Conduce (to drive) conjugation

60 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to lead, rule, lead, to conduct, direct

Conjugation of conduce

Present tense
I drive
you drive
he/she/it drives
we drive
you all drive
they drive
Present perfect tense
am condus
I have driven
ai condus
you have driven
a condus
he/she/it has driven
am condus
we have driven
ați condus
you all have driven
au condus
they have driven
Past preterite tense
I drove
you drove
he/she/it drove
we drove
you all drove
they drove
Future tense
voi conduce
I will drive
vei conduce
you will drive
va conduce
he/she/it will drive
vom conduce
we will drive
veți conduce
you all will drive
vor conduce
they will drive
Conditional mood
aș conduce
I would drive
ai conduce
you would drive
ar conduce
he/she/it would drive
am conduce
we would drive
ați conduce
you all would drive
ar conduce
they would drive
Subjunctive present tense
să conduc
(so that/if) I drive
să conduci
(so that/if) you drive
să conducă
(so that/if) he/she/it drive
să conducem
(so that/if) we drive
să conduceți
(so that/if) you all drive
să conducă
(so that/if) they drive
Subjunctive past tense
să fi condus
(so that/if) I have driven
să fi condus
(so that/if) you have driven
să fi condus
(so that/if) he/she/it have driven
să fi condus
(so that/if) we have driven
să fi condus
(so that/if) you all have driven
să fi condus
(so that/if) they have driven
Past impf. tense
I was driving
you were driving
he/she/it was driving
we were driving
you all were driving
they were driving
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu conduce
do not drive!
nu conduceți
do not drive!
Past pluperfect tense
I had driven
you had driven
he/she/it had driven
we had driven
you all had driven
they had driven
Future alternative 1 tense
am să conduc
I am going to drive
ai să conduci
you are going to drive
are să conducă
he/she/it is going to drive
avem să conducem
we are going to drive
aveți să conduceți
you all are going to drive
au să conducă
they are going to drive
Future alternative 2 tense
o să conduc
I am going to drive
o să conduci
you are going to drive
o să conducă
he/she/it is going to drive
o să conducem
we are going to drive
o să conduceți
you all are going to drive
o să conducă
they are going to drive
Future perfect tense
voi fi condus
I will have driven
vei fi condus
you will have driven
va fi condus
he/she/it will have driven
vom fi condus
we will have driven
veți fi condus
you all will have driven
vor fi condus
they will have driven
Future in the past tense
aveam să conduc
I was going to drive
aveai să conduci
you were going to drive
avea să conducă
he/she/it was going to drive
aveam să conducem
we were going to drive
aveați să conduceți
you all were going to drive
aveau să conducă
they were going to drive
Conditional past tense
aș fi condus
I would have driven
ai fi condus
you would have driven
ar fi condus
he/she/it would have driven
am fi condus
we would have driven
ați fi condus
you all would have driven
ar fi condus
they would have driven
Presumptive tense
oi conduce
I might drive
oi conduce
you might drive
o conduce
he/she/it might drive
om conduce
we might drive
oți conduce
you all might drive
or conduce
they might drive
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi conducând
I might be driving
oi fi conducând
you might be driving
o fi conducând
he/she/it might be driving
om fi conducând
we might be driving
oți fi conducând
you all might be driving
or fi conducând
they might be driving
Presumptive past tense
oi fi condus
I might have driven
oi fi condus
you might have driven
o fi condus
he/she/it might have driven
om fi condus
we might have driven
oți fi condus
you all might have driven
or fi condus
they might have driven

