Approfittarsi (to take advantage) conjugation

49 examples

Conjugation of approfittarsi

Present tense
mi approfitto
I take advantage
ti approfitti
you take advantage
si approfitta
he/she/it takes advantage
ci approfittiamo
we take advantage
vi approfittate
you all take advantage
si approfittano
they take advantage
Present perfect tense
mi sono approfittato
I have taken advantage
ti sei approfittato
you have taken advantage
si è approfittato
he/she/it has taken advantage
ci siamo approfittati
we have taken advantage
vi siete approfittati
you all have taken advantage
si sono approfittati
they have taken advantage
Past preterite tense
mi approfittai
I took advantage
ti approfittasti
you took advantage
si approfittò
he/she/it took advantage
ci approfittammo
we took advantage
vi approfittaste
you all took advantage
si approfittarono
they took advantage
Future tense
mi approfitterò
I will take advantage
ti approfitterai
you will take advantage
si approfitterà
he/she/it will take advantage
ci approfitteremo
we will take advantage
vi approfitterete
you all will take advantage
si approfitteranno
they will take advantage
Conditional mood
mi approfitterei
I would take advantage
ti approfitteresti
you would take advantage
si approfitterebbe
he/she/it would take advantage
ci approfitteremmo
we would take advantage
vi approfittereste
you all would take advantage
si approfitterebbero
they would take advantage
Past impf. tense
mi approfittavo
I used to take advantage
ti approfittavi
you used to take advantage
si approfittava
he/she/it used to take advantage
ci approfittavamo
we used to take advantage
vi approfittavate
you all used to take advantage
si approfittavano
they used to take advantage
Past perfect tense
mi ero approfittato
I had taken advantage
ti eri approfittato
you had taken advantage
si era approfittato
he/she/it had taken advantage
ci eravamo approfittati
we had taken advantage
vi eravate approfittati
you all had taken advantage
si erano approfittati
they had taken advantage
Future perfect tense
mi sarò approfittato
I will have taken advantage
ti sarai approfittato
you will have taken advantage
si sarà approfittato
he/she/it will have taken advantage
ci saremo approfittati
we will have taken advantage
vi sarete approfittati
you all will have taken advantage
si saranno approfittati
they will have taken advantage
Present subjunctive tense
mi approfitti
(if/so that) I take advantage
ti approfitti
(if/so that) you take advantage
si approfitti
(if/so that) he/she/it take advantage
ci approfittiamo
(if/so that) we take advantage
vi approfittiate
(if/so that) you all take advantage
si approfittino
(if/so that) they take advantage
Present perf. subjunctive tense
mi sia approfittato
I have taken advantage
ti sia approfittato
you have taken advantage
si sia approfittato
he/she/it has taken advantage
ci siamo approfittati
we have taken advantage
vi siate approfittati
you all have taken advantage
si siano approfittati
they have taken advantage
Imperative mood
take advantage!
si approfitti
take advantage!
let's take advantage!
take advantage!
si approfittino
take advantage!
Conditional perfect tense
mi sarei approfittato
I would have taken advantage
ti saresti approfittato
you would have taken advantage
si sarebbe approfittato
he/she/it would have taken advantage
ci saremmo approfittati
we would have taken advantage
vi sareste approfittati
you all would have taken advantage
si sarebbero approfittati
they would have taken advantage

