Injisere (to inject) conjugation

26 examples

Conjugation of injisere

Bokmål present tense
I inject
Bokmål past tense
I injected
Bokmål future tense
vil injisere
I will inject
Bokmål conditional tense
ville injisere
I would inject
Bokmål imperative tense
I inject
Bokmål present perfect tense
har injisert
I have injected
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde injisert
I had injected
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha injisert
I will have injected
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha injisert
I would have injected

Examples of injisere

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Den hellige gral av orgel erstatning er å finne en måte å injisere pasienter med vev som kan bli uansett organ er nødvendig.The Holy Grail of organ replacement is to find a way to inject patients with tissue that can become whatever organ is needed.
Hvis jeg hadde en gyldig sjanse - til å injisere dette i meg selv, - å gi meg selv krefter, - så kunne jeg kanskje forhindret det.If I had had a legitimate chance To inject myself with this, To give myself the power,
La henne gå. Inn i solnedgangen for å injisere en annen familie med giften sin.Let her go, off into the sunset to inject another family with her poison!
Vi kan fjerne væsken for så å injisere adrenalinet i hjertet.I am proposing first to withdraw the fluid and then to inject the adrenaline to stimulate the heart and restore normal activity.
Forsøk som bestod i å injisere foreldreløse barn med poliovirus. For å utvikle en vaksine.Trials which involved injecting orphaned children with the polio virus... in order to develop a vaccine.
Fase 1 består i å forminske ubåten, med mannskapet og kirurgiskt team og injisere i halspulsåren.Phase one calls for miniaturising a submarine, with crew and surgical team, and injecting it into the carotid artery.
Den hellige gral av orgel erstatning er å finne en måte å injisere pasienter med vev som kan bli uansett organ er nødvendig.The Holy Grail of organ replacement is to find a way to inject patients with tissue that can become whatever organ is needed.
Skal du injisere det?Will you inject it?
-Da må vi klatre 30 etasjer ned og injisere nanittene direkte inn i hjernen hennes.-We'd have to climb down 30 stories to inject the nanites directly into her brain. Why?
Hvis jeg hadde en gyldig sjanse - til å injisere dette i meg selv, - å gi meg selv krefter, - så kunne jeg kanskje forhindret det.If I had had a legitimate chance To inject myself with this, To give myself the power,
Så setter vi et kirurgiskt team og mannskap i en ubåt, forminsker den skikkelig og injiserer den i en arterie.So we'll put a surgical team and crew into a submarine, reduce it way down in size and inject it into an artery.
Jo flere vi injiserer... jo mer serum får vi.The more people we inject... the more serum we'll get.
Han injiserer ei jente i hjel og skjærer ut øynene på henne.First he injects a dead bride in Trelleborg
Vi injiserer en isotop som går til hjernen og fungerer som markør.We inject you with an isotope, migrates to your brain serves as a marker.
Brodden løsner fra tunga og injiserer eggene.The stinger detaches itself from the tongue and injects the eggs.
Jeg tok blodet fra en difteripasient... og injiserte blodet i en hest.I took the blood of a patient with diphtheria and injected the blood into a horse.
Han injiserte det.Well, he injected it.
- Du injiserte dyret med utestet materiale.- You injected an untested compound.
Eller så ble han dopet før noen injiserte ham med noe.Or someone slipped him the sedative So he wouldn't struggle when he was injected with something.
-Var det hun som injiserte deg?- She the one who injected you?
Lad sprøytene med ampulene og injiser det i dere selv.Load a vial into each syringe and inject yourselves. - What is it?
- Wahlström ble injisert med ...Wahlstrom, was injected with...
Pasienten ble injisert klokken 0.03.Subject was injected with study agent at 003.
De har laget noe som blir injisert i halsen.The narcotic is injected into the neck.
Fant du ut om han ble injisert med noe?Guess you weren't able to find out If he was injected with anything.
- Vi har ikke injisert det ennå!Pass over the new heart. But we haven't injected it yet.

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