Grillager (to surround with a wire fence) conjugation


Conjugation of grillager

Present tense
je grillage
I surround with a wire fence
tu grillages
you surround with a wire fence
il/elle/on grillage
he/she/it surrounds with a wire fence
nous grillageons
we surround with a wire fence
vous grillagez
you all surround with a wire fence
ils/elles grillagent
they surround with a wire fence
Present perfect tense
j’ai grillagé
I surrounded with a wire fence
tu as grillagé
you surrounded with a wire fence
il/elle/on a grillagé
he/she/it surrounded with a wire fence
nous avons grillagé
we surrounded with a wire fence
vous avez grillagé
you all surrounded with a wire fence
ils/elles ont grillagé
they surrounded with a wire fence
Past impf. tense
je grillageais
I was surrounding with a wire fence
tu grillageais
you were surrounding with a wire fence
il/elle/on grillageait
he/she/it was surrounding with a wire fence
nous grillagions
we were surrounding with a wire fence
vous grillagiez
you all were surrounding with a wire fence
ils/elles grillageaient
they were surrounding with a wire fence
Future tense
je grillagerai
I will surround with a wire fence
tu grillageras
you will surround with a wire fence
il/elle/on grillagera
he/she/it will surround with a wire fence
nous grillagerons
we will surround with a wire fence
vous grillagerez
you all will surround with a wire fence
ils/elles grillageront
they will surround with a wire fence
Past perfect tense
j’avais grillagé
I had surrounded with a wire fence
tu avais grillagé
you had surrounded with a wire fence
il/elle/on avait grillagé
he/she/it had surrounded with a wire fence
nous avions grillagé
we had surrounded with a wire fence
vous aviez grillagé
you all had surrounded with a wire fence
ils/elles avaient grillagé
they had surrounded with a wire fence
Past preterite tense
je grillageai
I surrounded with a wire fence
tu grillageas
you surrounded with a wire fence
il/elle/on grillagea
he/she/it surrounded with a wire fence
nous grillageâmes
we surrounded with a wire fence
vous grillageâtes
you all surrounded with a wire fence
ils/elles grillagèrent
they surrounded with a wire fence
Past anterior tense
j’eus grillagé
I had surrounded with a wire fence
tu eus grillagé
you had surrounded with a wire fence
il/elle/on eut grillagé
he/she/it had surrounded with a wire fence
nous eûmes grillagé
we had surrounded with a wire fence
vous eûtes grillagé
you all had surrounded with a wire fence
ils/elles eurent grillagé
they had surrounded with a wire fence
Future perfect tense
j’aurai grillagé
I will have surrounded with a wire fence
tu auras grillagé
you will have surrounded with a wire fence
il/elle/on aura grillagé
he/she/it will have surrounded with a wire fence
nous aurons grillagé
we will have surrounded with a wire fence
vous aurez grillagé
you all will have surrounded with a wire fence
ils/elles auront grillagé
they will have surrounded with a wire fence
Present subjunctive tense
que je grillage
that I surround with a wire fence
que tu grillages
that you surround with a wire fence
qu’il/elle/on grillage
that he/she/it surround with a wire fence
que nous grillagions
that we surround with a wire fence
que vous grillagiez
that you all surround with a wire fence
qu’ils/elles grillagent
that they surround with a wire fence
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie grillagé
that I have surrounded with a wire fence
que tu aies grillagé
that you have surrounded with a wire fence
qu’il/elle/on ait grillagé
that he/she/it have surrounded with a wire fence
que nous ayons grillagé
that we have surrounded with a wire fence
que vous ayez grillagé
that you all have surrounded with a wire fence
qu’ils/elles aient grillagé
that they have surrounded with a wire fence
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je grillageasse
that I would surround with a wire fence
que tu grillageasses
that you would surround with a wire fence
qu’il/elle/on grillageât
that he/she/it would surround with a wire fence
que nous grillageassions
that we would surround with a wire fence
que vous grillageassiez
that you all would surround with a wire fence
qu’ils/elles grillageassent
that they would surround with a wire fence
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse grillagé
that I had surrounded with a wire fence
que tu eusses grillagé
that you had surrounded with a wire fence
qu’il/elle/on eût grillagé
that he/she/it had surrounded with a wire fence
que nous eussions grillagé
that we had surrounded with a wire fence
que vous eussiez grillagé
that you all had surrounded with a wire fence
qu’ils/elles eussent grillagé
that they had surrounded with a wire fence
Conditional mood
je grillagerais
I would surround with a wire fence
tu grillagerais
you would surround with a wire fence
il/elle/on grillagerait
he/she/it would surround with a wire fence
nous grillagerions
we would surround with a wire fence
vous grillageriez
you all would surround with a wire fence
ils/elles grillageraient
they would surround with a wire fence
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais grillagé
I would have surrounded with a wire fence
tu aurais grillagé
you would have surrounded with a wire fence
il/elle/on aurait grillagé
he/she/it would have surrounded with a wire fence
nous aurions grillagé
we would have surrounded with a wire fence
vous auriez grillagé
you all would have surrounded with a wire fence
ils/elles auraient grillagé
they would have surrounded with a wire fence
Imperative mood
surround with a wire fence!
let's surround with a wire fence!
surround with a wire fence!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie grillagé
have surrounded with a wire fence
ayons grillagé
let's have surrounded with a wire fence
ayez grillagé
have surrounded with a wire fence

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