Telja (to count) conjugation

70 examples
This verb can also mean the following: think syn, believe

Conjugation of telja

Present tense
I count
you count
he/she/it counts
we count
you all count
they count
Past tense
I counted
you counted
he/she/it counted
we counted
you all counted
they counted
Future tense
mun telja
I will count
munt telja
you will count
mun telja
he/she/it will count
munum telja
we will count
munuð telja
you all will count
munu telja
they will count
Conditional mood
mundi telja
I would count
mundir telja
you would count
mundi telja
he/she/it would count
mundum telja
we would count
munduð telja
you all would count
mundu telja
they would count
Present continuous tense
er að telja
I am counting
ert að telja
you are counting
er að telja
he/she/it is counting
erum að telja
we are counting
eruð að telja
you all are counting
eru að telja
they are counting
Past continuous tense
var að telja
I was counting
varst að telja
you were counting
var að telja
he/she/it was counting
vorum að telja
we were counting
voruð að telja
you all were counting
voru að telja
they were counting
Future continuous tense
mun vera að telja
I will be counting
munt vera að telja
you will be counting
mun vera að telja
he/she/it will be counting
munum vera að telja
we will be counting
munuð vera að telja
you all will be counting
munu vera að telja
they will be counting
Present perfect tense
hef talið
I have counted
hefur talið
you have counted
hefur talið
he/she/it has counted
höfum talið
we have counted
hafið talið
you all have counted
hafa talið
they have counted
Past perfect tense
hafði talið
I had counted
hafðir talið
you had counted
hafði talið
he/she/it had counted
höfðum talið
we had counted
höfðuð talið
you all had counted
höfðu talið
they had counted
Future perf.
mun hafa talið
I will have counted
munt hafa talið
you will have counted
mun hafa talið
he/she/it will have counted
munum hafa talið
we will have counted
munuð hafa talið
you all will have counted
munu hafa talið
they will have counted
Conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa talið
I would have counted
mundir hafa talið
you would have counted
mundi hafa talið
he/she/it would have counted
mundum hafa talið
we would have counted
munduð hafa talið
you all would have counted
mundu hafa talið
they would have counted
Mediopassive present tense
I count
you count
he/she/it counts
we count
you all count
they count
Mediopassive past tense
I counted
you counted
he/she/it counted
we counted
you all counted
they counted
Mediopassive future tense
mun teljast
I will count
munt teljast
you will count
mun teljast
he/she/it will count
munum teljast
we will count
munuð teljast
you all will count
munu teljast
they will count
Mediopassive conditional mood
mundir teljast
you would count
mundi teljast
he/she/it would count
mundum teljast
we would count
munduð teljast
you all would count
mundu teljast
they would count
Mediopassive present continuous tense
er að teljast
I am counting
ert að teljast
you are counting
er að teljast
he/she/it is counting
erum að teljast
we are counting
eruð að teljast
you all are counting
eru að teljast
they are counting
Mediopassive past continuous tense
var að teljast
I was counting
varst að teljast
you were counting
var að teljast
he/she/it was counting
vorum að teljast
we were counting
voruð að teljast
you all were counting
voru að teljast
they were counting
Mediopassive future continuous tense
mun vera að teljast
I will be counting
munt vera að teljast
you will be counting
mun vera að teljast
he/she/it will be counting
munum vera að teljast
we will be counting
munuð vera að teljast
you all will be counting
munu vera að teljast
they will be counting
Mediopassive present perfect tense
hef talist
I have counted
hefur talist
you have counted
hefur talist
he/she/it has counted
höfum talist
we have counted
hafið talist
you all have counted
hafa talist
they have counted
Mediopassive past perfect tense
hafði talist
I had counted
hafðir talist
you had counted
hafði talist
he/she/it had counted
höfðum talist
we had counted
höfðuð talist
you all had counted
höfðu talist
they had counted
Mediopassive future perfect tense
mun hafa talist
I will have counted
munt hafa talist
you will have counted
mun hafa talist
he/she/it will have counted
munum hafa talist
we will have counted
munuð hafa talist
you all will have counted
munu hafa talist
they will have counted
Mediopassive conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa talist
I would have counted
mundir hafa talist
you would have counted
mundi hafa talist
he/she/it would have counted
mundum hafa talist
we would have counted
munduð hafa talist
you all would have counted
mundu hafa talist
they would have counted
Imperative mood
Mediopassive imperative mood

