Afla (to find out) conjugation

49 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: find, recognize, to recognize, get wind of, to be placed or situated

Conjugation of afla

Present tense
I find out
you find out
he/she/it finds out
we find out
you all find out
they find out
Present perfect tense
am aflat
I have found out
ai aflat
you have found out
a aflat
he/she/it has found out
am aflat
we have found out
ați aflat
you all have found out
au aflat
they have found out
Past preterite tense
I found out
you found out
he/she/it found out
we found out
you all found out
they found out
Future tense
voi afla
I will find out
vei afla
you will find out
va afla
he/she/it will find out
vom afla
we will find out
veți afla
you all will find out
vor afla
they will find out
Conditional mood
aș afla
I would find out
ai afla
you would find out
ar afla
he/she/it would find out
am afla
we would find out
ați afla
you all would find out
ar afla
they would find out
Subjunctive present tense
să aflu
(so that/if) I find out
să afli
(so that/if) you find out
să afle
(so that/if) he/she/it find out
să aflăm
(so that/if) we find out
să aflați
(so that/if) you all find out
să afle
(so that/if) they find out
Subjunctive past tense
să fi aflat
(so that/if) I have found out
să fi aflat
(so that/if) you have found out
să fi aflat
(so that/if) he/she/it have found out
să fi aflat
(so that/if) we have found out
să fi aflat
(so that/if) you all have found out
să fi aflat
(so that/if) they have found out
Past impf. tense
I was finding out
you were finding out
he/she/it was finding out
we were finding out
you all were finding out
they were finding out
Imperative mood
find out!
find out!
Imperative negative mood
nu afla
do not find out!
nu aflați
do not find out!
Past pluperfect tense
I had found out
you had found out
he/she/it had found out
we had found out
you all had found out
they had found out
Future alternative 1 tense
am să aflu
I am going to find out
ai să afli
you are going to find out
are să afle
he/she/it is going to find out
avem să aflăm
we are going to find out
aveți să aflați
you all are going to find out
au să afle
they are going to find out
Future alternative 2 tense
o să aflu
I am going to find out
o să afli
you are going to find out
o să afle
he/she/it is going to find out
o să aflăm
we are going to find out
o să aflați
you all are going to find out
o să afle
they are going to find out
Future perfect tense
voi fi aflat
I will have found out
vei fi aflat
you will have found out
va fi aflat
he/she/it will have found out
vom fi aflat
we will have found out
veți fi aflat
you all will have found out
vor fi aflat
they will have found out
Future in the past tense
aveam să aflu
I was going to find out
aveai să afli
you were going to find out
avea să afle
he/she/it was going to find out
aveam să aflăm
we were going to find out
aveați să aflați
you all were going to find out
aveau să afle
they were going to find out
Conditional past tense
aș fi aflat
I would have found out
ai fi aflat
you would have found out
ar fi aflat
he/she/it would have found out
am fi aflat
we would have found out
ați fi aflat
you all would have found out
ar fi aflat
they would have found out
Presumptive tense
oi afla
I might find out
oi afla
you might find out
o afla
he/she/it might find out
om afla
we might find out
oți afla
you all might find out
or afla
they might find out
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi aflând
I might be finding out
oi fi aflând
you might be finding out
o fi aflând
he/she/it might be finding out
om fi aflând
we might be finding out
oți fi aflând
you all might be finding out
or fi aflând
they might be finding out
Presumptive past tense
oi fi aflat
I might have found out
oi fi aflat
you might have found out
o fi aflat
he/she/it might have found out
om fi aflat
we might have found out
oți fi aflat
you all might have found out
or fi aflat
they might have found out

