Decide (to decide) conjugation

48 examples

Conjugation of decide

Present tense
I decide
you decide
he/she/it decides
we decide
you all decide
they decide
Present perfect tense
am decis
I have decided
ai decis
you have decided
a decis
he/she/it has decided
am decis
we have decided
ați decis
you all have decided
au decis
they have decided
Past preterite tense
I decided
you decided
he/she/it decided
we decided
you all decided
they decided
Future tense
voi decide
I will decide
vei decide
you will decide
va decide
he/she/it will decide
vom decide
we will decide
veți decide
you all will decide
vor decide
they will decide
Conditional mood
aș decide
I would decide
ai decide
you would decide
ar decide
he/she/it would decide
am decide
we would decide
ați decide
you all would decide
ar decide
they would decide
Subjunctive present tense
să decid
(so that/if) I decide
să decizi
(so that/if) you decide
să decidă
(so that/if) he/she/it decide
să decidem
(so that/if) we decide
să decideți
(so that/if) you all decide
să decidă
(so that/if) they decide
Subjunctive past tense
să fi decis
(so that/if) I have decided
să fi decis
(so that/if) you have decided
să fi decis
(so that/if) he/she/it have decided
să fi decis
(so that/if) we have decided
să fi decis
(so that/if) you all have decided
să fi decis
(so that/if) they have decided
Past impf. tense
I was deciding
you were deciding
he/she/it was deciding
we were deciding
you all were deciding
they were deciding
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu decide
do not decide!
nu decideți
do not decide!
Past pluperfect tense
I had decided
you had decided
he/she/it had decided
we had decided
you all had decided
they had decided
Future alternative 1 tense
am să decid
I am going to decide
ai să decizi
you are going to decide
are să decidă
he/she/it is going to decide
avem să decidem
we are going to decide
aveți să decideți
you all are going to decide
au să decidă
they are going to decide
Future alternative 2 tense
o să decid
I am going to decide
o să decizi
you are going to decide
o să decidă
he/she/it is going to decide
o să decidem
we are going to decide
o să decideți
you all are going to decide
o să decidă
they are going to decide
Future perfect tense
voi fi decis
I will have decided
vei fi decis
you will have decided
va fi decis
he/she/it will have decided
vom fi decis
we will have decided
veți fi decis
you all will have decided
vor fi decis
they will have decided
Future in the past tense
aveam să decid
I was going to decide
aveai să decizi
you were going to decide
avea să decidă
he/she/it was going to decide
aveam să decidem
we were going to decide
aveați să decideți
you all were going to decide
aveau să decidă
they were going to decide
Conditional past tense
aș fi decis
I would have decided
ai fi decis
you would have decided
ar fi decis
he/she/it would have decided
am fi decis
we would have decided
ați fi decis
you all would have decided
ar fi decis
they would have decided
Presumptive tense
oi decide
I might decide
oi decide
you might decide
o decide
he/she/it might decide
om decide
we might decide
oți decide
you all might decide
or decide
they might decide
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi decizând
I might be deciding
oi fi decizând
you might be deciding
o fi decizând
he/she/it might be deciding
om fi decizând
we might be deciding
oți fi decizând
you all might be deciding
or fi decizând
they might be deciding
Presumptive past tense
oi fi decis
I might have decided
oi fi decis
you might have decided
o fi decis
he/she/it might have decided
om fi decis
we might have decided
oți fi decis
you all might have decided
or fi decis
they might have decided

