Bate (to beat) conjugation

56 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: strike, to defeat, hit, to strike, punch, defeat

Conjugation of bate

Present tense
I beat
you beat
he/she/it beats
we beat
you all beat
they beat
Present perfect tense
am bătut
I have beaten
ai bătut
you have beaten
a bătut
he/she/it has beaten
am bătut
we have beaten
ați bătut
you all have beaten
au bătut
they have beaten
Past preterite tense
I beat
you beat
he/she/it beat
we beat
you all beat
they beat
Future tense
voi bate
I will beat
vei bate
you will beat
va bate
he/she/it will beat
vom bate
we will beat
veți bate
you all will beat
vor bate
they will beat
Conditional mood
aș bate
I would beat
ai bate
you would beat
ar bate
he/she/it would beat
am bate
we would beat
ați bate
you all would beat
ar bate
they would beat
Subjunctive present tense
să bat
(so that/if) I beat
să bați
(so that/if) you beat
să bată
(so that/if) he/she/it beat
să batem
(so that/if) we beat
să bateți
(so that/if) you all beat
să bată
(so that/if) they beat
Subjunctive past tense
să fi bătut
(so that/if) I have beaten
să fi bătut
(so that/if) you have beaten
să fi bătut
(so that/if) he/she/it have beaten
să fi bătut
(so that/if) we have beaten
să fi bătut
(so that/if) you all have beaten
să fi bătut
(so that/if) they have beaten
Past impf. tense
I was beating
you were beating
he/she/it was beating
we were beating
you all were beating
they were beating
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu bate
do not beat!
nu bateți
do not beat!
Past pluperfect tense
I had beaten
you had beaten
he/she/it had beaten
we had beaten
you all had beaten
they had beaten
Future alternative 1 tense
am să bat
I am going to beat
ai să bați
you are going to beat
are să bată
he/she/it is going to beat
avem să batem
we are going to beat
aveți să bateți
you all are going to beat
au să bată
they are going to beat
Future alternative 2 tense
o să bat
I am going to beat
o să bați
you are going to beat
o să bată
he/she/it is going to beat
o să batem
we are going to beat
o să bateți
you all are going to beat
o să bată
they are going to beat
Future perfect tense
voi fi bătut
I will have beaten
vei fi bătut
you will have beaten
va fi bătut
he/she/it will have beaten
vom fi bătut
we will have beaten
veți fi bătut
you all will have beaten
vor fi bătut
they will have beaten
Future in the past tense
aveam să bat
I was going to beat
aveai să bați
you were going to beat
avea să bată
he/she/it was going to beat
aveam să batem
we were going to beat
aveați să bateți
you all were going to beat
aveau să bată
they were going to beat
Conditional past tense
aș fi bătut
I would have beaten
ai fi bătut
you would have beaten
ar fi bătut
he/she/it would have beaten
am fi bătut
we would have beaten
ați fi bătut
you all would have beaten
ar fi bătut
they would have beaten
Presumptive tense
oi bate
I might beat
oi bate
you might beat
o bate
he/she/it might beat
om bate
we might beat
oți bate
you all might beat
or bate
they might beat
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi bătând
I might be beating
oi fi bătând
you might be beating
o fi bătând
he/she/it might be beating
om fi bătând
we might be beating
oți fi bătând
you all might be beating
or fi bătând
they might be beating
Presumptive past tense
oi fi bătut
I might have beaten
oi fi bătut
you might have beaten
o fi bătut
he/she/it might have beaten
om fi bătut
we might have beaten
oți fi bătut
you all might have beaten
or fi bătut
they might have beaten

