Menghasut (to incite) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menghasut

Present tense
I incite
Past tense
sudah menghasut
I incited
Present perfect tense
sudah menghasut
I have incited
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghasut
I will have incited
Future recent tense
menghasut nanti
I will incite
Future distant tense
menghasut kelak
I am going to incite
Present continuous tense
sedang menghasut
I incite
Past distant tense
dulu menghasut
I (a long time ago) incited
Past recent tense
menghasut tadi
I (recently) incited
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghasut
I (just now) incited

Examples of menghasut

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
" Yang menghasut penderitaan sakit manis dalam hati. . ""the agony incites a sweet pain in the heart. . "
Sbg Komandan kamp Jerman kau tahu Konvensi Jenewa melarang utk menghasut kerusuhan.As the German Camp Commandant you know the Geneva Convention forbids you to incite a riot.
Menurut keterangan Unalaq..., Kau menghadiri pertemuan dimana Varrick mencoba menghasut perang saudara.According to Unalaq's testimony, you attended a meeting where Varrick tried to incite a civil war.
Varrick menghasut pemberontakan. Tapi Korra menghentikan pemberontak Yang mau menculik pamannya.Varrick incited an uprising, but Korra stopped the rebels from abducting her uncle.
"Yahudi memfitnah kita dan menghasut musuh2 kita."The Jew slandered us and incited our enemies.

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