Diminua (to diminish) conjugation

35 examples

Conjugation of diminua

Present tense
I diminish
you diminish
he/she/it diminishes
we diminish
you all diminish
they diminish
Present perfect tense
am diminuat
I have diminished
ai diminuat
you have diminished
a diminuat
he/she/it has diminished
am diminuat
we have diminished
ați diminuat
you all have diminished
au diminuat
they have diminished
Past preterite tense
I diminished
you diminished
he/she/it diminished
we diminished
you all diminished
they diminished
Future tense
voi diminua
I will diminish
vei diminua
you will diminish
va diminua
he/she/it will diminish
vom diminua
we will diminish
veți diminua
you all will diminish
vor diminua
they will diminish
Conditional mood
aș diminua
I would diminish
ai diminua
you would diminish
ar diminua
he/she/it would diminish
am diminua
we would diminish
ați diminua
you all would diminish
ar diminua
they would diminish
Subjunctive present tense
să diminuez
(so that/if) I diminish
să diminuezi
(so that/if) you diminish
să diminueze
(so that/if) he/she/it diminish
să diminuăm
(so that/if) we diminish
să diminuați
(so that/if) you all diminish
să diminueze
(so that/if) they diminish
Subjunctive past tense
să fi diminuat
(so that/if) I have diminished
să fi diminuat
(so that/if) you have diminished
să fi diminuat
(so that/if) he/she/it have diminished
să fi diminuat
(so that/if) we have diminished
să fi diminuat
(so that/if) you all have diminished
să fi diminuat
(so that/if) they have diminished
Past impf. tense
I was diminishing
you were diminishing
he/she/it was diminishing
we were diminishing
you all were diminishing
they were diminishing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu diminua
do not diminish!
nu diminuați
do not diminish!
Past pluperfect tense
I had diminished
you had diminished
he/she/it had diminished
we had diminished
you all had diminished
they had diminished
Future alternative 1 tense
am să diminuez
I am going to diminish
ai să diminuezi
you are going to diminish
are să diminueze
he/she/it is going to diminish
avem să diminuăm
we are going to diminish
aveți să diminuați
you all are going to diminish
au să diminueze
they are going to diminish
Future alternative 2 tense
o să diminuez
I am going to diminish
o să diminuezi
you are going to diminish
o să diminueze
he/she/it is going to diminish
o să diminuăm
we are going to diminish
o să diminuați
you all are going to diminish
o să diminueze
they are going to diminish
Future perfect tense
voi fi diminuat
I will have diminished
vei fi diminuat
you will have diminished
va fi diminuat
he/she/it will have diminished
vom fi diminuat
we will have diminished
veți fi diminuat
you all will have diminished
vor fi diminuat
they will have diminished
Future in the past tense
aveam să diminuez
I was going to diminish
aveai să diminuezi
you were going to diminish
avea să diminueze
he/she/it was going to diminish
aveam să diminuăm
we were going to diminish
aveați să diminuați
you all were going to diminish
aveau să diminueze
they were going to diminish
Conditional past tense
aș fi diminuat
I would have diminished
ai fi diminuat
you would have diminished
ar fi diminuat
he/she/it would have diminished
am fi diminuat
we would have diminished
ați fi diminuat
you all would have diminished
ar fi diminuat
they would have diminished
Presumptive tense
oi diminua
I might diminish
oi diminua
you might diminish
o diminua
he/she/it might diminish
om diminua
we might diminish
oți diminua
you all might diminish
or diminua
they might diminish
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi diminuând
I might be diminishing
oi fi diminuând
you might be diminishing
o fi diminuând
he/she/it might be diminishing
om fi diminuând
we might be diminishing
oți fi diminuând
you all might be diminishing
or fi diminuând
they might be diminishing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi diminuat
I might have diminished
oi fi diminuat
you might have diminished
o fi diminuat
he/she/it might have diminished
om fi diminuat
we might have diminished
oți fi diminuat
you all might have diminished
or fi diminuat
they might have diminished

