Compara (to compare) conjugation

45 examples

Conjugation of compara

Present tense
I compare
you compare
he/she/it compares
we compare
you all compare
they compare
Present perfect tense
am comparat
I have compared
ai comparat
you have compared
a comparat
he/she/it has compared
am comparat
we have compared
ați comparat
you all have compared
au comparat
they have compared
Past preterite tense
I compared
you compared
he/she/it compared
we compared
you all compared
they compared
Future tense
voi compara
I will compare
vei compara
you will compare
va compara
he/she/it will compare
vom compara
we will compare
veți compara
you all will compare
vor compara
they will compare
Conditional mood
aș compara
I would compare
ai compara
you would compare
ar compara
he/she/it would compare
am compara
we would compare
ați compara
you all would compare
ar compara
they would compare
Subjunctive present tense
să compar
(so that/if) I compare
să compari
(so that/if) you compare
să compare
(so that/if) he/she/it compare
să comparăm
(so that/if) we compare
să comparați
(so that/if) you all compare
să compare
(so that/if) they compare
Subjunctive past tense
să fi comparat
(so that/if) I have compared
să fi comparat
(so that/if) you have compared
să fi comparat
(so that/if) he/she/it have compared
să fi comparat
(so that/if) we have compared
să fi comparat
(so that/if) you all have compared
să fi comparat
(so that/if) they have compared
Past impf. tense
I was comparing
you were comparing
he/she/it was comparing
we were comparing
you all were comparing
they were comparing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu compara
do not compare!
nu comparați
do not compare!
Past pluperfect tense
I had compared
you had compared
he/she/it had compared
we had compared
you all had compared
they had compared
Future alternative 1 tense
am să compar
I am going to compare
ai să compari
you are going to compare
are să compare
he/she/it is going to compare
avem să comparăm
we are going to compare
aveți să comparați
you all are going to compare
au să compare
they are going to compare
Future alternative 2 tense
o să compar
I am going to compare
o să compari
you are going to compare
o să compare
he/she/it is going to compare
o să comparăm
we are going to compare
o să comparați
you all are going to compare
o să compare
they are going to compare
Future perfect tense
voi fi comparat
I will have compared
vei fi comparat
you will have compared
va fi comparat
he/she/it will have compared
vom fi comparat
we will have compared
veți fi comparat
you all will have compared
vor fi comparat
they will have compared
Future in the past tense
aveam să compar
I was going to compare
aveai să compari
you were going to compare
avea să compare
he/she/it was going to compare
aveam să comparăm
we were going to compare
aveați să comparați
you all were going to compare
aveau să compare
they were going to compare
Conditional past tense
aș fi comparat
I would have compared
ai fi comparat
you would have compared
ar fi comparat
he/she/it would have compared
am fi comparat
we would have compared
ați fi comparat
you all would have compared
ar fi comparat
they would have compared
Presumptive tense
oi compara
I might compare
oi compara
you might compare
o compara
he/she/it might compare
om compara
we might compare
oți compara
you all might compare
or compara
they might compare
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi comparând
I might be comparing
oi fi comparând
you might be comparing
o fi comparând
he/she/it might be comparing
om fi comparând
we might be comparing
oți fi comparând
you all might be comparing
or fi comparând
they might be comparing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi comparat
I might have compared
oi fi comparat
you might have compared
o fi comparat
he/she/it might have compared
om fi comparat
we might have compared
oți fi comparat
you all might have compared
or fi comparat
they might have compared

