Baza (to base) conjugation

36 examples

Conjugation of baza

Present tense
I base
you base
he/she/it bases
we base
you all base
they base
Present perfect tense
am bazat
I have based
ai bazat
you have based
a bazat
he/she/it has based
am bazat
we have based
ați bazat
you all have based
au bazat
they have based
Past preterite tense
I based
you based
he/she/it based
we based
you all based
they based
Future tense
voi baza
I will base
vei baza
you will base
va baza
he/she/it will base
vom baza
we will base
veți baza
you all will base
vor baza
they will base
Conditional mood
aș baza
I would base
ai baza
you would base
ar baza
he/she/it would base
am baza
we would base
ați baza
you all would base
ar baza
they would base
Subjunctive present tense
să bazez
(so that/if) I base
să bazezi
(so that/if) you base
să bazeze
(so that/if) he/she/it base
să bazăm
(so that/if) we base
să bazați
(so that/if) you all base
să bazeze
(so that/if) they base
Subjunctive past tense
să fi bazat
(so that/if) I have based
să fi bazat
(so that/if) you have based
să fi bazat
(so that/if) he/she/it have based
să fi bazat
(so that/if) we have based
să fi bazat
(so that/if) you all have based
să fi bazat
(so that/if) they have based
Past impf. tense
I was basing
you were basing
he/she/it was basing
we were basing
you all were basing
they were basing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu baza
do not base!
nu bazați
do not base!
Past pluperfect tense
I had based
you had based
he/she/it had based
we had based
you all had based
they had based
Future alternative 1 tense
am să bazez
I am going to base
ai să bazezi
you are going to base
are să bazeze
he/she/it is going to base
avem să bazăm
we are going to base
aveți să bazați
you all are going to base
au să bazeze
they are going to base
Future alternative 2 tense
o să bazez
I am going to base
o să bazezi
you are going to base
o să bazeze
he/she/it is going to base
o să bazăm
we are going to base
o să bazați
you all are going to base
o să bazeze
they are going to base
Future perfect tense
voi fi bazat
I will have based
vei fi bazat
you will have based
va fi bazat
he/she/it will have based
vom fi bazat
we will have based
veți fi bazat
you all will have based
vor fi bazat
they will have based
Future in the past tense
aveam să bazez
I was going to base
aveai să bazezi
you were going to base
avea să bazeze
he/she/it was going to base
aveam să bazăm
we were going to base
aveați să bazați
you all were going to base
aveau să bazeze
they were going to base
Conditional past tense
aș fi bazat
I would have based
ai fi bazat
you would have based
ar fi bazat
he/she/it would have based
am fi bazat
we would have based
ați fi bazat
you all would have based
ar fi bazat
they would have based
Presumptive tense
oi baza
I might base
oi baza
you might base
o baza
he/she/it might base
om baza
we might base
oți baza
you all might base
or baza
they might base
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi bazând
I might be basing
oi fi bazând
you might be basing
o fi bazând
he/she/it might be basing
om fi bazând
we might be basing
oți fi bazând
you all might be basing
or fi bazând
they might be basing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi bazat
I might have based
oi fi bazat
you might have based
o fi bazat
he/she/it might have based
om fi bazat
we might have based
oți fi bazat
you all might have based
or fi bazat
they might have based