Examples of telja

Example in IcelandicTranslation in English
Allir sem eru stoltir af að telja þig með vinum sínum rétti upp hendi.And is proud as can be to count him in the number of their friends, just raise their hands.
En áður en hún gat byrjað að telja peningana ákváðu strákarnir heima að útkljá málið fjarri dómsölunum.But before she could start countin' her money... the boys back home decided to settle the case out of court.
-Ætlarðu að telja þá?- Are you gonna count it?
-Þú kannt að telja á fingrum þér.- You have fingers to count.
Það er satt að þótt verið sé að telja yfir mafíunni kalla ég þetta ekki bardaga.While it is true that the Mob is getting a standing eight-count... ...I wouldn 't call the fight.
Allir sem eru stoltir af að telja þig með vinum sínum rétti upp hendi.And is proud as can be to count him in the number of their friends, just raise their hands.
En áður en hún gat byrjað að telja peningana ákváðu strákarnir heima að útkljá málið fjarri dómsölunum.But before she could start countin' her money... the boys back home decided to settle the case out of court.
Ég er orđinn ūreyttur á ađ telja alla ūessa peninga!I'm tired just thinkin' about counting' all of this money.
-Ég skal telja ūá.I'll count it for you.
Vondu kallarnir myndu telja þá og líklega drepa okkur.Bad guys would count it, come up short, probably kill us.
Ég tel ūau.I count them.
Ég tel upp að þrem, litli minn. Einn!You got to the count of three, little man.
- Ég tel upp að þremur.I'm going to give you until the count of three.
Ég tel upp í fimm.Now, I'm going to count to five.
Ég tel upp ađ ūremur.All right, on the count of three, fellas.
Mađur telur: "Einn, tveir, ūrír, einn, tveir, ūrír einn, tveir, ūrír og..."You count, "One, two, three, and one, two, three and one, two, three, and..."
-Ūetta telur ekki.-I don't think that one counts.
Hann var feigur, svo það telur ekki.lf he was going to die anyway, it doesn't count.
- Þrisvar ef þú telur...- Three times if you count a...
Powell ofursti, herra... Hvað sem þú telur að ég skuldi þér eða þjóð okkar eða nokkrum öðrum göfugum málstað hef ég nú þegar goldið.Colonel Powell, sir, whatever it is you suppose I owe you, our country or any other beloved cause,
Viđ teljum spil og vinnum helling af peningum.We count cards, we win a lot of money.
Flaugin á fara á loft eftir tíu sekúndur. Viđ teljum niđur.You are confirmed at T-minus ten seconds... and counting.
Herrar mínir og frúr, viđ teljum nú atkvæđin aftur...... og komum ķđar til baka, svo fariđ ekki burt.Ladies and gentlemen, we' re gonna recount the votes...... and we' il be right back, so don' t go away.
Viđ teljum ađ međ réttu stjķrninni ásamt stuđningi gætu samtökin orđiđ afar áhrifamikiđ afl í landi ūínu.We believe that, with the right kind of direction and support the RFF could become a very influential force in your country.
Við teljum kassa eftir kennileitum.[BEN]: We'll count off blocks from landmarks.
Spyrjið einskis og teljið líkin!Take no names and count the bodies!
Eins og keppandi á Ólympíuleikum taldi hún hverja kaloríu, fór alltaf í rúmið klukkan níu.Like an athlete training for the Olympics, she counted every calorie, went to bed every night at nine.
En ég taldi ūađ í ein fimm ár.But I counted it as one for five years.
Ūrjár milljķnir. Ég taldi ūađ tvisvar.I counted it twice.
Þrjár milljónir. Ég taldi það tvisvar.I counted it twice.
- Ég taldi þær sjálfur.- I counted myself.
Svo þú taldir upp að fimm.So you counted to five.
Þeir sex, sem enn er saknað, eru taldir vopnaðir og hættulegir.The six unaccounted for are to be considered armed and dangerous.
Ūeir sex, sem enn er saknađ, eru taldir vopnađir og hættulegir.The six unaccounted for are to be considered armed and dangerous.
321 mættir, 83 á spítala, 404 menn mættir eða taldir.321 present, 83 in hospital, 404 men present or accounted for.
321 mættir, 83 á spítala, 404 menn mættir eđa taldir.321 present, 83 in hospital, 404 men present or accounted for.
Kapteinn, við töldum súrefnisgeymana.Captain, we've just counted the oxygen containers.
Viđ töldum ađeins ellefu.We counted only eleven.
Kapteinn, viđ töldum súrefnisgeymana.Captain, we've just counted the oxygen containers.
Vió töldum aóeins ellefu.We counted only 1 1 .
