Aluneca (to slip) conjugation

41 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: slide, glide, to slide

Conjugation of aluneca

Present tense
I slip
you slip
he/she/it slips
we slip
you all slip
they slip
Present perfect tense
am alunecat
I have slipped
ai alunecat
you have slipped
a alunecat
he/she/it has slipped
am alunecat
we have slipped
ați alunecat
you all have slipped
au alunecat
they have slipped
Past preterite tense
I slipped
you slipped
he/she/it slipped
we slipped
you all slipped
they slipped
Future tense
voi aluneca
I will slip
vei aluneca
you will slip
va aluneca
he/she/it will slip
vom aluneca
we will slip
veți aluneca
you all will slip
vor aluneca
they will slip
Conditional mood
aș aluneca
I would slip
ai aluneca
you would slip
ar aluneca
he/she/it would slip
am aluneca
we would slip
ați aluneca
you all would slip
ar aluneca
they would slip
Subjunctive present tense
să alunec
(so that/if) I slip
să aluneci
(so that/if) you slip
să alunece
(so that/if) he/she/it slip
să alunecăm
(so that/if) we slip
să alunecați
(so that/if) you all slip
să alunece
(so that/if) they slip
Subjunctive past tense
să fi alunecat
(so that/if) I have slipped
să fi alunecat
(so that/if) you have slipped
să fi alunecat
(so that/if) he/she/it have slipped
să fi alunecat
(so that/if) we have slipped
să fi alunecat
(so that/if) you all have slipped
să fi alunecat
(so that/if) they have slipped
Past impf. tense
I was slipping
you were slipping
he/she/it was slipping
we were slipping
you all were slipping
they were slipping
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu aluneca
do not slip!
nu alunecați
do not slip!
Past pluperfect tense
I had slipped
you had slipped
he/she/it had slipped
we had slipped
you all had slipped
they had slipped
Future alternative 1 tense
am să alunec
I am going to slip
ai să aluneci
you are going to slip
are să alunece
he/she/it is going to slip
avem să alunecăm
we are going to slip
aveți să alunecați
you all are going to slip
au să alunece
they are going to slip
Future alternative 2 tense
o să alunec
I am going to slip
o să aluneci
you are going to slip
o să alunece
he/she/it is going to slip
o să alunecăm
we are going to slip
o să alunecați
you all are going to slip
o să alunece
they are going to slip
Future perfect tense
voi fi alunecat
I will have slipped
vei fi alunecat
you will have slipped
va fi alunecat
he/she/it will have slipped
vom fi alunecat
we will have slipped
veți fi alunecat
you all will have slipped
vor fi alunecat
they will have slipped
Future in the past tense
aveam să alunec
I was going to slip
aveai să aluneci
you were going to slip
avea să alunece
he/she/it was going to slip
aveam să alunecăm
we were going to slip
aveați să alunecați
you all were going to slip
aveau să alunece
they were going to slip
Conditional past tense
aș fi alunecat
I would have slipped
ai fi alunecat
you would have slipped
ar fi alunecat
he/she/it would have slipped
am fi alunecat
we would have slipped
ați fi alunecat
you all would have slipped
ar fi alunecat
they would have slipped
Presumptive tense
oi aluneca
I might slip
oi aluneca
you might slip
o aluneca
he/she/it might slip
om aluneca
we might slip
oți aluneca
you all might slip
or aluneca
they might slip
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi alunecând
I might be slipping
oi fi alunecând
you might be slipping
o fi alunecând
he/she/it might be slipping
om fi alunecând
we might be slipping
oți fi alunecând
you all might be slipping
or fi alunecând
they might be slipping
Presumptive past tense
oi fi alunecat
I might have slipped
oi fi alunecat
you might have slipped
o fi alunecat
he/she/it might have slipped
om fi alunecat
we might have slipped
oți fi alunecat
you all might have slipped
or fi alunecat
they might have slipped

