Iddeskriva (to describe) conjugation

13 examples

Conjugation of iddeskriva

Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
I am describing
you are describing
he is describing
she is describing
we are describing
you all are describing
they are describing
Perfect tense
I have described
you have described
he has described
she has described
we have described
you all have described
they have described

Examples of iddeskriva

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
Buzek iddeskriva l-elezzjoni tiegħu bħala miżura ta’‘kemm inbidlet l-Ewropa’ u bħala ‘sinjal’ għallpajjiżi talEwropa ċentrali tallvant li ssieħbu flUE fl-2004 u fl2007 li: “M’għadx hemm aħna u intom. Issa nistgħu b’vuċi soda ngħidu — li għandna Ewropa magħquda,”.Buzek described his election as a measure of‘how our Europe has changed’and as‘a sign’for the central and eastern European countries which joined the EU in 2004 and 2007: ‘There is no longer an us and you.This time we can stand firm and say — we have a united Europe,’he said.
Elendt (1990) iddeskriva l-midjum “M4”.Elendt (1990) has described the “M4” medium.
Fl-4 ta’ Diċembru 2009, l-Istat tal-Pajjiżi l-Baxxi ssottometta lill-Kummissjoni l-ewwel verżjoni [9] ta’ pjan ta’ ristrutturar għal ABN AMRO Group (il-“Pjan ta’ Ristrutturar ta’ Diċembru 2009”), l-entità l-ġdida li rriżultat mill-fużjoni bejn FBN u ABN AMRO N. Dak il-pjan iddeskriva l-istrateġija tal-entità l-ġdida u kien fih ukoll projezzjonijiet finanzjarji għal xenarju bażi.On 4 December 2009, the Dutch State submitted to the Commission a first version [9] of a restructuring plan for ABN AMRO Group (the ‘December 2009 Restructuring Plan’), the new entity resulting from the merger between FBN and ABN AMRO N. That plan described the new entity’s strategy and also contained financial projections for a base case scenario.
Gal Taljan iddeskriva lesperjenza relattivament twila tiegħu f’ħidma bil-metodu talLeader u integraha b’dan il-mod: “L-applikazzjoni ta’ listess metodu talLeader biex ikunu żviluppati azzjonijiet li jkollhom l-appoġġ ta’ programmi oħra, ħallietu b’mod partikulari jegħleb xi “limiti” ta’ l-ambjent innifsu talLeader (limitazzjoni ta’ żmien, riżorsi ekonomiċi u inibizzjoni minn xi tipi ta’ inizjattiva minħabba xi regoli s pe ċi ë ċi , eċċ.), u li jikseb riżultati eċċellenti, iqiegħed problemi u prattika tajba ta’ żoni rurali f’kuntesti usa’, u jimxi ’l quddiem bi programm konsistenti, unitarju u sostenibbli”.An Italian LAG described their relatively long experience from working with the Leader method and mainstreaming it in this manner:‘The application of the same Leader method to develop actions supported by other programmes has in particular allowed it to overcome some “limits” of the Leader environment itself (limitation of time, economic resources and inhibition of some types of initiative due to some spe-ci c rules, etc), and to obtain excellent results, put problems and good practices of rural areas into wider contexts, and proceed with a consistent, unitary and sustainable development programme.’
Għal PT, il- mudell ta ’ interċett lineari ġeneralment iddeskriva t- tagħrif aħjar.For PT, the linear intercept model generally described the data better.
B’mod partikolari, iddeskrivi l-awtoritajiet kompetenti maħsuba biex jidentifikaw il-faċilitajiet tal-E-PRTR u biex jiġbru t-tagħrif dwar ir-rilaxxi tal-inkwinanti minn sorsi prinċipali.In particular, describe the competent authorities designed to identify E-PRTR facilities and collect information on releases of pollutant from point sources.
B’mod partikolari, iddeskrivi l-miżuri adottati mill-Istati Membri skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Artikolu 20 biex jiżguraw li r-regoli jew il-penali huma effettivi, proporzjonati u konvinċenti u x’kienet l-esperjenza tal-applikazzjoni tagħhom.In particular, describe the measures adopted by Member States according to the provisions of Article 20 to ensure that the rules on penalties are effective, proportionate and dissuasive and what was the experience of their application.
B’refenza għall-Artikolu 2(g), jekk jogħġbok iddeskrivi kif il-kondizzjonijiet materjali ta’ akkoljenza huma pprovduti (jiġifieri liema kondizzjonijiet materjali ta’ akkoljenza huma pprovduti in natura, fi flus jew f’kumbinazzjoni ta’ dawk l-elementi) u indika l-livell tal-konċessjoni tal-ispejjeż ta’ kuljum ipprovduta lill-applikanti.With reference to Article 2(g), please describe how material reception conditions are provided (i.e. which material reception conditions are provided in kind, in money, in vouchers or in a combination of those elements) and indicate the level of the daily expenses allowance provided to applicants.
Fejn din id-dejta hija disponibbli, jekk jogħġbok iddeskrivi l-ħsibijiet għall-għoti tad-deroga/i għal għadd ta’ każijiet rappreżentattivi kif ukoll għall-informazzjoni li ġejja:Where these data are available, please describe the reasoning for granting the derogation(s) for a number of representative cases, as well as the following information:
Fil-każ ta’ modifiki barra l-inseriment jew it-tħassir, iddeskrivi l-funzjoni tal-materjal ġenetikament modifikat qabel u wara l-modifika, kif ukoll il-bidliet diretti f’espressjoni tal-ġeni bħala riżultat tal-modifikaIn the case of modifications other than insertion or deletion, describe function of the modified genetic material before and after the modification, as well as direct changes in expression of genes as a result of the modification
Id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2008/602/KE tas-17 ta’ Ġunju 2008 li tistabbilixxi l-arkitettura fiżika u r-rekwiżiti tal-interfaces nazzjonali u tal-infrastruttura ta’ komunikazzjoni bejn il-VIS Ċentrali u l-interfaces nazzjonali għall-fażi tal-iżvilupp [3] iddeskriviet is-servizzi ta’ sigurtà meħtieġa applikabbli għan-netwerk tal-VIS.Commission Decision 2008/602/EC of 17 June 2008 laying down the physical architecture and requirements of the national interfaces and of the communication infrastructure between the central VIS and the national interfaces for the development phase [3] has described the required security services applicable for the network for VIS.
B'mod partikolari, fit-tweġiba tiegħu għall-kwestjonarju, il-GTĊ iddikjara li “s-self lill-industrija kkonċernata jammonta għal sehem żgħir ħafna tas-self totali mogħti. Pereżempju, uħud mill-banek fil-kwestjonarju tal-appendiċi tagħhom iddeskrivew li s-self mogħti lill-industrija kkonċernata kien jammonta għal inqas minn 1 % tas-self totali”.In particular, the GOC in its reply to the questionnaire stated that ‘the loans to the industry concerned account for very small portion of the total loans granted. For example, some banks have described in their appendix questionnaire that the loans granted to the industry concerned accounted for less than 1 % of total loans’.
Madankollu, wħud iddeskrivew lill-UE bħala ġgant ekonomiku imma nanu politiku.However, some have described the EU as an economic giant but a political dwarf.

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