Examples of approfittarsi

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
- Cerca di approfittarsi di noi, Haley.She's trying to take advantage of us, Haley.
- Scusa, e' che tante persone cercano solo di approfittarsi di me, perche'...It's just a lot of people try to take advantage of me 'cause of who my daddy is.
- Sta cercando di approfittarsi di me.- You're trying to take advantage of me.
Atticus Finch,sta cercando di approfittarsi di me!That Atticus Finch, he's tryin' to take advantage of me !
Brice sta cercando di approfittarsi di te.Brice is trying to take advantage of you.
Ho 15 anni, mi approfitto della buona fede di chiunque.I'm 15. I'll take advantage of anyone who'll let me.
Io non mi approfitto mai delle povere e virtuose.I never take advantage of the poor or the virtuous.
Mi piacerebbe darti una lezione, ma non mi approfitto mai di un paziente che si sta riprendendo in un letto d'ospedale.Uh, as much as I'd like to whup you, I'd never take advantage of a recovering patient in a hospital bed.
lo non mi approfitto di un bel niente.I'm not trying to take advantage of anything.
E ora vedi qualcuno che cerca di trovare la sua strada e ti approfitti della sua debolezza.And now you see someone which seeks to find its way you take advantage of their weakness.
Ed e' meglio se non ti approfitti di lei mentre non ci sono, o quando torno ti faccio male di brutto.And you better not take advantage of her while I'm gone, or I'll come back and seriously hurt you.
Io sono facile da manipolare, perche' non ti approfitti di me?I'm easy to manipulate. Why don't women take advantage of me?
Rinunci a qualunque tipo di diritto verso tutti e tutto, quando ti approfitti di una quindicenne innocente.You give up all rights to anything and everything when you take advantage of an innocent 15-year-old girl.
È una donna con un promettente e luminoso futuro e non ho nessuna intenzione di tollerare che tu ti approfitti di lei.She's a woman with a bright and promising future and l'm not gonna have you come here and take advantage of her.
- Scarlet, nessuno oltre a me si approfitta della mia ex moglie.Scarlet, nobody takes advantage of my ex-wife other than me.
Avresti dovuto essere il suo insegnante, non uno psicopatico che si approfitta di una ragazzina che non riconoscerebbe una relazione sana neanche se ce l'avesse seduta di fianco!You were supposed to be her teacher, not some sicko who takes advantage of a kid who wouldn't know a healthy relationship if she was sitting next to it in study hall.
E si approfitta delle donne, quindi, da amico...And he takes advantage of women, So, as a friend... Whoa.
E' solo che non mi piace quando qualcuno si approfitta di te.i just don't like it when anyone takes advantage of you.
Il paziente sente di averne diritto, tende a sfruttare gli altri, si approfitta degli altri per i suoi scopi.patient has a sense of entitlement, is exploitative, and takes advantage of others to his own end.
- No, abbiamo già approfittato troppo di voi.- No! No, we've taken advantage of you already.
- Si e' approfittato di te in qualche modo.He's taken advantage of you somehow. He hasn't.
Ad oggi, oltre 400 persone hanno approfittato di questa meravigliosa opportunita'.Over 400 people have taken advantage of this wonderful opportunity to date.
Avete approfittato dei finanziamenti governativi.You've taken advantage of government funding.
Avete approfittato di questioni riservate che vi hanno concesso.You have taken advantage ofconfidenfial matters afforded you.
So anche che, contrariamente alle regole, vi approfittate della scarsità di cibo, per vendere a prezzi altissimi.I'm further informed that contrary to regulations you take advantage of the food shortage, to sell at outrageous prices.
E dopo con la scusa di cercare aiuto si approfittano delle ragazze.And then with an excuse of seeking help.. .. they take advantage of girls.
E queste persone, certe volte... si approfittano delle persone buone... come noi.And these people, sometimes ... take advantage of good people ... like us.
Il mio problema sono i ragazzi come te, che si approfittano delle ragazze che vogliono essere trattate bene.My problem is guys like you who want to take advantage of girls who want to be treated right.
Le persone si approfittano di te.People take advantage of you.
Perche' le persone si approfittano sempre di me?Wh... why do people always take advantage of me?
Ci sono insetti che si approfitteranno di voi.And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you.
I padroni si approfitteranno di questa situazione.The masters will take advantage of this situation.
Ora pensa che lo stesso ragazzo si approfitterebbe di lei da sbronza?Now you think the same guy would take advantage of her when she's drunk?
- E' rock and roll. E'... E' stata una mia decisione, non lascero' che qualcuno si approfitti di te, ok?I understand it... listen, Amber, it was my decision, and I'm not gonna stand by and let somebody take advantage of you.
- Non si approfitti di me.Don't take advantage of me.
AVANZA CON NOI FATTI VISITARE DA ZOE Mi rifiuto di stare a guardare e lasciare che Brick si approfitti della mia unica figlia.I refuse to stand by and let Brick take advantage of my only daughter.
Amanda vede sempre il meglio delle persone, e non voglio che Nate si approfitti di lei.Amanda always sees the best in people, and I don't want Nate to take advantage of her.
Beh, non voglio che nessuno si approfitti di voi due.Well, I don't want anyone to take advantage of you two.
A me non piace che le persone si approfittino di mio marito.I don't like when people take advantage of my husband.
A meno che non si approfittino di coloro che invece lo sono.As long as they don't take advantage of the ones who are.
Abbiamo tutto iI necessario per non rimanere nella povertà ma l'ignoranza sulla storia del nostro paese permette che i nostri goveranti si approfittino di noi... ... ...Esattamente come fecero gli spagnoli quando arrivarono in Messico.We have everything We need to stop living in poverty but our lack of knowledge about our history allows those Who govern us to take advantage of us just like When the Spaniards came to Mexico.
Beh, allora potreste fare in modo che si approfittino di me.Well, then maybe you can get them to take advantage of me.
Clara... non importa dove vai o quello che fai, non devi lasciare che le persone si approfittino di te.Clara... no matter where you go, or what you do, you mustn't let people take advantage of you.
Si sono... approfittati di te o...Did they take advantage of you or...
Trova una ragazza dolce,carina e innocente e approfittati di lei.You find a nice, sweet, innocent girl - and you take advantage of her!
E che sono entrati qui approfittandosi della nostra buona fede.And they came here taking advantage of our good faith.
Ho trovato il tuo nome nel computer di mio padre e ho pensato che forse si stava intascando dei soldi approfittandosi di te, e cosi' ti ho ingaggiata per farti lavorare in ufficio.I found you in my dad's computer. And I thought that maybe he was embezzling money and taking advantage of you, and that's why I hired you to do your work at the office.
Stanno solo approfittandosi di te.They're just taking advantage of you.
È deplorevole che dalla fine della guerra ... le donne sono avanzate, approfittandosi del galateo.It's been deplorable since the war Women have become so forward, taking advantage of etiquette

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