Se hollywoodiser (to venture) conjugation


Conjugation of se hollywoodiser

Present tense
je me hollywoodise
I venture
tu tu te hollywoodises
you venture
il/elle/on il/elle/on se hollywoodise
he/she/it ventures
nous nous nous hollywoodisons
we venture
vous vous vous hollywoodisez
you all venture
ils/elles ils/elles se hollywoodisent
they venture
Present perfect tense
je me suis hollywoodisé
I ventured
tu t’es hollywoodisé
you ventured
il/elle/on s’est hollywoodisé
he/she/it ventured
nous nous sommes hollywoodisés
we ventured
vous vous êtes hollywoodisés
you all ventured
ils/elles se sont hollywoodisés
they ventured
Past impf. tense
je me hollywoodisais
I was venturing
tu tu te hollywoodisais
you were venturing
il/elle/on il/elle/on se hollywoodisait
he/she/it was venturing
nous nous nous hollywoodisions
we were venturing
vous vous vous hollywoodisiez
you all were venturing
ils/elles ils/elles se hollywoodisaient
they were venturing
Future tense
je me hollywoodiserai
I will venture
tu tu te hollywoodiseras
you will venture
il/elle/on il/elle/on se hollywoodisera
he/she/it will venture
nous nous nous hollywoodiserons
we will venture
vous vous vous hollywoodiserez
you all will venture
ils/elles ils/elles se hollywoodiseront
they will venture
Past perfect tense
je m’étais hollywoodisé
I had ventured
tu t’étais hollywoodisé
you had ventured
il/elle/on s’était hollywoodisé
he/she/it had ventured
nous nous étions hollywoodisés
we had ventured
vous vous étiez hollywoodisés
you all had ventured
ils/elles s’étaient hollywoodisés
they had ventured
Past preterite tense
je me hollywoodisai
I ventured
tu tu te hollywoodisas
you ventured
il/elle/on il/elle/on se hollywoodisa
he/she/it ventured
nous nous nous hollywoodisâmes
we ventured
vous vous vous hollywoodisâtes
you all ventured
ils/elles ils/elles se hollywoodisèrent
they ventured
Past anterior tense
je me fus hollywoodisé
I had ventured
tu te fus hollywoodisé
you had ventured
il/elle/on se fut hollywoodisé
he/she/it had ventured
nous nous fûmes hollywoodisés
we had ventured
vous vous fûtes hollywoodisés
you all had ventured
ils/elles se furent hollywoodisés
they had ventured
Future perfect tense
je me serai hollywoodisé
I will have ventured
tu te seras hollywoodisé
you will have ventured
il/elle/on se sera hollywoodisé
he/she/it will have ventured
nous nous serons hollywoodisés
we will have ventured
vous vous serez hollywoodisés
you all will have ventured
ils/elles se seront hollywoodisés
they will have ventured
Present subjunctive tense
que je me hollywoodise
that I venture
que tu te hollywoodises
that you venture
qu’il/elle/on se hollywoodise
that he/she/it venture
que nous nous hollywoodisions
that we venture
que vous vous hollywoodisiez
that you all venture
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se hollywoodisent
that they venture
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois hollywoodisé
that I have ventured
que tu te sois hollywoodisé
that you have ventured
qu’il/elle/on se soit hollywoodisé
that he/she/it have ventured
que nous nous soyons hollywoodisés
that we have ventured
que vous vous soyez hollywoodisés
that you all have ventured
qu’ils/elles se soient hollywoodisés
that they have ventured
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me hollywoodisasse
that I would venture
que tu te hollywoodisasses
that you would venture
qu’il/elle/on se hollywoodisât
that he/she/it would venture
que nous nous hollywoodisassions
that we would venture
que vous vous hollywoodisassiez
that you all would venture
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se hollywoodisassent
that they would venture
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse hollywoodisé
that I had ventured
que tu te fusses hollywoodisé
that you had ventured
qu’il/elle/on se fût hollywoodisé
that he/she/it had ventured
que nous nous fussions hollywoodisés
that we had ventured
que vous vous fussiez hollywoodisés
that you all had ventured
qu’ils/elles se fussent hollywoodisés
that they had ventured
Conditional mood
je me hollywoodiserais
I would venture
tu tu te hollywoodiserais
you would venture
il/elle/on il/elle/on se hollywoodiserait
he/she/it would venture
nous nous nous hollywoodiserions
we would venture
vous vous vous hollywoodiseriez
you all would venture
ils/elles ils/elles se hollywoodiseraient
they would venture
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais hollywoodisé
I would have ventured
tu te serais hollywoodisé
you would have ventured
il/elle/on se serait hollywoodisé
he/she/it would have ventured
nous nous serions hollywoodisés
we would have ventured
vous vous seriez hollywoodisés
you all would have ventured
ils/elles se seraient hollywoodisés
they would have ventured
Imperative mood
let's venture!

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