Við gleymdum honum ekki en töldum bara vitlaust.We didn't forget him, we just miscounted.
Í smíđi. Sem telst eiginlega ekki fag.In wood shop, which doesn't really count as a class anyway.
Ūetta telst ekki sem dráp.That does not count as a kill. Yes it does.
Ūessi telst bara sem einn!That still only counts as one!
Mamma var klappstýra... ...sem telst nú varla með, en segðu henni ekki að ég hafi sagt það.Mom was a cheerleader, which doesn't exactly count but don't tell her I said that. - Okay?
Þessi telst minn!That one counts as mine!
Ef ég biðst afsökunar þegar þú miðar byssu á mig held ég að hún teljist ekki með.Zip, if I apologize to you when you have a gun pointed at my throat, then I don't think it really counts. (CHUCKLES)
Ef ég biđst afsökunar ūegar ūú miđar byssu á mig held ég ađ hún teljist ekki međ.Zip, if I apologize to you when you have a gun pointed at my throat, then I don't think it really counts.
Ūví miđur teljist ūiđ pabbi ekki sem mörg.A lot of people do. Unfortunately, you and Dad do not count as a lot of people.
Því miður teljist þið pabbi ekki sem mörg.Unfortunately, you and Dad do not count as a lot of people.
Lærlingar eða nemar sem stunda starfsþjálfun samkvæmt samningi teljast ekki til starfsmanna.Apprentices or students engaged in vocational training with an apprenticeship or vocational training contract are not taken into account in the headcount.
- Því miður teljast næturathafnir þínar ekki þjónusta við ríkið.Unfortunately, your nocturnal activities don't count as service to the Reich.
Myndi umsķkn í Columbia teljast uppfylling á draumi mínum?Would applying to Columbia count as following my dream?
Klappstýrur teljast samt ekki með.I mean, you gotta count cheerleaders, but yeah.
Ūær teljast ekki međ.They don't count them. - Oh, sorry.
Ef fyrirtækið er sameignarfélag þarf að bæta við hlutfalli af starfsmannafjölda hins fyrirtækisins og upplýsingum um fjárhag við gögn fyrirtækisins þegar hæfi til að teljast lítið eða meðalstórt fyrirtæki er metið. Þetta hlutfall endurspeglar hundraðshluta hlutafjár eða atkvæðisréttar - hvor sem hærri er.If you are a partner enterprise, you must add aproportionof the other enterprise’s staff headcount and financial details to your own datawhen determining your eligibility for SME status.This proportion will reflect the percentage ofshares or voting rights – whichever is the higher– that are held.
Ég veit það ekki Vilborg, ég hef ekki talið þær.I don't know Vilborg I haven't counted them
- Ég hlýt að hafa talið vitlaust.-I must've miscounted.
-Ég hef ekki talið þau, en börnin þrífast.I've never counted them, but the children seem to be fine.
Ég hafði talið hvert augnhár á bókasafninu á meðan hann las um Abelard og Heloise sem er án efa dapurlegasta ástarsaga allra tíma.I counted them all in the library, Abelard and Heloise as he read. The most tragic love story ever.
-Viltu ađ ég telji aftur?- You want me to count it again?
Einhver telji 1, 2, 3, byrja.Someone count 1, 2, 3, go.
Nema maður telji tíu unglingafangelsi með, en þar eyddi hann æskunni.Well, not unless you count 10 or so juvenile correction facilities, where he spent his childhood.
Viltu að ég telji fuglana?You want me to count the birds?
Viltu ađ ég telji fuglana?You want me to count the birds?
Ég trúi ekki ađ Ūú teljir spil.I can't believe you count cards.
Ég trúi ekki að Þú teljir spil.I can't believe you count cards.
Í ūetta sinn legg ég til ađ ūú gerir eins og Schaller og teljir næturbælin til ađ sjá hve margir ūeir kunna ađ vera.This time when you begin, I suggest you follow Schaller. Try counting night nests as a guide to how many there might be.
Í þetta sinn legg ég til að þú gerir eins og Schaller og teljir næturbælin til að sjá hve margir þeir kunna að vera.This time, I suggest you follow Schaller... ...and try counting night nests as a guide to how many there might be,
Nema ūú teljir ekki međ ađ vera í ísköldum San Francisco-flķa í ūrjá mánuđi, ađ mæla mengun og vera stungin af marglyttu og ég segi ūér ekki hvađ ūau ūurftu ađ gera til ađ lina sársaukann.Unless you don't count wading in the freezing-cold San Francisco Bay for three months, measuring PCBs and getting stung by jellyfish, which I won't even tell you what they had to do to take the pain away.

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