Examples of compara

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Te-ai dus la două lucruri mici pe corpul meu pentru noi doi a compara?"you went to the two smallest things on my body to compare us two?
"Cum să se poată compara cu lacul Hung?""How can it compare with Hung Lake"
"Dar cum nu se compara cu, spune, un Bentley sau un Mercedes?"But how does it compare to, say, a Bentley or a Mercedes?
"Nimic nu se compara ...""Nothing compares..."
"Nu-mi voi compara forul meu interior cu modul în care îi percep pe alţii."" I will not compare my insides to others' outsides."
"Aş putea să mă compar cu cineva care văzând animale frumoase,.""I might compare myself to a person who, on beholding beautiful animals
"Să o compar cu o zi de vară?Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
"Să te compar cu o zi de vară ?""Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
"Să te compar cu o zi de vară?"shall I compare thee To a summer's day?
"Să te compar cu roua verii?""Shall l compare thee to a summer's dew?"
"Când îi compari cu nişte păsări de colivie care au uitat să zboare, corbii sunt mult mai buni."" When you compare them to the poor caged birds that have forgotten to fly, Crows are much better. "
- Chiar nu încerca să ne compari pe noi doi.- Don't even try to compare the two.
- Chiar vrei să compari rănile de glonţ cu mine ?- You really want to compare bullet wounds with me?
- Eşantioanele trebuie să fie educaţi aşa că am putea evalua creşterea lor, să le compari cu copii normali.- The specimens need to be educated so I can assess their growth, compare them to normal children.
- La fel ca o femeie compari investiţiile cu gătitul.Just like a woman to compare investing to cooking.
"Nicăieri în Italia nu se compară cu Piemonte"Nowhere in Italy compares with Piemonte
# Nimic nu se compară cu ei♪ Nothing compares to them. ♪
# Nimic nu se compară♪ Nothing compares
'Nimic nu se compară cu asta.'Nothing else compares.
- Nimic nu se compară cu asta.Nothing compares to it.
- Ar trebui să luăm prânzul cândva, să comparăm notele despre asistentele de noapte, bone, doula, - despre toate astea.We should, like, schedule lunch sometime, compare notes on night nurses and nannies, doulas, the whole shebang.
- Atunci nu te deranjează dacă dr. Brennan îţi ia modelul mâinilor şi picioarelor, ca să le comparăm cu rănile victimei.I never saw him again. Then you wouldn't mind if Dr. Brennan here takes a mold of your hands and your feet... so we can compare that to the injuries from the victim.
- Bine. Acum trebuie doar să comparăm locatarii cu pozele din permise până îl găsim.Now we just need to compare the residents with driver's license photos
- Hai să-l comparăm cu dintele pe care l-am găsit în corpul ultimei victime.All right, pull that and let's compare it to the tooth we found in the latest victim's body.
- Putem să comparăm scrisul. - Bine.We could compare the handwriting.
"Pretul este o fantana goala cand este comparat cu visul unui om.""Price is a fountain of nothingness when compared to one man's dream."
"Suferinţa din prezent... nu este de comparat cu gloria ce va veni... cea pe care o vom găsi în noi.""The sufferings of this present time "are not to be compared with the future glory, "the glory that shall be revealed in us."
"Ultima dată când ai vorbit cu tipul ăsta, I- ai comparat cu Martin Luther King," "aşa că el te urăşte.Last time you talked to this guy, you compared him to Martin Luther King, so he hates you.
- Am comparat informaţiile.- We've compared notes.
- Am comparat reziduurile de arsură de la - victima masculină cu tutunul din ţigara lui PaulI compared the burn residue on the male victim's face to the tobacco in Paul's cigar
Apoi, odată ce avem o listă, putem trage numele de la fiecare client Barnwright de la care o unitate flash și comparați cu cumpărătorii furtun, a se vedea dacă se suprapune cineva.Then, once we have a list, we can pull the name of every Barnwright client from that flash drive and compare it with the hose purchasers, see if anyone overlaps.
Cum îndrăznești să comparați cicatricile tale la mina?How dare you compare your scars to mine?
Eu comparam oamenii cu animalele.I was comparing men to animals.
Vă comparam cu Jonas.I was comparing you to Jonas.
Tatăl meu comparase cronologia evenimentelor din viaţa familiei Strobbes cu cea a idolului nostru texan.My dad had compared the Strobbes' timelines to that of our Texan idol.
"Când privesc printre gratiile închisorii, nu văd nici măcar o femeie care să se compare cu afurisita aia de fată.""When looking through the prison bars - - I could not see a single woman who compared with that devilish girl. "
"Mă uitam printre gratiile închisorii la femeile care treceau pe stradă dar nu am văzut niciodată măcar una singură care să se compare cu diavoliţa aia de fată""When looking through the prison bars l could not see a single woman who compared with that devilish girl."
"Nu mi-a păsat că, în tot acest timp, n-a mai văzut" "nici o femeie care să se compare cu mine," "că viaţa i-a fost pustie fără mine, că a sacrificat totul pentru mine"."I do not care that in all this time... he hasn't seen a woman to compare with me... that his life has been a desert without me... that he sacrificed everything for me. "
- A folosit poza să compare ochii.And like fingerprints, he used that photo to compare the eyes.
- Atunci, cum poţi spune aşa ceva ? - Am trimis ADN-ul copilului, în portul Desideratum, ca savanţii să le compare cu datele existente.I messengered the child's DNA to desideratum drift so that the genetic scientists could compare it to the best-known extant records.
Acum, comparând asta... prin autoradiografie... putem detecta modelul mişcării... şi să determinăm aranjamentul bazelor.Now, comparing this... through the auto radiograph... we are able to detect a pattern of movements... and determine the alignment of the bases.
Aici aveţi un tabel, ce ilustrează studii publicate în 2006, comparând rezultatele tratamentelor a diferite gliomuri de trunchi cerebral.Here is a table illustrating studies published in 2006, comparing the results of different childhood brainstem glioma treatments.
Am creat un algoritm, comparând imaginea din spatele lui Bodnar cu clipurile recente postate pe CyberVid.I created an algorithm comparing the background behind Bodnar to recently posted videos on CyberVid.
Am făcut o situaţie a informaţiilor comunicate de guvern comparând forţa noastră militară cu cea a Germaniei.I've made a summary of the figures issued by the government... comparing our military strength with that of Germany.
Am reuşit să îi urmărim locaţiile lui Kaplow în America de Sud comparând informaţiile lui cu cele pe care le-am adunat despre Leu.We were able to trace Kaplow's location in South America by comparing his information with the information we compiled on The Lion.

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