Se dire (to say to each other) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of se dire

Present tense
je me dis
I say to each other
tu tu te dis
you say to each other
il/elle/on il/elle/on se dit
he/she/it says to each other
nous nous nous disons
we say to each other
vous vous vous dites
you all say to each other
ils/elles ils/elles se disent
they say to each other
Present perfect tense
je me suis dit
I said to each other
tu t’es dit
you said to each other
il/elle/on s’est dit
he/she/it said to each other
nous nous sommes dits
we said to each other
vous vous êtes dits
you all said to each other
ils/elles se sont dits
they said to each other
Past impf. tense
je me disais
I was saying to each other
tu tu te disais
you were saying to each other
il/elle/on il/elle/on se disait
he/she/it was saying to each other
nous nous nous disions
we were saying to each other
vous vous vous disiez
you all were saying to each other
ils/elles ils/elles se disaient
they were saying to each other
Future tense
je me dirai
I will say to each other
tu tu te diras
you will say to each other
il/elle/on il/elle/on se dira
he/she/it will say to each other
nous nous nous dirons
we will say to each other
vous vous vous direz
you all will say to each other
ils/elles ils/elles se diront
they will say to each other
Past perfect tense
je m’étais dit
I had said to each other
tu t’étais dit
you had said to each other
il/elle/on s’était dit
he/she/it had said to each other
nous nous étions dits
we had said to each other
vous vous étiez dits
you all had said to each other
ils/elles s’étaient dits
they had said to each other
Past preterite tense
je me dis
I said to each other
tu tu te dis
you said to each other
il/elle/on il/elle/on se dit
he/she/it said to each other
nous nous nous dîmes
we said to each other
vous vous vous dîtes
you all said to each other
ils/elles ils/elles se dirent
they said to each other
Past anterior tense
je me fus dit
I had said to each other
tu te fus dit
you had said to each other
il/elle/on se fut dit
he/she/it had said to each other
nous nous fûmes dits
we had said to each other
vous vous fûtes dits
you all had said to each other
ils/elles se furent dits
they had said to each other
Future perfect tense
je me serai dit
I will have said to each other
tu te seras dit
you will have said to each other
il/elle/on se sera dit
he/she/it will have said to each other
nous nous serons dits
we will have said to each other
vous vous serez dits
you all will have said to each other
ils/elles se seront dits
they will have said to each other
Present subjunctive tense
que je me dise
that I say to each other
que tu te dises
that you say to each other
qu’il/elle/on se dise
that he/she/it say to each other
que nous nous disions
that we say to each other
que vous vous disiez
that you all say to each other
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se disent
that they say to each other
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois dit
that I have said to each other
que tu te sois dit
that you have said to each other
qu’il/elle/on se soit dit
that he/she/it have said to each other
que nous nous soyons dits
that we have said to each other
que vous vous soyez dits
that you all have said to each other
qu’ils/elles se soient dits
that they have said to each other
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me disse
that I would say to each other
que tu te disses
that you would say to each other
qu’il/elle/on se dît
that he/she/it would say to each other
que nous nous dissions
that we would say to each other
que vous vous dissiez
that you all would say to each other
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se dissent
that they would say to each other
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse dit
that I had said to each other
que tu te fusses dit
that you had said to each other
qu’il/elle/on se fût dit
that he/she/it had said to each other
que nous nous fussions dits
that we had said to each other
que vous vous fussiez dits
that you all had said to each other
qu’ils/elles se fussent dits
that they had said to each other
Conditional mood
je me dirais
I would say to each other
tu tu te dirais
you would say to each other
il/elle/on il/elle/on se dirait
he/she/it would say to each other
nous nous nous dirions
we would say to each other
vous vous vous diriez
you all would say to each other
ils/elles ils/elles se diraient
they would say to each other
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais dit
I would have said to each other
tu te serais dit
you would have said to each other
il/elle/on se serait dit
he/she/it would have said to each other
nous nous serions dits
we would have said to each other
vous vous seriez dits
you all would have said to each other
ils/elles se seraient dits
they would have said to each other
Imperative mood
say to each other!
let's say to each other!
say to each other!

Examples of se dire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- On a des choses à se dire.We have things to say to each other.
Attendez que les invités s'énervent et n'aient plus rien à se dire.Wait until the guests are getting hot and running out of things to say to each other.
Avant les portables, personne n'avait autant à se dire.Before cell phones, no one had this much to say to each other.
En France, on avait l'habitude de se dire les uns les autres:In France, we used to say to each other:
Et mon frère... je l'aime, mais... on n'a pas grand-chose à se dire.And my brother... I love him, but... we don't even know what to say to each other.
Elles devraient juste s'excuser pour tout ce qu'elles ont dit l'une à l'autre pendant leur crêpage de chignon.They should just apologize for whatever they said to each other in that cat fight.
En 3 ans, on ne s'est jamais dit une seule fois : "Je t'aime".Did you ever stop to think, Porter, that in over three years, there's one word we've never said to each other, even in fun?
Et à moins de retrouver l'ordinateur de M. Adams ou de M. Reyes, nous ignorons ce qu'ils se sont dit.So unless we recover Mr. Adams' and Mr. Reyes' computers, we have no idea what they said to each other.
J'ai comme des flashs de ce qu'on s'est dit.I just keep having flashes of things that we said to each other.
Je me souviens de chaque mot qu'on s'est dit.You know that I remember every single word we ever said to each other?

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