Examples of conduce

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" De a conduce propria mașină în timp ce celelalte două se va folosi"to drive your own car while the other two will use
" Putem umple de dragoste în rezervorul de benzină și a conduce pe...""we can fill love in the petrol tank and drive off..."
"Aici, puteți conduce un NASCAR jurul oval, "Sau puteți afla pista de curse pe un simulator Ferrari "Înainte de a face asta pentru real într-o mașină reală Ferrari.'Here, you can drive a NASCAR round the oval, 'or you can learn the racetrack on a Ferrari simulator 'before doing it for real in an actual Ferrari car.
"Am conduce acasă repede, pentru că nu am vrut să alerga afară de gaz regulat."I drive home fast, 'cause I didn't wanna run out of the regular gas.
"Am nevoie de a conduce vehicule pe mami la magazin."I need to drive my mommy to the store.
"Am condus un Lincoln cu mult înainte de a fi plătit să conduc unul"."I drove a Lincoln way before I got paid to drive one." Derr!
"Am păr lung şi conduc o motocicletă."I have long hair and drive a motorcycle.
"Am schimbat genul de maşină pe care o conduc"♪ I changed the kind of car I drive ♪
"Când taţii conduc beţi".When dads drive drunk.
"Căpitane... şi chiar mă laşi pe mine să conduc submarinul?""Captain, are you really gonna let me drive the boat?"
! poti sa conduci, te rog?Could you drive, please?
"Ca să înfrângi un adversar... trebuie întotdeauna să conduci lupta, să fii dispus să faci ceea ce este neaşteptat.""To defeat an adversary you must always drive the fight, be willing to do that which is never expected."
"Hei, poţi să conduci un băţ?" Eu m-am mirat."Hey, can you drive a stick?" And I was like, "Huh?"
"La început ei spun că nu poţi bea când conduci."First they say you can't drink and drive.
"Să conduci liber!"To drive free!
"Îmi cer scuze, dle poliţist, dar în Anglia conducem pe dreapta"."I do apologize officer, but in england we drive on the left side."
- A trebuit sa conducem într-o parcare.We had to drive round a car park.
- Am crezut că sunt în Noua Zeelandă... Noi conducem pe cealaltă parte a drumului.- Thought I was back in New Zealand... we drive on the other side of the road over there.
- Ar trebui să îi conducem spre şcoală.- Should drive them up into the school.
- Ce-o să conducem?What drive?
! Marshall, am condus prin ţară pentru o bucată de pizza de sute de ori.- Marshall, we've driven halfway across the country for a piece of pizza, literally, hundreds of times.
" ai condus aici, așa taci. ""you have driven here so shut up."
". până când toate cele trei camioane au condus peste ea""until all three lorries have driven over it."
"Am condus ore întregi căutându-te... "dar nu am găsit nimic.'`I must have driven for hours looking for you... '`but there was no sign.
"Cea mai buna masina pe care am condus.""the best car I've ever driven."
Amber, nu conduceți tur ghid nebun!Amber, don't drive the tour guide crazy!
Atunci când conduceți un automobil, ar trebui să arate înainte de retragere.When you drive a car, you must look when you're reversing the damn car.
Caci atâta timp cât îmi amintesc, de fiecare data când conduceți pe autostrada Mi-ar gândi mereu:For as long as I can remember, every time I drive on the interstate... I would always think:
Cred că ar trebui să folosească aceste semne pentru a pune o intrebare test pub în timp ce conduceți trecut.I think they should use those signs to put up a pub quiz questions as you drive past.
Dacă doriți să conduceți la 200 kilometri pe oră de-a lungul coastei, o poate face.If you want to drive at 200 km / h along the coast, can do it.
! Da, a minţit, aşa şi James şi cu mine şi da, a fost maşina lui... şi da, a fost şi el acolo. Dar te asigur că eu conduceam.- Yes, he lied and so did James, and so did I, and yes, it was his car and yes, he was there, but I promise you, I was driving.
- A fost atunci când conduceam... spre casă, de fapt.The scariest one - There was this time I was driving... Home, actually.
- Chestia e că, conduceam de la Druham şi am realizat că treceam de porţile voastre.- Well, the thing is, I was driving down from Durham and I suddenly realised I'd be passing the gates.
- Da, pe care o conduceam eu.Yeah, and I was driving. Splattered him good.
- Da, pentru că conduceam.-Yes, because I was driving.
- Ah! Tu conduceai?You were driving?
- Când te-am văzut, conduceai.Well, I saw you. You were driving.
- De-aia conduceai în halul ăla ?- Is that why you were driving so crazy?
- Moran, tu conduceai!- Moran, you were driving!
- Mulţumesc. Cred că ultima dată când te-am văzut conduceai un VW pe care-l aveai.I think the last time I saw you you were driving off in that VW you had.
"Nu este clar încă de ce dl Selfridge conducea singur atât de târziu în noapte.""It's not yet clear why Mr Selfridge was driving alone so late at night."
"ce se crede a fi al femeii care conducea autoturismul fugar."authorities found a body, believed to be the remains of a woman who was driving the getaway car.
- Acesta conducea ca un...- This one here was driving like a...
- Ai văzut ce maşină conducea ?Dude's a cop? You see what he was driving?
- Ai văzut cine conducea camioneta?- Did you see who was driving the truck?
- Ei conduceau repede.They were driving faster.
Atacatorii conduceau ceva argintiu.The shooters were driving a silver something.
Bunicii mei ma conduceau spre casa, pe cand veneam de la tara.My grandparents were driving me home from the countryside,
Ce purtau, ce maşini conduceau...What they were wearing, the type of car they were driving...
Duba pe care o conduceau e pe numele pastorului.The van they were driving-- registered to the rev.
"Vorbeşte mieros şi condu un tanc mare"."Speak softly and drive a big tank."
"si condu-l pe Leppenraub prin portile iadului."and drive Leppenraub through the gates of hell.
"încetineşte puţin, nu condu aşa de rapid."slow down a bit-Don't drive so fast.
- Acum condu.- Now drive.
- Acum porneşte maşina şi condu.Now start the car and drive. - I don't seem to have the keys.
"l-a văzut conducând o maşină spaţială într-un garaj dintre b-dul Broadway şi strada 57." Mă duc."just saw him driving some spaceship car into a garage at Broadway and 57th."
- A fost văzut conducând o dubiţă albă...He was last seen driving a white van,
- Apropo, conducând prin jur pentru a căuta un supererou pungaş, face ca în mod oficial să ai cea mai tare slujbă din lume.- By the way, driving around looking for a rogue superhero, you officially have the coolest job in the world.
- Au găsit-o în pijama conducând o maşină imaginară la raionul casă şi grădină de la Wal-Mart.- They found her in pajamas driving an imaginary car through the home and garden section of Wal-Mart.
- Da. Am o descriere a unui tip conducând un 740 albastru pe Lexanis.Got a description of a cat driving a blue 740 on Lexanis

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