusem de zeci de ori înainteI came out to visit Angus, just as I had done dozens of times before.
Aşa că am decis ca tu şi cu mine să facem tot ce făcusem şi cu el.And so I decided that you and I would do everything he and I had done.
Credeam că murise Karma, dar doar stătea ascunsă, ţinând cont de tot ce făcusem greşit.I thought karma was dead,but she was just laying low, keeping a tally of everything I had done wrong.
Atunci mi-a spus Erin ceea ce făcuse.That's when Erin told me what she had done.
Au început să scrie cărţi despre tot ce făcuse Louis şi prietenii lui.They had started writing books about everything Louis and his friends had done.
Chiar ne înţelegeam bine, când mi-am amintit brusc ce-ţi făcuse, iar eu... am vrut să mă asigur că nimeni nu-ţi va mai face asta.You see, we were actually bonding when I suddenly remembered what he had done to you, and I-- well, I wanted to make sure that no one ever did that to you again.
Chuck găsi calea prin care să facă ceea ce făcuse toată viaţa ei...Chuck found a way to do what she had done all her life--
Dar, cu toate că ideea sa despre selectia naturală, era aceeasi cu a lui Darwin, el nu muncise 20 de ani pentru a strânge muntele de dovezi care să o sustină, asa cum Darwin o făcuse!But although his idea of natural selection was the same as Darwin's, he had not spent 20 years gathering the mountain of evidence to support it, as Darwin had done.
O mai făcuserăm de foarte multe ori în apă.We had done it I don't know how many times in the water.
Discipolii săi nu au înţeles atunci... dar când Iisus s-a ridicat în Gloria Sa... şi-au amintit că Scriptura vorbea despre asta... şi ei făcuseră asta pentru el.His disciples did not understand this at the time... but when Jesus had been raised to glory... they remembered that the scripture said this about him... and that they had done this for him.
Dr. Larson ti-a spus sefului meu că se simtea responsabil... pentru tot ce făcuseră copiii aceia... si că le făcuse si lor aceleasi injectii.Dr. Larson told my boss that he felt responsible... for everything that those kids had done... and that he was giving them the same inoculations.
Un an mai târziu, doctorii făcuseră tot ce se putuse. Şi tot căutam acea scânteie în vid, care să-mi indice ce viaţă voi avea.A year later, the doctors had done all they could, and I kept searching for the spark in the emptiness that would hint of the life to come.
În punerea la cale a celui de-al doilea război mondial şi în timpul conflictului, bancherii au finanţat din nou, ambele părţi exact aşa cum făcuseră cu Napoleon.In the build-up to World War II, and during the conflict, - the bakers again financed both sides, just as they had done with Napoleon.
Şi acum erau destul de disperate pentru a încerca cu străinii... aşa cum făcuseră cu ani în urmă.And now they were desperate enough to take their chances with the foreigners... just as she had done years before.
! Ai fost prins făcând ceva ce facem cu toţii.You got caught doing something that we all do.
"Cel putin va muri făcând ceva ce-i place.""Well, at least he dies doing something he loves."
"Ghici cine i-a văzut pe Fry şi pe Morgan făcând-o.""Guess who saw Fry and Morgan doing it."
"Proiectul Floarea-soarelui" se autopromovează ca făcând lucrarea lui Dumnezeu.Project Sunflower promotes itself as doing God's work.
"Si făcând asa, ne supunem unui destin teribil pe care nu le putem prevedea."And in doing so, we resign ourselves to terrible fates we can never see coming.

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