Examples of baza

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Poliţia crede acum că Ian Worthing," " al cărui corp a fost găsit ieri la baza stâncii din Yorkshire," " ar fii putut să se sinucidă datorită presiunilor financiare."Police now think that Ian Worthing, whose body was found at the base of a Yorkshire crag yesterday, could have killed himself because of mounting financial pressures.
"20.000 de franci la baza obeliscului lui Ludovic al XI - lea până mâine.""20,000 francs to be delivered to the base of the Louis XI obelisk by sundown tomorrow."
"Aceasta este baza cea mai sigura a fetei de pe Pamant chiar acum."This is the most secure base of the face of the Earth right now.
"Alianţa Interstelară" "cu baza pe planeta Federaţiei Minbari" "a fost fondată în 2261 după calendarul pământean"The Interstellar Alliance based on the Homeworld of the Minbari Federation was founded in the Earth year 2261 shortly after the end of the Shadow War, 20 years ago.
"Alo, aici baza de rachete.""Hello, is that the missile base?"
Acum vă voi spune întâmplările pe care-mi bazez concluziile.Now I will tell you the facts upon which my conclusions are based.
Apreciez că voi doi v-aţi implicat, dar eu îmi bazez deciziile de afaceri pe motive de afaceri.I appreciate that the two of you are involved, but I base my business decisions on business reasons.
Aşa că permiteţi-mi ca eu să mă bazez, numai pe fapte.I have no doubt Ms. Sawyer will base her entire closing argument purely on emotion, so allow me to base mine purely on fact.
Ceea ce îmi lasă foarte puţine date pe care să-mi bazez pledoaria.Which leaves me with very little material on which to base a defence.
Cred că mă bazez mai mult pe angajamentul pe termen lung dintre noi, ce ar însemna el pe viitor pentru prietenia şi relaţia noastră şi promisiunile pe care ni le-am făcut.And I think my pitch is more based on sort of our long-term commitments to each other, what that would mean in the future for our enduring friendship and relationship and just the promises we had made to each other.
- Da, pe ce te bazezi?- Yeah, based on what ?
- Pe ce te bazezi, necunoscându-l deloc?And that is based on what, not knowing him at all?
- Pe ce te bazezi?What's this based on?
1 la 10 şi să te bazezi pe calităţi artificiale e cam superficial.Joe, you ever think that assigning women a numerical value between one and 10 based on artificial qualities is-- that's kind of superficial.
Ai vrea să îmi spui pe ce îţi bazezi afirmaţia ?Would you like to tell me what you base that on?
"Autorul Sage McCallister îşi bazează toate scrierile pe surse de calitate.""Author Sage McCallister bases all his stories on firsthand accounts."
Combinaţia se bazează pe acel total.He bases the combination on that total.
Dacă ăsta e genul de comunitate ce se bazează pe invitatele lor după cum mănânci o bucată de prăjitură bine făcută, atunci chiar nu vreau să fiu aici.If this is the kind of sority that bases their bids on the way you eat a piece of deep-fried dough, then I really don't want to be here.
Ea se bazează pe cât de repede aceste divizii s-ar putea să se extrage De menținere a păcii lor misiune, recalifice pe baze acasă Și trimiți la un al doilea de două pe scară largă, Golful conflicte război de dimensiuni.It's based on how fast these divisions would be able to extract themselves from their peacekeeping mission, retrain on home bases and ship off to a second of two full-scale, Gulf War-size conflicts.
I-am spus cât de apropiată eram de Travis şi acum îşi bazează întreaga noastră terapie pe această incredibilă relaţie pe care o are cu propriul ei fiu, Gabriel.I told her how tight I was with Travis, and now she bases our entire therapy on this incredible relationship she has with her own son Gabriel.
-Studiile acelea sunt anecdotice nu genul de studii pe care ne bazăm judecata medicală, nu studii dublu-orb.- Those studies are anecdotal not the kind of studies we base sound medical judgement on, not double-blind studies.
Am găsit urme de operaţiuni irakiene cu blindate în zonă, dar dovezile pe care să bazăm un atac sunt neconcludente până acum.We have found some indication of Iraqi armor operating in the area, but evidence on which to base a B.D.A. is inconclusive so far.
Având în vedere că ne bazăm pe probe, cred c-ar trebui să ţii asta pentru tine.Well, being that we are evidence-based here, I think you should keep that one to yourself.
Comandante, regulile noastre nu ne permit să ne bazăm decizia pe asemenea considerente.Commander, our charter doesn't allow us to base our decision on such considerations.
Cu atât mai mult, cu cât avem nevoie de o sursă independentă pe care să ne bazăm acţiunile viitoare, iar Meinheimer e recunoscut ca un expert în domeniu.We need an independent and informed source on which to base future actions, and Dr Meinheimer is the recognised expert in this field.
" Mi sa spus am fost destinat pentru măreție bazat exclusiv pe virtutea numelui meu ""I've been told I was destined for greatness based solely on the virtue of my name."
"Acest film este bazat pe fapte reale".The film you are about to see is based on documented facts.
"Acesta este un cod de reguli bazat pe o filozofie care inca incearca sa raspunda la intrebarea:"This is a rulebook based on human wisdom" "which still struggles to answer what justice is." "Thanks, dad!"
"Am scris un eseu despre ura suprimată în imediata apropiere, "bazat în întregime pe prietenii lui.I wrote an essay on suppressed hatred in close proximity, based entirely on his friends.
"Când Adam Weaver, dramaturgul minune, fost întrebat ce urmeaza sa opus a fost bazat pe, a spus el succint, o piesă despre fostul meu, un diminutiv, suburbanoseur care m-am despărțit cu "."When Adam Weaver, the wunderkind playwright, was asked what his next opus was based on, he succinctly said, a play about my ex, a diminutive, suburbanoseur who I broke up with."
"Am fost observarea planetei Marte pentru ceva timp" prin sol, pe bază de telescoape, şi a observat anumite regiuni care au fost foarte schimbatoare.'I had been observing Mars for quite some time' through ground-based telescopes, and had noticed certain regions that were very changeable.
"August Demands" din 2003 le-a stabilit stilul de bază."August Demands" from 2003 established their sample-based style.
"In timp ce pierderile din furt, angajat pe bază de sau în alt mod, sunt neglijabile ...""While losses from theft, employee-based or otherwise, are negligible..."
"Pre-Crestin, reconstrucţia de la bază a Pământului a cultului tribal european."Pre-Christian, Earth-based reconstruction of European tribal worship.
- "Tracy pe bază de"?- "Tracy-based"?
e despre un vampir din New York. Numai ca tipul pe care se bazau, era real si periculos.Their graphic novel, Blood Everlasting, is about a vampire in New York City, only the guy that they were basing it on was real and dangerous.

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