Scandaliser (to scandalize) conjugation

11 examples

Conjugation of scandaliser

Present tense
je scandalise
I scandalize
tu scandalises
you scandalize
il/elle/on scandalise
he/she/it scandalizes
nous scandalisons
we scandalize
vous scandalisez
you all scandalize
ils/elles scandalisent
they scandalize
Present perfect tense
j’ai scandalisé
I scandalized
tu as scandalisé
you scandalized
il/elle/on a scandalisé
he/she/it scandalized
nous avons scandalisé
we scandalized
vous avez scandalisé
you all scandalized
ils/elles ont scandalisé
they scandalized
Past impf. tense
je scandalisais
I was scandalizing
tu scandalisais
you were scandalizing
il/elle/on scandalisait
he/she/it was scandalizing
nous scandalisions
we were scandalizing
vous scandalisiez
you all were scandalizing
ils/elles scandalisaient
they were scandalizing
Future tense
je scandaliserai
I will scandalize
tu scandaliseras
you will scandalize
il/elle/on scandalisera
he/she/it will scandalize
nous scandaliserons
we will scandalize
vous scandaliserez
you all will scandalize
ils/elles scandaliseront
they will scandalize
Past perfect tense
j’avais scandalisé
I had scandalized
tu avais scandalisé
you had scandalized
il/elle/on avait scandalisé
he/she/it had scandalized
nous avions scandalisé
we had scandalized
vous aviez scandalisé
you all had scandalized
ils/elles avaient scandalisé
they had scandalized
Past preterite tense
je scandalisai
I scandalized
tu scandalisas
you scandalized
il/elle/on scandalisa
he/she/it scandalized
nous scandalisâmes
we scandalized
vous scandalisâtes
you all scandalized
ils/elles scandalisèrent
they scandalized
Past anterior tense
j’eus scandalisé
I had scandalized
tu eus scandalisé
you had scandalized
il/elle/on eut scandalisé
he/she/it had scandalized
nous eûmes scandalisé
we had scandalized
vous eûtes scandalisé
you all had scandalized
ils/elles eurent scandalisé
they had scandalized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai scandalisé
I will have scandalized
tu auras scandalisé
you will have scandalized
il/elle/on aura scandalisé
he/she/it will have scandalized
nous aurons scandalisé
we will have scandalized
vous aurez scandalisé
you all will have scandalized
ils/elles auront scandalisé
they will have scandalized
Present subjunctive tense
que je scandalise
that I scandalize
que tu scandalises
that you scandalize
qu’il/elle/on scandalise
that he/she/it scandalize
que nous scandalisions
that we scandalize
que vous scandalisiez
that you all scandalize
qu’ils/elles scandalisent
that they scandalize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie scandalisé
that I have scandalized
que tu aies scandalisé
that you have scandalized
qu’il/elle/on ait scandalisé
that he/she/it have scandalized
que nous ayons scandalisé
that we have scandalized
que vous ayez scandalisé
that you all have scandalized
qu’ils/elles aient scandalisé
that they have scandalized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je scandalisasse
that I would scandalize
que tu scandalisasses
that you would scandalize
qu’il/elle/on scandalisât
that he/she/it would scandalize
que nous scandalisassions
that we would scandalize
que vous scandalisassiez
that you all would scandalize
qu’ils/elles scandalisassent
that they would scandalize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse scandalisé
that I had scandalized
que tu eusses scandalisé
that you had scandalized
qu’il/elle/on eût scandalisé
that he/she/it had scandalized
que nous eussions scandalisé
that we had scandalized
que vous eussiez scandalisé
that you all had scandalized
qu’ils/elles eussent scandalisé
that they had scandalized
Conditional mood
je scandaliserais
I would scandalize
tu scandaliserais
you would scandalize
il/elle/on scandaliserait
he/she/it would scandalize
nous scandaliserions
we would scandalize
vous scandaliseriez
you all would scandalize
ils/elles scandaliseraient
they would scandalize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais scandalisé
I would have scandalized
tu aurais scandalisé
you would have scandalized
il/elle/on aurait scandalisé
he/she/it would have scandalized
nous aurions scandalisé
we would have scandalized
vous auriez scandalisé
you all would have scandalized
ils/elles auraient scandalisé
they would have scandalized
Imperative mood
let's scandalize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie scandalisé
have scandalized
ayons scandalisé
let's have scandalized
ayez scandalisé
have scandalized

Examples of scandaliser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Mieux vaut se jeter à la mer que de scandaliser un enfant.""He that scandalizes a child should sooner drown himself in the sea."
- Et scandaliser tout le quartier ?- What, and scandalize the whole neighborhood?
Dans les années 50, on fut scandalisé par les mouvements d'Elvis.In the '50s, everyone was scandalized by Elvis' pelvis.
Depuis ces drogues ont été maltraités soudains, le domaine de la psychiatrie, scandalisé, a dû batailler ferme de se démarquer de relation scientifique avec les psychédéliques.Once these drugs became abused and scandalized, psychiatry had to really work hard you know, to distance themselves from any valid scientific, you know, scientifically meritorious relationship with psychedelics.
Je suis absolument scandalisé.I'm absolutely scandalized.
Le studio était scandalisé, mais le public s'en est délecté.The studio was simply scandalized by it, but the public lapped it up.
Tanya, tu erres sur la pelouse, tu es adorablement délicieuse merci, et sous le porche, les parents ont l'air scandalisé.Tanya, I want you to hover down here on the lawn, looking absolutely delicious. Thank you very much. And up here on the porch, Mom and Dad looking all scandalized.
Je suis un peu scandalise.I'm just a little scandalized is all.
Une Américaine scandalise la société féministe en prêchant le retour au foyer et aux devoirs minutieux de l'éducation.An American woman scandalizes feminist society because she preaches a return to the home and to the minute details of correct upbringing.
Ça te scandalise ?Are you scandalized?
Vous me scandalisez.I'm scandalized at you.

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