Examples of afla

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Şi e îngrozită. Îngrozită că mama ei va afla despre grup.And she's terrified... terrified that her mom's gonna find out about group.
" Dar ce vor spune Părinţii atunci când vor afla.""But what will your parents say when they find out."
"A fost timp pentru a afla ce Griffin ştia."'It was time to find out what Griffin knew.'
"Cine s-ar afla" este, de asemenea, în cazul în care vom găsi adesea probleme."Who would find out" is also where we frequently find trouble.
"Cumpără un bilet acum şi vei afla dacă Marilyn este blondă naturală.""Buy your tickets now and find out if Marilyn's a natural blonde."
"Facă o faci, Kevin Hubble, şi aflu vreodată...!""Well, if you do, Kevin Hubble, and I ever find out!"
"L-au asasinat pe Pop şi eu credeam că a făcut-o Johnny" "şi trebuia să aflu imediat."But Pop had been killed, and I had a feeling Johnny'd done it, and I had to find out... now.
"O să aflu cine are dreptate."Going to find out who's right.
"O să îl urmăresc puţin, să aflu unde locuieşte...""I'll follow him a while, find out where he lives..."
"Trebuie sa stiu, trebuie sa aflu?"Must know, must find out, what's in it?
! O să afli mai încolo...You'll find out.
"De ce nu rămâi pe aici ca să afli şi tu?"So he says, you know, "Why not stick around and find out?"
"Este prea mult pentru tine ca să afli.""That's up to you to find out."
"Nu-i aşa că ai vrea să afli?""Don't you kinda wanna find out?"
"O sa afli oricum, asa ca iti spun eu acum"You'll find out anyway, so I'm telling you now.
! Wilansky te va omorî dacă află.Wilansky will kill you if he finds out.
"Baskin Robbins" află întotdeauna, frate.Baskin Robbins always finds out, bro.
"Baskin Robbins" află întotdeauna.Baskin Robbins always finds out.
"Dacă află cine eşti, nu te putem salva."'If he finds out who you are, we can't rescue you.'
"În cazul în care unchiul meu află, mă va folosi pentru a controla toate vampiri"If my uncle finds out, he will use me to control all vampires
! Dă-ne o şansă, măcar să aflăm dacă am dat de ceva!Give us a shot, at least till we find out if there's anything here.
""...pentrutotdeauna,toatăsupunerea..."" ar fi bine să aflăm ce înseamnă asta.""... for ever' all allegiance... "" we better find out what that means.
"Ar trebui" nu ajunge. Să aflăm sigur.Let's find out for sure.
"Casey, trebuie să mergem înăuntru şi să aflăm pentru cine lucrează."Casey,we have to go back and find out who they work for.
"Hai să aflăm dacă ceea ce cred eu că avem este adevărat"."Let's find out if what I think we have is real."
! Pentru că asta am aflat căutând prin apelurile de pe telefonul doctorului.Because that's what I found out digging through the doctor's cell phone records.
" .. trebuie să aveți aflat că m-am dus acolo "' must have found out that l went there too.'
"Am aflat ca nu el a servit doar pe echipa de tranzitie a administratiei Bush... ca el este o persoana care a scris o nota proiect de instalare a lui Bush administratiei Consiliul National de Securitate..."We have found out that he not only served on the transition team of the Bush administration... that he is a person who wrote a draft memo for the setup of the Bush administration's National Security Council...
"Am aflat cu mult timp în urma""I found out long ago"
"Am aflat cu mult timp în urmă""I found out long ago"
Acesta vă poate ajuta să aflați despre tine șisăvă ajutecualegereacariereiIt can help you find out about yourself and help you with career choices.
Bine, ascultă, trebuie să vorbești cu el, ca să aflați dacă voi chiar aveți sentimente diferite...Okay, all right, listen, you have got to talk to him, so you can find out if you guys even want different things...
Când vă aflați în spital, vei afla cine sunt prietenii tăi.When you're in the hospital, you find out who your friends are.
Deci, dacă doriți să aflați adevărul , trebuie să vorbești cu ea.So if you want to find out the truth, you have to talk to her.
E ca unul dintre acele filme în cazul în care vă aflați oraselul e plin de zombi .It's like one of those movies where you find out the little town's full of zombies.
Ceva mai înainte aflasem că nevastă-mea avea o relaţie cu instructorul ei de tenis.Earlier that day, I had found out my wife was having an affair with her tennis instructor.
- Shannon! care aflase că el o înşelase cu Najgalia.who had found out he had cheated on her with Nazhgalia.
Compania aflase de întrunirea noastră şi a trimis aceşti spioni.The company had found out about our meeting and sent these spies.
Dar fiica ta aflase despre Lily.But your daughter had found out about Lily.
Dar m-am dus la el, în Fort Myer, după petrecere, deoarece eram îngrijorat că senatorul Prentice aflase despre alarmă.But I went to his quarters in Ft. Myer after the party because I was concerned that Senator Prentice had found out about the alert.
Giulia aflase.Giulia had found out.
Colegii lui aflaseră.His peers had found out.
Era tare supărată. Părinţii ei aflaseră de accidentul de maşină şi îi luaseră cheile...Her parents had found out about the car accident, taken her keys... forbidden her from driving.
Zicea că amicii ei din bandă aflaseră că ea colabora cu poliţia, iar Tito avea de gând s-o omoare.She said that her gang buddies had found out she was working with the police, and Tito was going to kill her.
A fost greu pentru ea- toată lumea aflând despre aventura ei. Da, îmi pot imagina.It's been really tough on her... everybody finding out about the affair.
A spus că e un portret al Fecioarei Maria aflând că va fi mama lui Dumnezeu.He said it was a picture of the Virgin Mary finding out she's going to be God's mother.
Aflând cum sunt celelalte planete, aflând dacă exista civilizaţii pe planetele altor stele, restabilim un context semnificativ pentru noi înşine.By finding out what the other planets are like, by finding out whether there are civilizations on planets of other stars, we reestablish a meaningful context for ourselves.
Aşa că aflând ce s-a întâmplat la Universitatea din Washington - distrugerea masivă a unei librării.So finding out what eventually happened at University of Washington... the massive destruction to a library.
Citind acele secrete, aflând despre greşeala cu Donna...Readin' those secrets, finding out about the Donna mistake.

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