Terpasang (to do) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of terpasang

Present tense
I do
Past tense
sudah terpasang
I did
Present perfect tense
sudah terpasang
I have done
Future perfect tense
akan sudah terpasang
I will have done
Future recent tense
terpasang nanti
I will do
Future distant tense
terpasang kelak
I am going to do
Present continuous tense
sedang terpasang
I do
Past distant tense
dulu terpasang
I (a long time ago) did
Past recent tense
terpasang tadi
I (recently) did
Past very recent tense
baru saja terpasang
I (just now) did

Examples of terpasang

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Pendingin yang terpasang dan tidak mengambang di air !One that's bolted down and not floating in the water!
Aku tak ingat ada jeruji terpasang di jendela-jendela ini.I don't remember bars being on these windows.
Kabel baterai tak terpasang.Your battery cable has come undone.
Jika rupa, muka like anjing ini yang gendut terpasang layar, kamu jadilah ke luar dari suatu pekerjaan.If this dog looks tubby on screen, you're out of a job.
Satu nama yang digunakan untuk tumbuh terpasang!It's just the name of my dog in my childhood.

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