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Sous-traiter (to outsource) conjugation

14 examples

Conjugation of sous-traiter

Present tense
je sous-traite
I outsource
tu sous-traites
you outsource
il/elle/on sous-traite
he/she/it outsources
nous sous-traitons
we outsource
vous sous-traitez
you all outsource
ils/elles sous-traitent
they outsource
Present perfect tense
j’ai sous-traité
I outsourced
tu as sous-traité
you outsourced
il/elle/on a sous-traité
he/she/it outsourced
nous avons sous-traité
we outsourced
vous avez sous-traité
you all outsourced
ils/elles ont sous-traité
they outsourced
Past impf. tense
je sous-traitais
I was outsourcing
tu sous-traitais
you were outsourcing
il/elle/on sous-traitait
he/she/it was outsourcing
nous sous-traitions
we were outsourcing
vous sous-traitiez
you all were outsourcing
ils/elles sous-traitaient
they were outsourcing
Future tense
je sous-traiterai
I will outsource
tu sous-traiteras
you will outsource
il/elle/on sous-traitera
he/she/it will outsource
nous sous-traiterons
we will outsource
vous sous-traiterez
you all will outsource
ils/elles sous-traiteront
they will outsource
Past perfect tense
j’avais sous-traité
I had outsourced
tu avais sous-traité
you had outsourced
il/elle/on avait sous-traité
he/she/it had outsourced
nous avions sous-traité
we had outsourced
vous aviez sous-traité
you all had outsourced
ils/elles avaient sous-traité
they had outsourced
Past preterite tense
je sous-traitai
I outsourced
tu sous-traitas
you outsourced
il/elle/on sous-traita
he/she/it outsourced
nous sous-traitâmes
we outsourced
vous sous-traitâtes
you all outsourced
ils/elles sous-traitèrent
they outsourced
Past anterior tense
j’eus sous-traité
I had outsourced
tu eus sous-traité
you had outsourced
il/elle/on eut sous-traité
he/she/it had outsourced
nous eûmes sous-traité
we had outsourced
vous eûtes sous-traité
you all had outsourced
ils/elles eurent sous-traité
they had outsourced
Future perfect tense
j’aurai sous-traité
I will have outsourced
tu auras sous-traité
you will have outsourced
il/elle/on aura sous-traité
he/she/it will have outsourced
nous aurons sous-traité
we will have outsourced
vous aurez sous-traité
you all will have outsourced
ils/elles auront sous-traité
they will have outsourced
Present subjunctive tense
que je sous-traite
that I outsource
que tu sous-traites
that you outsource
qu’il/elle/on sous-traite
that he/she/it outsource
que nous sous-traitions
that we outsource
que vous sous-traitiez
that you all outsource
qu’ils/elles sous-traitent
that they outsource
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie sous-traité
that I have outsourced
que tu aies sous-traité
that you have outsourced
qu’il/elle/on ait sous-traité
that he/she/it have outsourced
que nous ayons sous-traité
that we have outsourced
que vous ayez sous-traité
that you all have outsourced
qu’ils/elles aient sous-traité
that they have outsourced
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je sous-traitasse
that I would outsource
que tu sous-traitasses
that you would outsource
qu’il/elle/on sous-traitât
that he/she/it would outsource
que nous sous-traitassions
that we would outsource
que vous sous-traitassiez
that you all would outsource
qu’ils/elles sous-traitassent
that they would outsource
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse sous-traité
that I had outsourced
que tu eusses sous-traité
that you had outsourced
qu’il/elle/on eût sous-traité
that he/she/it had outsourced
que nous eussions sous-traité
that we had outsourced
que vous eussiez sous-traité
that you all had outsourced
qu’ils/elles eussent sous-traité
that they had outsourced
Conditional mood
je sous-traiterais
I would outsource
tu sous-traiterais
you would outsource
il/elle/on sous-traiterait
he/she/it would outsource
nous sous-traiterions
we would outsource
vous sous-traiteriez
you all would outsource
ils/elles sous-traiteraient
they would outsource
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais sous-traité
I would have outsourced
tu aurais sous-traité
you would have outsourced
il/elle/on aurait sous-traité
he/she/it would have outsourced
nous aurions sous-traité
we would have outsourced
vous auriez sous-traité
you all would have outsourced
ils/elles auraient sous-traité
they would have outsourced
Imperative mood
let's outsource!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie sous-traité
have outsourced
ayons sous-traité
let's have outsourced
ayez sous-traité
have outsourced

Examples of sous-traiter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
C'est trop de boulot, je vais devoir sous-traiter.Well, it's too big. I'm gonna have to outsource some of the work.
Est-ce qu'ils veulent sous-traiter mon boulot à Bangalore ?Are they planning to outsource my job to Bangalore?
Heureusement, on peut sous-traiter pour ça.Well, hopefully, we can outsource that.
Il nous arrive d'être limité, et parfois, on doit sous-traiter.Special Operations Group can only do so much, so sometimes we have to outsource.
Ils font sous-traiter au Bangladesh où ils peuvent esploiter des enfants dans un environnement non contrôlé.? They outsourced to Bangladesh where they can use really young kids in a totally unregulated environment.
A la place, ils ont sous-traité le travail, en payant pour chaque voiture remorquée.Instead, they outsourced the job, paying of each towed car.
A mon dernier boulot, ils ont sous-traité et terminé.At my last job, they have outsourced and completed.
Quelqu'un a fait sous-traité ses soins de santé et s'est adressé au mauvais prestataire.Someone outsourced their health care to the wrong provider.
Soit les Russes ignorent tout, soit ils ont sous-traité. Dans les deux cas, ils opposent un démenti raisonnable.The Russian government doesn't know or they outsourced the job... either way, they've got deniability that's plausible enough.
Un établissement privé sous-traité par le département de justice.A privately owned penitentiary outsourced by the DOJ.
Donc sous-traite une partie de mes prélèvements à d'autres.So I outsource some of my harvesting to subcontractors.
On sous-traite à des graphistes qui s'occupent de tout.We outsource to graphic designers who put these things together for us.
Tu sous-traites avec moi, je sous-traite à Maya.you outsource to me, i outsource to maya.
En dehors de notre sous-traitant local toute la production vient d'Asie, Tout semble en ordre.Aside from our country outsourcing all its manufacturing needs to Asia, everything seems to be in order.

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