Examples of decide

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Stelele poate decide soarta mea""The stars can decide my fate."
"...poate, analizând condiţiile şi observând că o lovitură de stat de success nu poate avea loc restul armatei decide să rămână pe loc...""... perhaps, still thinking the conditions... for a successful coup are not in place... the rest of the army decides to stay put..."
"Asa ca pizza decide sa se duca sa-si caute prietenii."And so the pizza decides to go look for his friends.
"Avem nevoie de a decide ceva chestii Franks.'We need to decide some stuff Franks.
"Consideri ca ai libertatea de a decide cum sa-ti duci la capat obiectivele?""Do you feel you are given the flexibility to decide how to accomplish your goals?"
" Eu decid cine trăieşte sau moare.""I decide who lives or dies."
"Altii decid, dar noi suntem cei care ii vedem murind.""Others decide, but we see them dying."
"Cei care voteaza nu decid nimic."Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. "
"Trebuie să decid unde aparţine inima mea, înainte ca restul meu să o urmeze.""I need to decide where my heart belongs before the rest of me can follow."
"o să-mi decid eu condamnarea însumi! ""l'll decide his conviction , myself! "
"Daca decizi sa hoinaresti"If you decide to roam
"Dacă decizi că vrei să rămâi în pădure, du-te la pagina 114.""If you decide to stay in the forest, go to... Page 114."
"Deci, tu decizi care va fi relatia dintre noi doua.""So you decide, hoW We Will relate to each other"
"In tara asta, tu decizi la ce doctor sa mergi."In this country, you decide which doctor to go to.
"Indiferent de ce se întâmplă si de ce te decizi tu să faci," "te voi iubi toată viata."But no matter what happens, no matter what you decide to do l'm going to love you until the end of time."
! Acum trebuie să decidem asta?We have to decide that now?
"Asta" însemnând orice decidem."This" meaning whatever we decide.
"Guvernul German este de părere că noi trebuie să decidem ce trebuie făcut.The German government is of the opinion that WE must decide what is to be done.
- 'la mila ei' dar aceste REM-uri (miscari rapide ale ochiului) care ne ajuta sa decidem pe ce sa focalizam sint procesate in partea din mijloc a creierului unde se mai gasesc receptori de opium si receptori pentru multe alte peptideBut these rapid eye movements that help us decide where to focus... are mediated in the midbrain... and you can map opiate receptors there... and receptors for many of the other peptides.
- Asta încercăm să decidem acum.That's what we're trying to decide right now.
! Defy fiul tău, regele vostru, Când știai că soarta Conde a fost decis?Defy your son, your king, when you knew that Condé's fate was decided?
" A decis să-i facă o glumă lui Lovekins-t"He decided to play a trick on Lovekins.
" Am decis să meargă pe calea Lui ""I have decided to walk on His path"
" Am decis să împrumute macara complicat James ".'I decided to borrow James's complicated crane.'
" Am decis""l have decided."
- Cum să decideți cine-i mai important?How can you decide who is more - I'll stay.
- Deci, în cazul în care, uh, lucrurile nu merge între tine și Tina, și vă decideți să se căsătorească cu un zombie gay,- So, if, uh, things don't work out between you and Tina, and you decide to marry a gay zombie,
-Ar putea fi capabil de a obține un loc de muncă Cu titlu executoriu Secure Solutions -o zi, Dacă vă decideți să renunțe la oameni uciderea pentru o viață.You might be able to get a job with Secure Enforcement Solutions one day, if you decide to give up murdering folks for a living.
Aceasta înseamnă că puteți onora Yousif chiar dacă decideți să nu meargă.It means that you can honor Yousif even if you decide not to go.
Acest lucru este un recensământ, pentru a vă ajuta să decideți cine trăiește și cine moare.this is a census, to help you decide who lives and who dies.
"Premiile anului viitor în literatură au fost decise." Poftim!"Next year's book awards have been decided..." Can you believe this?
Acum Pooh, fiind un urs cu foarte puţină minte... decise să lase sunetul să poftească înăuntru.Now Pooh, being a bear of very little brain... decided to invite the new sound in.
Acum Stroud decise că era echipat pentur a se lansa într-un proiect la care visase de mult timp, o lucrare de referinţă despre bolile păsărilor.Stroud decided he was equipped to launch a project he had long dreamed about - a definitive work on the diseases of birds.
Acum decise să accepte invitaţia încă deschisă a lui Tycho Brahe.Now he decided to accept Tycho Brahe's open invitation.
Alte lucruri sunt decise pentru tine.Other things are decided for you.
Aceşti oameni deciseră deja că Michael era vinovat.These people had already decided that Michael was guilty.
Te-am verificat când mă decideam să te angajez.I looked into you when I was deciding to hire you.
In acea noapte, intre timp ce Charlotte se decidea ce sa imbrace... a observat ca totul se potrivea la inelul ei de logodna... in afara de vechea ei rochie de mireasa.That night, as Charlotte was deciding what to wear, she noticed that everything went with her new engagement ring: except her old wedding dress.
Mai mulţi oameni decideau în momentul acela ce trebuia să rămână secret.A lot of people were deciding what was private none of the American people's business.
"pe care se decisese să mi-o ofere mie."which he had decided to give me.
Cynthia se decisese să se predea, dar înainte să se predea, a vrut ca povestea ei să ajungă la public şi să-şi exprime remuşcarea.Cynthia had decided to turn herself in, but before she surrendered, she wanted to get her story out to the public and express her remorse.
Daca l-ai fi cunoscut pe Sebastian, ai întelege ca ea nu a avut de ales dupa cum nimeni dintre noi nu ar fi avut vreodata de ales, odata ce Sebastian decisese ca noi toti eram folositi.If you'd known Sebastian, you'd understand how she had no choice how none of us ever had a choice, once Sebastian had decided we were to be used.
Deyell, care decisese să-şi doneze organele imediat după execuţia sa era transportat într-o dubiţă când se pare că a sărit din vehicul în timp e acesta încă mergea.Deyell, who had decided to donate his organs immediately after his execution, was being transported in a van when he apparently leapt out of the moving vehicle.
Se decisese să accepte slujba de când am adus discuţia.He had decided to take the job when I first brought it up.
Acum noi suntem cel mai mare prădător, decizând ce specii vom folosi şi pe care le vom distruge.Now we are the top predator, deciding which species we'll use and which we'll destroy.
Aşa că, decizând că întorsătura era mai mult decât corectă, m-am gândit să profit de oportunitate şi să aflu mai multe despre ea.So, deciding that turnabout was more than fair play, I thought I would take the opportunity to learn more about her.
Bun, pentru că mi-ar plăcea să-mi petrec următoarele câteva zile decizând ce rochie să port, şi să nu mă întreb dacă această afacere se va transforma într-un dovleac la miezul nopţii.Good, because I would love to spend the next few days deciding what dress to wear and not wondering if this deal is going to turn into a pumpkin at midnight.
Stă acolo în faţa un tată care-şi ţine fetiţa, decizând dacă să-l controleze sau nu, dacă să-l lase să treacă sau nu.He's standing there facing a father holding his baby girl deciding, does he search him or not, does he let him pass or not.

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