Reprioriser (to reprioritize) conjugation


Conjugation of reprioriser

Present tense
je repriorise
I reprioritize
tu repriorises
you reprioritize
il/elle/on repriorise
he/she/it reprioritizes
nous repriorisons
we reprioritize
vous repriorisez
you all reprioritize
ils/elles repriorisent
they reprioritize
Present perfect tense
j’ai repriorisé
I reprioritized
tu as repriorisé
you reprioritized
il/elle/on a repriorisé
he/she/it reprioritized
nous avons repriorisé
we reprioritized
vous avez repriorisé
you all reprioritized
ils/elles ont repriorisé
they reprioritized
Past impf. tense
je repriorisais
I was reprioritizing
tu repriorisais
you were reprioritizing
il/elle/on repriorisait
he/she/it was reprioritizing
nous repriorisions
we were reprioritizing
vous repriorisiez
you all were reprioritizing
ils/elles repriorisaient
they were reprioritizing
Future tense
je reprioriserai
I will reprioritize
tu reprioriseras
you will reprioritize
il/elle/on repriorisera
he/she/it will reprioritize
nous reprioriserons
we will reprioritize
vous reprioriserez
you all will reprioritize
ils/elles reprioriseront
they will reprioritize
Past perfect tense
j’avais repriorisé
I had reprioritized
tu avais repriorisé
you had reprioritized
il/elle/on avait repriorisé
he/she/it had reprioritized
nous avions repriorisé
we had reprioritized
vous aviez repriorisé
you all had reprioritized
ils/elles avaient repriorisé
they had reprioritized
Past preterite tense
je repriorisai
I reprioritized
tu repriorisas
you reprioritized
il/elle/on repriorisa
he/she/it reprioritized
nous repriorisâmes
we reprioritized
vous repriorisâtes
you all reprioritized
ils/elles repriorisèrent
they reprioritized
Past anterior tense
j’eus repriorisé
I had reprioritized
tu eus repriorisé
you had reprioritized
il/elle/on eut repriorisé
he/she/it had reprioritized
nous eûmes repriorisé
we had reprioritized
vous eûtes repriorisé
you all had reprioritized
ils/elles eurent repriorisé
they had reprioritized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai repriorisé
I will have reprioritized
tu auras repriorisé
you will have reprioritized
il/elle/on aura repriorisé
he/she/it will have reprioritized
nous aurons repriorisé
we will have reprioritized
vous aurez repriorisé
you all will have reprioritized
ils/elles auront repriorisé
they will have reprioritized
Present subjunctive tense
que je repriorise
that I reprioritize
que tu repriorises
that you reprioritize
qu’il/elle/on repriorise
that he/she/it reprioritize
que nous repriorisions
that we reprioritize
que vous repriorisiez
that you all reprioritize
qu’ils/elles repriorisent
that they reprioritize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie repriorisé
that I have reprioritized
que tu aies repriorisé
that you have reprioritized
qu’il/elle/on ait repriorisé
that he/she/it have reprioritized
que nous ayons repriorisé
that we have reprioritized
que vous ayez repriorisé
that you all have reprioritized
qu’ils/elles aient repriorisé
that they have reprioritized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je repriorisasse
that I would reprioritize
que tu repriorisasses
that you would reprioritize
qu’il/elle/on repriorisât
that he/she/it would reprioritize
que nous repriorisassions
that we would reprioritize
que vous repriorisassiez
that you all would reprioritize
qu’ils/elles repriorisassent
that they would reprioritize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse repriorisé
that I had reprioritized
que tu eusses repriorisé
that you had reprioritized
qu’il/elle/on eût repriorisé
that he/she/it had reprioritized
que nous eussions repriorisé
that we had reprioritized
que vous eussiez repriorisé
that you all had reprioritized
qu’ils/elles eussent repriorisé
that they had reprioritized
Conditional mood
je reprioriserais
I would reprioritize
tu reprioriserais
you would reprioritize
il/elle/on reprioriserait
he/she/it would reprioritize
nous reprioriserions
we would reprioritize
vous reprioriseriez
you all would reprioritize
ils/elles reprioriseraient
they would reprioritize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais repriorisé
I would have reprioritized
tu aurais repriorisé
you would have reprioritized
il/elle/on aurait repriorisé
he/she/it would have reprioritized
nous aurions repriorisé
we would have reprioritized
vous auriez repriorisé
you all would have reprioritized
ils/elles auraient repriorisé
they would have reprioritized
Imperative mood
let's reprioritize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie repriorisé
have reprioritized
ayons repriorisé
let's have reprioritized
ayez repriorisé
have reprioritized

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