Examples of aluneca

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Daca aluneca prosopul, tipii de la securitate ..." nu ar sti ce sa faca.If that towel slips, those guys from the security wouldn't know what to do.
" E va aluneca prin pumnii""lt will slip through your fists."
"Capatul sari-ului meu, trebuie sa fiu atenta, pentru ca sigur va aluneca...""The end of my sari, I must mind. It could surely slip.."
"Daca ai aluneca Puteti avea o cadere foarte urata. ""lf You slip, You can have a bad fall. "
"Dar grabeste-te, pentru ca aluneca."But hurry, 'cause he's slipping away.
"Bine, dac copilul alunec cu noi?""Okay if the kid slips in with us?"
- Al, alunec!- Al, I'm slipping!
- Asa si vreau, alunec...- I ought to be scared, I'm slipping.
- Aşa mă tot făcea să alunec- That's how he kept making me slip!"
- Faceţi ceva, alunec !Do something, I'm slipping!
"Dacă nu poţi păstra fericirea iluminării "şi dacă aluneci înapoi, spre contactul cu lumea externă..."If you cannot maintain the bliss of illumination and if you are slipping back into contact with the external world"...
"De două ori te-am lăsat să-mi aluneci printre degete."Twice I've let you slip through my fingers.
- Am lasat o mica pauza acolo in caz ca vrei sa aluneci si sa cazi din nou.- I left a little pause there in case you wanted to slip and fall again.
- Continui să aluneci.- Mate, you keep slipping.
- Daca aluneci, opreste-te cu toporul.-lf you slip, stop with the ax.
"Cu părul roşcat şi atât de moale, încât şaua alunecă de pe el,""Bay-colored and so smooth, the saddle slips from him,
"Kimonoul îi alunecă, descoperind o virilitate falnică.""His kimono slips down, uncovering his virility in all its pride."
"Tatăl furios alunecă şi se prăbuşeşte pe scări.""Angry Dad slips and crashes down the stairs."
"Voalul îmi alunecă..." "Inelele de la glezne zornăie..." "Brăţările îmi sună..."My veil slips away... my anklets chime... my Bangles tinkle...
- Dacă alunecă, e o întreagă lungime de frânghie.If he slips, that's an entire rope length.
"alunecăm de parcă am păşi?""that we slip, as we walk?"
- Asta înseamnă ... că noi alunecăm în spate şi în aceste condiţii... foarte curând vom dispărea în întregime cu existenţa nosatră proprie.If we slip back through time at this rate, very soon we'll all disappear up our own existence.
Dacă ni se va întâmpla ceva mie şi lui Lise.. Ştii tu, să alunecăm în baie să cădem pe scări, sau să murim din orice cauză în afară de bătrâneţe aceşti bani vor fi plătiţi anumitor oameni care vă vor elimina pe toţi.If anything should happen to Lise and me you know, slip in the shower, fall down a flight of stairs or die from anything other than old age this money will be paid to certain people who will take out each and every one of you.
Dar, ce se întâmplă dacă alunecăm, cădem?But, what if we slip, fall?
Hai să alunecăm.Let's slip.
"A alunecat ? i ? i-a spart capul.""she slipped, cracked her head.
"Am alunecat!" Chiar inainte de a muri."l slipped." Just before he died.
"Am alunecat", spunea ea, cu voce suavă."l slipped", she'd say in her quiet little voice.
"Daca am alunecat,ar fi fost big acolo sa ma prinda""if I slipped, would big be there to catch me?"
"Din nefericire, am alunecat pe podeaua uda"Unfortunately, l slipped on the wet floor
Cred că a văzut că alunecam... şi a tăiat coarda.He saw that he was slipping ... and cut the rope.
Dar ele alunecau departe.But they were slipping away.
La sfârşit, avea atâţia arginţi încât monezile îi alunecau printre degete şi se rostogoleau pe podea.By the end, she had so much silver that the coins were slipping through her fingers and rolling onto the floor.
A murit încercând să salveze un prieten care alunecase într-o prăpastie în timp ce schia în culoarul Polichinelle.He fell to his death trying to reach a friend who had slipped and fallen off a cliff while skiing the Polichinelle couloir.
Actriţă de 36 de ani, care a fermecat milioane de oameni de-a lungul carierei, dar care avea probleme grave cu alcoolul şi drogurile, alunecase, după prieteni, într-o adâncă disperare, din motive necunoscute pentru moment.The 36-year-old film star, who tantalized millions throughout her career but who was herself troubled by alcohol and drug use, had slipped, according to close friends, into a deep despondency, for reasons that are at the moment unclear.
Masca alunecase.Mask had slipped.
"... alunecând şi ieşind din umbre, fugind repede şi tăcut şi stând departe de lumina soarelui;"...slipping in and out of the shadows, running quick and quiet and keeping out of the sun;
- Da. Să mori din ceva atât de banal, alunecând pe ceai.It's just to die from something as petty as slipping on tea...
A trebuit să scoatem uşa de la baie din balamale alunecând pe biscuiţii de ciocolată.We had to take the bathroom door off the hinges slipping on Ho Hos all the way.
A început să coboare, alunecând uşor printre degetele bătrânului, iar el îi putea simţi greutatea, chiar dacă presiunea asupra degetelor era imperceptibilă.As it went down, slipping lightly through the old man's fingers... ... he could still feel the great weight... ... though the pressure of his thumb and finger were almost imperceptible.
Bunicul a murit alunecând de pe o şalupă... în timpul blocadei unioniste de la Charleston.My grandfather died slipping a sloop... through the Union blockade at Charleston.

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