Examples of diminua

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"S-ar diminua considerabil"?"Materially diminished"?
- Vrei să mă diminua.- You want to diminish me.
Abandonează-i şi le vei diminua şanseleAbandon them, and you diminish their chances
Această nedreptate nu va diminua viaţa şi acţiunile unui om bun, finul meu, Calvin Beecher.This injustice will never diminish the life and actions of a good man. My godson, Calvin Beecher.
Acest scandal, va diminua probabil victoria recentă a departamentului de poliţie, împotriva traficului de arme din Charleston.This scandal will likely diminish the police department's recent victory against Charleston's biggest gunrunning ring.
- Nu-mi place să spun asta... pentru că eu... eu nu vreau să-ţi diminuez sentimentele... dar, din păcate, asta se întâmplă în fiecare zi.I hate to say this... because I don't want to diminish your feelings... but, sadly, that happens every day.
Ai cuvântul meu că nu voi mai încerca să controlez, să micşorez, ori să diminuez ceea ce eşti sau ce vei fi şi te accept, în întregime.You have my vow that I will no longer attempt to control, lessen, or diminish who you are or what you'll be but to embrace it, entire.
Am sa diminuez măsura a saptea cu o mică schimbare de ton.I diminished 7th with a minor key change
Buffy e moartă şi nu vreau să diminuez asta.Buffy's dead, and I don't mean to diminish that.
Ei bine, Joe, nu vreau să diminuez valoroasă ta contribuţie la această mică întreprindere, dar pentru nimic în lume n-o să iei jumătate...Well, Joe, I don't want to diminish your very valuable contribution to this little enterprise, but there's no way in hell you're getting half...
- Te rog să nu diminuezi...- Please don't diminish our-
Dacă ridici de pe şosea cauciucurile din faţă ale vehiculului, îi diminuezi drastic manevrabilitatea.But if you force a vehicle's front tires off the road, you drastically diminish its maneuverability.
Dar tot nu poţi să diminuezi acea lumină.But you still can't diminish that light.
Nu mi-ar plăcea să văd cum diminuezi munca asta... cu o diversiune iresponsabilă.I would hate to see you diminish this work... with this irresponsible diversion.
Tina, poţi să nu diminuezi importanţa şcolii?Tina, can you not, like, diminish the charter school thing?
"Moartea Fiecare om diminuează mine Pentru că sunt implicat în omenirii""Every man's death diminishes me For I am involved in Mankind"
Aceasta le diminuează.It diminishes them.
Am observat că strălucirea se diminuează în absenţa femeilor.l have noticed that their glow diminishes when the women are not present.
Asta nu-i diminuează grija pentru doamna Santos si copiii ei.The mayor's absence in no way diminishes his concern... ...forMrs.Santos and her children.
Atrocitatea crimelor lui Gein se diminuează în comparaţie cu cele ale aztecilor.The heinousness of Gein's crimes diminishes in comparison to those of the Aztecs.
Cred că ei se gândeau că, dacă vor înşira o poveste şi noi aflăm adevărul, vom păstra tăcerea, pentru că nu vom dori să diminuăm eroismul lui, sau altceva de genul ăsta. Dar nimeni nu a pus la îndoială eroismul lui Pat.I think they just thought, if they spun the story and we found out we'd just keep it quiet because we wouldn't want to diminish his heroism or anything like that but, you know, nobody question's Pat's heroics.
Era prin august când am primit ordinul să oprim sau să diminuăm producţia.It was in August that we receive order to stop or to diminish the production.
Pentru că eu cred că dacă am crescut ca o specie, a fost din cauza testului de sălbăticie, si dacă vom reusi în refacerea sălbăticiei în blândete, atunci vom începe să ne diminuăm.Because I believe if we have grown as a species, it has been because of the test of wildness, and if we succeed in remaking wildness into mildness, then we will begin to diminish.
Să nu diminuăm prin a-i spune job.Let's not diminish it by calling it a job.
Tot ce putem spera în acest moment, este să diminuăm cumva... impulsurile ucigaşe şi canibalistice ale lui Charles.About the best we can hope for at this point, is to somehow diminish... Charles' homicidal and cannibalistic impulses.
- Ai simțit ca o pată pe onoarea de a fi tăcut, că minciuna a camarazii tăi te diminuat?Did it feel like a stain on your honour to be silent, that lying to your comrades diminished you?
- Are respiratii diminuat.- She's got diminished respirations.
- Când drumul până la destinație se dovedește a fi lung și prăfuit , este valoarea destinație , astfel diminuat ?- When the road to your destination is revealed to be long and dusty, is your destination's value so diminished?
- Durerea s-a mai diminuat ?Is the pain diminished in some measure?
- Ştiu că a fost diminuat, George.- I know it's been diminished, George. - Diminished?
Dar deja febra ne diminuase abilitatea de a ne pazii de pericole.But already the fever had diminished our ability to heed the warnings.
Forţele mi se diminuaseră.My forces had diminished.
Amy şi-a întins pe jumătate de faţă, diminuând temporar abilitatea muşchilor faciali de a se contracta.Amy lathered half her face with it, temporarily diminishing her facial muscles' ability to contract.
Artera pulmonară e stenozata înainte de bifurcaţie, diminuând fluxul sanguin către plămâni.The pulmonary artery is constricted... in the main artery before the divide, diminishing blood supply to both lungs.
Volumul de bani şi cererea definesc echilibrul, astfel preţurile cresc, diminuând puterea de cumpãrare a dolarului.And, as supply and demand defines equilibrium, prices rise, diminishing the purchasing power of each individual dollar.

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