Examples of bate

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Aparent, poliţia bate negrii ca pe covoare !"Apparently the police have been beating up negroes like hot cakes.
" Doar bate -mă . Fa-ma ta ... ""Just beat me up. Make me your..."
" Feel bate de ritmul de noapte"Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night
" leagăne mele corpului pentru a bate""My body swings to the beats."
""lnima mea bate pentru dragoste..."" ""Si aceasta e ceea ce dragostea mea are de spus..."" ""dragostea ta e un sentiment care zaboveste in rasuflarea mea.""My heart beats for love... and this is what my love has to say... your love is a feeling that lingers on my breath.
""lnimile noastre bat la unison, e o durere.""Our hearts are skipping a beat, there's an aching.
"Acum inimile bat..."Now these hearts beat together,
"Am nevoie" să bat pe careva.What I need is something to beat up.
"Atunci când o văd, am să bat fundul ei."when I see her, I'm gonna beat her ass.
"Batrane leu,te bat cand vreau.""Old lion, I'll beat you when I feel like it."
Arabii și caracatițele se relaxează când le bați.Arabs and octopuses relax when you beat them.
Ascultă-me,îl bați la orice pozare.Listen to me, you beat him every freakin' shot.
Ca sã mã bați?So you can beat me?
Ești drogat și bați femei.You're high and you're beating up women.
Fugi pentru că ştii că nu ai posibilitatea să mă bați!You running 'cause you know you can't beat me!
"A trebuit sa-l batem"We had to beat him senseless
"Dacă găsim pe cineva cu nouă degete, îl batem măr.""If we find someone with nine fingers, we can beat the crap out of them."
"Dacă o să ne bată, o să-l batem şi noi. ""If my husband beats us, we'll beat him back in return."
"In timp ce noi batem paiele."While we beat the straw
"Sa batem .. -."Let's beat it..
" fi bătut cu multe lovituri.""shall be beaten with many stripes."
"Billy Palmer în vârstă de 12 ani a fost găsit bătut şi inconştient după jocul din Mica Ligă de Sâmbătă""12-year-old Billy Palmer was found beaten and unconscious after his Kiddie League game Saturday.
"Când să mă chemaţi. Dacă sunteţi înjunghiat, împuşcat, otrăvit, suferiţi de apendicită, lovit sau bătut fără cunoştinţă, călcat de tractor, ori în general dacă sângeraţi de moarte.You've been stabbed, shot, poisoned, separated from an appendage, knocked or beaten unconscious, run over by a tractor mower,
"Echipa albastră a bătut-o pe cea roşie" "în ultimele trei veri la Lacul Tardicaca."Blue team has beaten red team the past three summers at Lake Tardicaca.
"Generalii germani i-au bătut pe generalii francezi. Eu sunt pictor."The German Generals have beaten the French Generals.
Fie cã este un Sikh sau Kartar, va trebui sã-l bateți.Whether he's a Sikh or Kartar, you'll have to beat him.
V-am adus aici ca sã-l bateți nu ca sã-l îmbrãțișați. - Da.I've brought you here to beat him and not hug him.
Gardienii l-au bătu pe Bosch.The guards have beaten up Bosch.
Izbiră ceainice de metal unul de celălalt, loviră în tigăi, în coşuri de gunoi şi vechi conserve de merişor, suflară în tromboane, şi cântară la trompete, bătură la tobe şi suflară la flaut.They rattle tin kettles, they beat on brass pans, On garbage fills absonal, cran berrry cans. They blew on byzu bilzl brasstic big tubas.
Katie a fost bătură rău în mijlocul pustietăţii. E posibil ca alter ego-ul să-şi fi pierdut cumpătul, sau să fi fost doar un accident oribil.Katie was beaten over the head in the middle of nowhere.
Cât e ea de deşteaptă şi tot o băteam.A smart little college girl like that, and I was beating the crap out of her.
Dar când îl băteam pe Dokey aseară, nimic.But when I was beating Dokey last night, nothing.
Te băteam bine când mama ta a încercat să mă oprească cu o armă.I was beating you good when your mama tried to stop me with a gun.
Te băteam tare bine când mama ta a încercat să mă oprească cu arma aia pe care a adus-o în căminul nostru fericit.I was beating you real good when your mama tried to stop me with that gun... that she brought into our happy home.
Îl băteam atât de tare, încât nu mai vrea să fim prieteni.I was beating him so bad, he doesn't want to be friends anymore.
Cum te-ai simţit în timp ce-l băteai cu bastonul?How did you feel when you were beating him with the club?
Când mă băteai în spital.- When you were beating the crap out of me at the hospital.
Când îi băteai pe Dodgers în N.L.C.S.When you were beating the Dodgers in the N.L.C.S.
Frate, voi lucra... mamă, frate, dacă de acum înainte comit vreo greşeală... atunci la fel cum mă băteai când eram... copil, bate-mă aşa... frate îmi pare foarte rău, te rog frate îmi pare răuBrother, l will work.. .. mother brother if henceforth l commit any mistake.. ..then as you were beating me when l..
L-aţi văzut pe tipul pe care îl băteai ieri?Hey... you boys see the guy you were beating up on yesterday?
" dacă inima lui bătea la fel de repede ca și ei,"if his heart was beating as fast as hers,
- Cine bătea pe cine?Who was beating him up?
- Inima îi bătea numai bine.- His heart was beating fine.
- Monstrul bătea un băiat infirm.The monster was beating a crippled boy!
- O bătea?He was beating her up?
- Acela pe care tocmai ce l-ai insultat, alţi doi indivizi îl băteau şi...The one who just insulted you, two guys were beating him up, so...
A aflat că tipii ăştia 2 mă băteau.He found out these guys were beating on me
Crezi că toate victimele îşi băteau copiii?So you think what,the victims were beating their kids?
Când strămoşii tăi băteau în tobe în Africa şi fugeau după animale în picioarele goale poporul meu îl dădea lumii pe Michelangelo.While your ancestors were beating drums in Africa and chasing animals barefoot my people were giving the world Michelangelo.
Dar când mă băteau nu erai pe aici.And when they were beating me up, you weren't around.
Dl Kuharski o bătuse pe Brandi în zona feţei şi gâtului.Mr. Kuharski had beaten Brandi around the face and neck.
"Îmi auzeam inima bătând.""I could hear my heart beating.
"Îţi aud inima bătând"."I hear your heart beating.
- Aţi iubit-o bătând-o?Loved her by beating her?
- Nu o aud bătând.-I can 't hear it beating.
- Îmi auzi inima bătând? - Te descurci grozav.Can you hear my heart beating?

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