Coudoyer (to put a bend in) conjugation


Conjugation of coudoyer

Present tense
je coudoie
I put a bend in
tu coudoies
you put a bend in
il/elle/on coudoie
he/she/it puts a bend in
nous coudoyons
we put a bend in
vous coudoyez
you all put a bend in
ils/elles coudoient
they put a bend in
Present perfect tense
j’ai coudoyé
I put a bend in
tu as coudoyé
you put a bend in
il/elle/on a coudoyé
he/she/it put a bend in
nous avons coudoyé
we put a bend in
vous avez coudoyé
you all put a bend in
ils/elles ont coudoyé
they put a bend in
Past impf. tense
je coudoyais
I was putting a bend in
tu coudoyais
you were putting a bend in
il/elle/on coudoyait
he/she/it was putting a bend in
nous coudoyions
we were putting a bend in
vous coudoyiez
you all were putting a bend in
ils/elles coudoyaient
they were putting a bend in
Future tense
je coudoierai
I will put a bend in
tu coudoieras
you will put a bend in
il/elle/on coudoiera
he/she/it will put a bend in
nous coudoierons
we will put a bend in
vous coudoierez
you all will put a bend in
ils/elles coudoieront
they will put a bend in
Past perfect tense
j’avais coudoyé
I had put a bend in
tu avais coudoyé
you had put a bend in
il/elle/on avait coudoyé
he/she/it had put a bend in
nous avions coudoyé
we had put a bend in
vous aviez coudoyé
you all had put a bend in
ils/elles avaient coudoyé
they had put a bend in
Past preterite tense
je coudoyai
I put a bend in
tu coudoyas
you put a bend in
il/elle/on coudoya
he/she/it put a bend in
nous coudoyâmes
we put a bend in
vous coudoyâtes
you all put a bend in
ils/elles coudoyèrent
they put a bend in
Past anterior tense
j’eus coudoyé
I had put a bend in
tu eus coudoyé
you had put a bend in
il/elle/on eut coudoyé
he/she/it had put a bend in
nous eûmes coudoyé
we had put a bend in
vous eûtes coudoyé
you all had put a bend in
ils/elles eurent coudoyé
they had put a bend in
Future perfect tense
j’aurai coudoyé
I will have put a bend in
tu auras coudoyé
you will have put a bend in
il/elle/on aura coudoyé
he/she/it will have put a bend in
nous aurons coudoyé
we will have put a bend in
vous aurez coudoyé
you all will have put a bend in
ils/elles auront coudoyé
they will have put a bend in
Present subjunctive tense
que je coudoie
that I put a bend in
que tu coudoies
that you put a bend in
qu’il/elle/on coudoie
that he/she/it put a bend in
que nous coudoyions
that we put a bend in
que vous coudoyiez
that you all put a bend in
qu’ils/elles coudoient
that they put a bend in
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie coudoyé
that I have put a bend in
que tu aies coudoyé
that you have put a bend in
qu’il/elle/on ait coudoyé
that he/she/it have put a bend in
que nous ayons coudoyé
that we have put a bend in
que vous ayez coudoyé
that you all have put a bend in
qu’ils/elles aient coudoyé
that they have put a bend in
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je coudoyasse
that I would put a bend in
que tu coudoyasses
that you would put a bend in
qu’il/elle/on coudoyât
that he/she/it would put a bend in
que nous coudoyassions
that we would put a bend in
que vous coudoyassiez
that you all would put a bend in
qu’ils/elles coudoyassent
that they would put a bend in
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse coudoyé
that I had put a bend in
que tu eusses coudoyé
that you had put a bend in
qu’il/elle/on eût coudoyé
that he/she/it had put a bend in
que nous eussions coudoyé
that we had put a bend in
que vous eussiez coudoyé
that you all had put a bend in
qu’ils/elles eussent coudoyé
that they had put a bend in
Conditional mood
je coudoierais
I would put a bend in
tu coudoierais
you would put a bend in
il/elle/on coudoierait
he/she/it would put a bend in
nous coudoierions
we would put a bend in
vous coudoieriez
you all would put a bend in
ils/elles coudoieraient
they would put a bend in
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais coudoyé
I would have put a bend in
tu aurais coudoyé
you would have put a bend in
il/elle/on aurait coudoyé
he/she/it would have put a bend in
nous aurions coudoyé
we would have put a bend in
vous auriez coudoyé
you all would have put a bend in
ils/elles auraient coudoyé
they would have put a bend in
Imperative mood
put a bend in!
let's put a bend in!
put a bend in!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie coudoyé
have put a bend in
ayons coudoyé
let's have put a bend in
ayez coudoyé
have put a bend in

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